Cobra Mission
DOS version
The pillar of future anime-based games. A legend among legends.
The Good
Well besides being one of the first adult hentai (not anime) based games. This game itself was no doubt a obvious hit the first time around and years later. It geniously combined adult content and stories with a breath taking story line and RPG features and somehow still made it into a balaced and great game. You don't get many games like that today who are capable of creating such balace!
It has everything you want from both worlds: A romantic, yet sexy storyline (and those beautiful girls, and ehem more!). Items, stats, NPC's from the RPG world.
The story line although fixed, is still flexible so not so linear as most RPG games today, and enough battles, items, so that the advances of your character match the difficulty advances of the game.
The Bad
The only thing I don't like is that they didn't make more games like this.
The Bottom Line
As I said, a legend among legends. This game portrays greatness. A Rembrandt in the gaming world.
by Indra was here (20735) on December 26, 2003