NCAA March Madness 2000
Moby ID: 33664
PlayStation credits (1999)
195 people (171 professional roles, 24 thanks) with 205 credits.
March Madness 2000 Credits |
Presented by | EA Sports, Black Ops Entertainment |
Black Ops Entertainment - Development |
Project Director | Jose Villeta |
Executive Producer | John Botti |
Associate Producer | Kirk Lambert |
Line Producer | Jessica Budin |
Lead Game and AI Programmer | James Gooding |
Audio Programmer | Robert Kohout |
In Game Programmers | Ryan Higa (as Ryan Scott Higa), Robert Kohout, Srini Aouie Lakshmanan |
Front End Programmers | Walter Hochbrueckner, Ryan Higa (as Ryan Scott Higa) |
Additional Front End Programming | Rudi Kammerer, Keith W. Thompson |
Lead Artist | Don McDermott |
2D Artist | Jake Cotton |
3D Artist | Tong Chen |
Lead Animator | Jason Greenberg |
Animator | Brian Sanchez |
Intern | Sam Ware |
Basketball Consultants | Jon Bailey, Syrus Yarbrough (as Syrus Yarborough) |
Motion Capture Services for Prototype Provided by | House of Moves |
Talent | Chico Langston |
EA Sports |
Executive Producer | David De Martini |
Producer | Ken Balthaser Jr. |
Creative Director | Ken Balthaser Jr. |
Associate Producer | Brian Jackson ('B-Jax'), Mike Olsen |
Lead Audio Designer | Brian Jackson ('B-Jax') |
Lead Game Designer | Mike Olsen |
Production Intern | Franklin Auoto |
Sr. Product Marketing Manager | Munir Haddad |
Product Marketing Manager | Randy Shoemaker |
Marketing Assistant | Sam Hopkins |
Director of Street Teams & GM of EAU Basketball | Glenn Chin |
Legal/Business Affairs | Jay Komas, Sue Garfield, Patrick J. O'Brien |
Sr. Vice President/Executive in Charge of Production | Michael Pole |
Director of Production & Technology | Gifford Calenda |
Technical Director | David Bunch |
Lead Tester | Kevin Enos |
Backup Lead Tester | Mark S. Johnson ('Bones') |
Core Testers | Bryan Caton, Jason Estebez, Shawn R. Green, Steve Jones, Kevin Luis, Brian McKibben, Terry McElroy, Michael Parker, Mark Poquiz, Anthony Randolph, Rob Reck (as Robb Reck), Darren Slakey, Andrew Young |
Cinematics | Michael Marsh |
Audio | Marc Farly, Ken Felton, Rob Hubbard, Charles Stockley, Tommy Tallarico Studios, David Whittaker, Don Veca |
"Elegant Bombing (Part II)" & "Bingbong" | Supreme Ex. (Written and performed by), C. Yameen ((C) & (P) 1999), Jerry Thompson (A&R for Cando Entertainment / 'JWhiz'), Walter Bell (A&R for Cando Entertainment / 'Citizen Ex') |
"March Madness 2000" | Enrique DaSilva (Written and performed by/(C) & (P) 1999 by/as Breez Evahflowin), Keith Patterson ((C) & (P) 1999 by/Produced by for B.F.M. Productions/as Kap-er Patterson), Jerry Thompson (A&R for Cando Entertainment / 'JWhiz'), Walter Bell (A&R for Cando Entertainment / 'Citizen Ex') |
"Electron Gun" | Written and performed by Electrostatic, (C) & (P) 1999 by Electrostatic, Robert Gardner (Electrostatic), Michael Thibeau (Electrostatic), Kaoru Gardner (Electrostatic) |
"Knight" - "New Edition" - "Kuuf" - "Outsiders" - "Universal" | Written and performed by Soul Diggaz, (C) & (P) 1999 by Soul Diggaz Productions Inc., Soul Diggaz is K-Mack & Bless |
"Jobba" - "Headshow" - "Get Up" - "Fight Song" - "Woo Song" - "I'm So Glad" | Performed and recorded by the Howard University 'Showtime' Marching Band |
"Knights" - "Skin I'm In" - "Talking Out of the Side of Your Neck" | Re-arranged with permission and performed and recorded by the Howard University 'Showtime' Marching Band |
Additional Music | John Orr |
