aka: Z Origins: Z The Game, Z: The Game

DOS version

Rebel_lord's Review of Z

The Good
-Top Notch AI

-Excellent Graphics

-Lots of Details

-Different Units

-Fun Multiplayer

The Bad
-No allying in Multiplayer

-Only 3 different types of units: Veichles, Infantry and Turrets

-AI has navagational difficulties

-AI is quite hard sometimes.

-Not much replayability value since no Internet Multiplayer option (Zone/Kali don't work either with the IPX trick)

The Bottom Line
Perhaps one of the more original Real Time Strategy games around. Instead of mining/resource gathering or having a limited budget. The game is focus on to Capture the Flag senarios (correct me if it's a mistake). Basically you have 1 side and your enemy has one side. on either of your sides you will have sectors which contain either/some/all or even none of the following: a Radar center (detects units and lets yoiu see them on a mini-map), a Barracks/Robot Manufacturing plant, Veichle Manufaturing Plant, Veichle Repair center, a fort and some more stuff like turrets and etc. Most of the building create units; namely the fort, robot and veichle plants and it takes time to create these units. But the time is a variable; changes whenever you capture/lose a sector. So this pretty much evens out the game so it's based on the person who ever has the most territory wins the game .... usually. Great Game overall but tiny details could have been added to spice it up

by Rebel_lord (38) on January 13, 2001

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