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aka: Z Origins: Z The Game, Z: The Game

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Critic Reviews add missing review

Average score: 76% (based on 31 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 3.4 out of 5 (based on 73 ratings with 4 reviews)

Rebel_lord's Review of Z

The Good
-Top Notch AI

-Excellent Graphics

-Lots of Details

-Different Units

-Fun Multiplayer

The Bad
-No allying in Multiplayer

-Only 3 different types of units: Veichles, Infantry and Turrets

-AI has navagational difficulties

-AI is quite hard sometimes.

-Not much replayability value since no Internet Multiplayer option (Zone/Kali don't work either with the IPX trick)

The Bottom Line
Perhaps one of the more original Real Time Strategy games around. Instead of mining/resource gathering or having a limited budget. The game is focus on to Capture the Flag senarios (correct me if it's a mistake). Basically you have 1 side and your enemy has one side. on either of your sides you will have sectors which contain either/some/all or even none of the following: a Radar center (detects units and lets yoiu see them on a mini-map), a Barracks/Robot Manufacturing plant, Veichle Manufaturing Plant, Veichle Repair center, a fort and some more stuff like turrets and etc. Most of the building create units; namely the fort, robot and veichle plants and it takes time to create these units. But the time is a variable; changes whenever you capture/lose a sector. So this pretty much evens out the game so it's based on the person who ever has the most territory wins the game .... usually. Great Game overall but tiny details could have been added to spice it up

DOS · by Rebel_lord (38) · 2001

The essence of Real Time Strategy

The Good
After I had played Z, all other RTS games looked lackluster. This is not because of fancy graphics, but because of the incredible gameplay. No other RTS keeps you on your heels like Z does:

There is no cozy buildup phase. - You are in the thick of it from t=0 onwards.

There is no room for errors. - You have to enter a map with a battle plan, or you will be crushed.

There are few units on the battlefield. - You need to take good care of yours, as high casualties cannot easily be compensated.

Besides the gameplay, there is the tongue in cheek atmosphere of the game, which kept me hooked, even after a lost a map for the nth time.

The Bad
Z is challenging. There is no one size for all strategy, which works on every map. This means that you will likely get your bottom handed to you far more often than you are used to from other games.

The Bottom Line
Z is as close to pure adrenaline, as you can get in a RTS.

DOS · by Admiral Loknar (1) · 2007

C&C on Speed, Acid, etc.

The Good
The game seemingly plays like a realtime strategy game, but when you finally order pizza, sit back and relax (while pondering on how to crush the enemy)...the whole game goes ape on you, and you're stuck in a frantic "capture the flag" rollercoaster ride which will seem insanely fast-paced at first, but will become one hell of a wargame after you adjust to it. The cutscenes can be hilarious at times.

The Bad
The graphics are quite oldskool, and can be quite dated...if you have the chance to take a good look at them.

You also would like to crawl into your computer sometimes to kill the annoying robots with their panicky, smartass comments. (That's possibly one of the nice things about the game: you get quite in character after a while)

The Bottom Line
Command & Conquer, Amiga graphics, while accidentally joining a frantic deathmatch ;)

DOS · by shifter (57) · 2000

A none-too-decent game.

The Good
I like Bitmap Brothers, of course :-)

Seriously though, the graphics are OK and the gameplay is very rewarding at first.

The Bad
Problem is, it's too damn hard! The controls aren't very good and the game gets SOOOOO tiresome after too short a while.

The Bottom Line
A bizzare RTS you'll get tired of real quick.

DOS · by Tomer Gabel (4534) · 1999

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Big John WV, Wizo, Alsy, Patrick Bregger, Alex Fest, Scaryfun, Dae, Tim Janssen, Apogee IV, mikewwm8, Jeanne, ☺☺☺☺☺, Cavalary, jean-louis, Parf, HelloMrKearns.