Dead or Alive 2
Sit down, shut up, and play. This is real fighting action - sexy and edgy. It's Hardcore for sure! Let the fighters of Dead or Alive 2 take you to places you've only dreamed of. But don't get too close to these beauties because they're capable of turning on you in an instant, leaving you battered, bruised, and asking for more. Drool over lush backgrounds, meticulously detailed with the most advanced techniques in lighting and texturing ever seen. Exclusive multi-tiered fighting stages let you toss you opponents through cathedral windows, over cascading waterfalls, and off towering rooftops to continue the fight below. But, the action doesn't stop there. Enter Tag-Battle mode where up to four players can engage in two-on-two bouts using vicious combos and mind-blowing special moves. Experience the most responsive and realistic fighting action ever developed as you compete for the Dead or Alive 2 World Combat Championship.
You've been warned... Think you're hardcore enough to play?
Back Cover
We've all got weaknesses.
Back Cover (PAL)
Can you get out of a reverse arm lock?
Can you defend a kick to the head?
But can you prevent a spine-breaking, double somersault, combo dragon-lightning, knucle uppercut ... ?
Don't take your punishment lying down. Enter the Dead or Alive 2 Championship and fight back.
Back Cover (PAL)
The world has become a very chaotic and disoriented place ever since the tragic murder of Fame Douglas, the sponsor of the legendary "Dead or Alive I World Combat Championship". We must now rely on you to ensure that the world returns back to a state of peace.
With 12 characters to choose from, your mission is to win the championship and save the world from the Tengu Disaster that will take place at the century's end. Your ability to battle using various fighting techniques will determine your characters fate.
Will you fight for life or fight to the death?
Back Cover (DC PAL)
MEILLÄ KAIKILLA ON HEIKKOUTEMME - Pääsetkö irti käänteisestä rannelukosta?
Osaatko välttää päähän suuntautuvia potkuja?
Entä osaatko torjua selkärankaa piinaavia kaksoisvoltti-lohikäärmehyppy-rystyskoukku-yhdistelmiä...?
Heitä vastustajasi ikkunan läpi ja hyppää kymmenen kerroksen loikalla viimeistelemään homma!
Ympäristö on todellinen- posauta räjähteitä, murskaa ikkunoita, kahlaa vedessä, tuhoa seiniä...
Dead or Alive 2 -pelissä on 10 tyrmäävän tehokasta taistelutilaa!
Back of Case - Playstation 2 (Finland Release)
Contributed by Kartanym, Rascal, karttu, Ray Soderlund.