Iguana Entertainment logo killed Kenny, you bastard!
Game disclaimer.
Intro movie scene as seen on TV series.
Title screen.
Character select screen.
Chef talking with the kids.
Aiming a turkey.
PlayStation screenshots
Game disclaimer.
Intro movie scene, like the cartoon.
Title screen/main menu.
Character select screen.
Mission objective.
Movie scene: It's Chef.
Shooting turkeys.
Windows screenshots
Introduction, straight from the cartoon
Title Screen
It's Chef!
Turkey KO
More Turkeys
South Park, CO
Renaissance Faire
Freak Out!
Outside of town... more snow and turkeys.
Iguana Entertainment
Cheesy Poofs aka health
Chef giving instructions
Extra big mother turkey
This is not beautiful
Most levels have a Luv Shack you can enter for a briefing from Chef.
Inside the Luv Shack, Chef lays out the mission.
Plungers stick to enemies and can be recovered.
These visitors are about to feel the sting of a Terrance fart doll.
Stan is frustrated at having to repeatedly save the town, and I agree with him.
Levels begin with a search for the three other kids.
Have a snowball, fat-ass.
Large "tank" enemies spawn smaller "minion" enemies. You have to stop the tanks.
All weapons have a secondary fire. Here, you throw a yellow snowball for "splash damage"
Any tanks that escape the level must be faced in a penalty round. Kill them before they destroy the town!
Stage tally
Huge Mother Turkey
The clones are in the city
Hey there Mr. Hanky!
That's an armor suit
Throwing snowballs at a UFO
Shooting aliens with the cow launcher (the strongest weapon in the game)
Inside alien UFO
UFO core
You can swim and get some items
Setting up multiplayer game
Each stage starts with basic instructions
That's a long way down, but luckily falling doesn't hurt you
Inside robot factory
Using sniper chicken on robot boss
Yes, they did
Toy tanks
Hit by a puking doll
This weapon is basically a machine gun
Toy planes drop bombs
DNA test ad
Approaching toy store - the center of evil
Inside the toy store
Ultra Mega Mega Man - the final boss
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