Additional Menu Music and Drum Cadences | Michael Pendowski (Composed by), Mike Pendowski Music (Recorded by), (C) 1998 Electronic Arts Music Publishing Inc. (ASCAP), (P) 1999 Electronic Arts Inc. |
College Fight Songs and Pep Songs | Used under license from their respective copyright proprietors |
University Fight and/or Pep Songs | Yea Alabama, Bear Down Arizona, Maroon & Gold, Arkansas Fight, Come Join the Band, Fight On, Go On Bruins, Sons of California, Cheer Cincy, Fight CU, U.S. Air Force Song, UConn Fight Song, F.S.U. Fight Song, March On Miami, The Orange and the Blue, Glory, Rambling Wreck from Georgia Tech, Go Northwestern Go, Illinois Loyalty, Fight Temple Fight, Hail Purdue, Indiana Our Indiana, Notre Dame Victory March, Iowa State Fights, Oh Iowa, I'm a Jayhawk, Run-on Wildcat Victory, On On U. of K, Tiger Rag, Maryland Victory Song, Michigan State Fight Song, The Victors, The U. of M. Rouser, Ole Miss, Southern to the Top, Fight for Old Missouri, Fear Old Nebraska U., The Bells Must Ring, Hail New Mexico, Down the Field, Blue and White, Carolina Victory, N.C.S.W. Fight Song, O' Here's to Wake Forest, Across the Field, Boomer Sooner, Ride 'Em Cowboys, Mighty Oregon, Fight on State, Tiger Rag, Rocky Top, When Vandy Starts to Fight, Down the Field, The Aggie War Hymn, Go Mustangs Go!, Texas Fight, Cougar Song, U-Pep, Aula Long Syne, Tech Triumph, Bells of Washington, Washington State Fight Song, Hail West Virginia March, On Wisconsin |
Fight Song and Pep Song Orchestrations Arranged by/Orchestra Conductor | Michael Pendowski |
All Arrangements Except "Bear Down Arizona" and "Rocky Top" | (C) 1998 Electronic Arts Music Publishing Inc. (ASCAP), (P) 1998 Electronic Arts Inc. |
Chants | Cal Cheering Section, 'The Bench' |
CLC | Jennifer Blackmon, Andrew Waligowski |
Coaches Edge | Craig Jonas, Steve Hagenlock |
Color Commentary | Dick Vitale |
Drum Cadences | Cal Band, Howard University 'Showtime' Marching Band |
Host Communications | Jon Vaden (as John Vaden) |
Manual Design/Layout | Jessica Poorée |
NCAA | Michael Bailey, Angie Lovett |
PA Announcer | Stewart Walker (as Stu Walker) |
Play by Play Commentary | Ron Franklin |
Sports Xchange | Jason Bender, Frank Cooney, John Hadley |
Motion Capture Technical Advisor | Jeff Schneider |
Motion Capture Talent | Wayne King (as Wayne King Jr.), Joe Johnson, Brandon Loyd, Shawn Williams |
Motion Capture Coordinator | Matthew Wynne (as Mathew Wynne) |
Special Thanks | James Andrews, Kimberly Capps-Tanaka, College Football Production Team, EAC Motion Capture Team, Kokings Team, Mike Fitzhugh, Steve Francis, Kamal Harris, Scott Higgins, Drake Holliday, April Hubbard, Sam Lagana, Kristen Latimore, March Madness 99 Development Team, Darren Matsubara, Matt Middleton, NBA Live 2000 Production Team, John E. Newson, Marco Rhodes, Sandy Sandoval, Kathleen Tarnutzer, Sherri Vitale, Chris Washington, Shelley Wilson |
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.
People credited on this game were also credited on:
- NCAA March Madness 99, a group of 37 people
- Knockout Kings 2000, a group of 23 people
- NASCAR Rumble, a group of 19 people
- Madden NFL 2000, a group of 17 people
- NASCAR 2000, a group of 15 people
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Other Games
In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:
- David Whittaker on 288 other games
- Sue Garfield on 194 other games
- Rob Hubbard on 151 other games
- Andrew Young on 128 other games
- Marc Farly on 107 other games
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Credits contributed by Hipolito Pichardo.