Main game screen
Introduction screen for the first chapter
Dread's childhood, her father is talking to one of his workmen.
Inside the house with Dread's mother
Estrechez hits his wife.
Exploring the mine at night.
The comic book panels detail what happens next.
Stranded on an island, Dread meets Peter Pan.
The opening of the second chapter
Dread has cooked for Peter and his Lost Boys.
Meeting Luella the unicorn.
You cannot go up here yet.
Caught inside the house of the sorceress.
The Indian village
Dread travels to a nearby cave.
An indian girl is threatened by a somewhat out-of-place crocodile.
A flashback occurs in the background.
Pirates raid the village.
The Lost Boys are forced to flee.
Dread needs to fight in one of the caves.
Entering the pirates' village.
A meeting with the captain
Dread has to leave behind the unicorn.
Game over, let's try that again.
Dread's quarters
Inside the kitchen
You will need a key to enter this area.
Peter Pan is able to locate the ship.
But he is soon captured.
Not a fortunate ending. Game over
Another competitor for the treasure appears.
A familiar face turns up.
Comic book-style fight
A gruesome scene
The captain saves Dread from a falling boulder.
The treasure!
Back on the ship
Advertising the comic books this game is based off.
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