Title Screen.
The beginning of the instructions.
You can also dress him in this game too.
Now to pick which two items I want to start with.
The story mode in progress.
Gotta love fire ants.
The map and health screen.
I know staring at the sun was dangerous, but this is ridiculous.
Now who brings bear traps to the park?
Nothing like rolling in a pile of medical waste at the beach.
Perhaps calling her Helga the Horrible wasn't such a good idea.
Uh, Stan? I think you're supposed to point that...never mind.
Lucky got so tired of people stealing his Lucky Charms he wasn't gonna let it happen anymore.
No, he's not dead yet, just these buzzards are too damn impatient.
I sure hope that's grease he's laying in.
I got the jingle from the Ren & Stimpy going through my head when I do this..."Don't whiz on the electric fence!"
Now that looks incredibly painful. (Can you spot the ATHF reference in this scene?)
I'm afraid to ask.
Yeah, jacking up a fold up table and dropping it on him, kinda odd.
Hey, I died so I won...wait, if I died that means I lose, but I'm supposed too...
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