
Moby ID: 35529

Im von Jonathan Blow, dem Gewinner des Independent Games Festivals, entwickelten Xbox LIVE Arcade-Game Braid müsst ihr die Zeit manipulieren, um Rätsel lösen zu können. Hört sich abgefahren an? Ist es auch! Und genau deswegen macht das Game so viel Spaß. Habt ihr beim Lösen der kniffligen Puzzles Probleme, dreht ihr einfach die Zeit zurück!

Source: (German)

Braid is a puzzle-platformer, drawn in a painterly style, where the player manipulates the flow of time in strange and unusual ways. From a house in the city, journey to a series of worlds and solve puzzles to rescue an abducted princess. In each world, you have a different power to affect the way time behaves, and it is time's strangeness that creates the puzzles. The time behaviors include: the ability to rewind, objects that are immune to being rewound, time that is tied to space, parallel realities, time dilation, and perhaps more. Braid treats your time and attention as precious; there is no filler in this game. Every puzzle shows you something new and interesting about the game world.

  • Forgiving yet challenging gameplay: Braid is a 2-D platform game where you can never die and never lose. Despite this, Braid is challenging—but the challenge is about solving puzzles, rather than forcing you to replay tricky jumps.
  • Rich puzzle environment: Travel through a series of worlds searching for puzzle pieces, then solving puzzles by manipulating time: rewinding, creating parallel universes, setting up pockets of dilated time. The gameplay feels fresh and new; the puzzles are meant to inspire new ways of thinking.
  • Aesthetic design: A painterly art style and lush, organic soundtrack complement the unique gameplay.
  • Nonlinear story: A nonlinear fiction links the various worlds and provides real-world metaphors for your time manipulations; in turn, your time manipulations are projections of the real-world themes into playful "what-if" universes where consequences can be explored.
  • Nonlinear gameplay: The game doesn't force you to solve puzzles in order to proceed. If you can't figure something out, just play onward and return to that puzzle later.


Однажды Тим совершил серьезную ошибку, результатом которой стала трагедия – его возлюбленную, прекрасную принцессу, похитило злобное чудовище. Молодой человек решает спасти девушку. Для этого ему понадобится не только сила, но и хитрость – на пути в логово чудовища молодого человека ждут сражения и хитроумные головоломки. Только способность Тима поворачивать вспять время поможет ему добиться успеха и освободить любимую.

Особенности игры:

  • красивая история любви
  • более 60 сложных и интересных головоломок
  • красивая графика и музыка
  • возможность поворачивать вспять игровое время


Game's page at Russobit-M website

Single Player, HD (High Definition). Manipulate the flow of time. Rescue the Princess. Contemplate the world; save yourself. The full version of Braid allows you to visit all the worlds, and thus use all the time-manipulation powers.


Contributed by Starbuck the Third, Klaster_1, Yearman.

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