Defend Yourself!
The classic combination strategy/puzzle game is guaranteed to be addictive! First, you must build walls around your towers using pieces that fill the spaces, Then, place cannons within the castle walls in preparation for the all-out war that is to follow! Compete against the computer or challenge another player to the lighting-fast action of Rampart!
Unique combination of puzzles and strategy!
1 or2 players via Game Link cable!
Thrilling head-to-head competition!
Back of box - Game Boy Color
Your castle and your lands are under siege! Enemy hoards attack by land while seaborne invaders bombard your castle walls with cannon fire. Somehow, you must defend your realm. But it won't be over until you conquer your enemies and regain all the land for yourself.
Back Cover - Lynx
"Strategy" and "arcade" are not words you normally find in the same sentence, but Atari had a solid success years ago with this coin-op castle-and-cannon game.
You build a fort, stock it with cannon and blast away at attacking galleys. Between rounds, you rebuild castle walls and post more cannon as quickly as possible. The more land you can enclose with ramparts, the more cannon you get.
In single-player mode, Rampart offers five difficulty levels and provides hints. Your castle is color-coded red or blue.
When playing head-to-head via a Game Link Cable, there are no enemy fleets. Instead, you pound away at your rival's castle in a match lasting five to 15 rounds. Rebuilding is tougher if you spray your fire around your enemy's ramparts, rather than concentrating on one location.
In both modes, the CPU gives you different-shaped pieces for rebuilding your walls. Initially, the pieces are mostly straight or L-shaped pieces. As a match advances, though, the CPU throws up odd-shaped pieces, such as plus signs. Placing them wisely takes Tetris-like puzzle mastery.
The play control involved in aiming and firing your cannon and rebuilding your fortifications is straightforward. Simple, colorful graphics make it easy to track the action. Altogether, Rampart is a fun blend of frenetic action and old-fashioned strategizing.
Rampart is compatible only with Game Boy Color. It will not work with Game Boy pocket or classic Game Boy.
www.nintendo.com – Game Boy Color
Buccaneers lurk offshore and bombard your stronghold. Even as you retaliate, your walls collapse in fire and splintered stone. Repair your fortress in time to repel the next onslaught. Blast through the classic arcade hit or take on new SUPER RAMPART with hot new levels and more devastating weaponry!
NEW SUPER RAMPART FEATURES - Enemy Bosses - Bonus Rounds - More Powerful Artillery - Over 15 New Scrolling Battlefields
Challenge a friend and devastate his fortress with cannonfire. Send ground troops to scale his walls and conquer his empire!
Piece together stone blocks to build an impenetrable castle. Place the pieces wisely because in 30 seconds the battle begins again!
The siege begins! Destroy the invading fleet with cannonballs before your castle crumbles under the onslaught of enemy fire.
Show no mercy! Force defeated enemies off the plank for a quick dunk in the ocean. Bring them back on board and battle again!
Back of Box - SNES
"It's Medi-EVIL!.."
Combining the best of strategy puzzle games with dynamic action in a medieval battleground, Rampart allows multiplayer competition in a race against the clock. So fortify your castles, place your cannons and prepare for all out battle!
*Available on: Amiga • Atari ST
CBM 64 Cass • CBM 64 Disc*
Advert in Commodore Format (Issue 27 Dec 92 p9) – UK
WARLORDS AND WEAPONRYIN ANCIENT TIMES!A mega-hit in the arcades, RAMPART is now available for play on your Genesis™! It combines the best of strategy games with awesome graphics and explosive, lightning-fast action. Become a powerful medieval warlord, build huge fortresses and position your cannons. Then, blast away at enemy fortifications and invading armadas. Once the onslaught ends, quickly rebuild and extend the walls of your fortress before the next battle. Plan well, fight fiercely, and above all, don't lose your head. Because you will - if you lose.
Back of Box - Genesis (US)
A Medieval Masterpiece of Power, Strategy and Ingenuity!
The objective is brutally simple: engage your enemy in an all-out exchange of cannonfire, then assess the damage and rebuild your castle.
But the reality of RAMPART is far more complex. The key to victory lies in how quickly you can pick up the pieces and redesign, refortify, and extend your walls before the next battle begins.
Whether you're facing an onslaught from the computer's armada, or pitting your castle cannons against another player's, there's only one way out. Defend ... or perish.
Back of Box - NES (US)
In "Rampart" verbindet sich die Herausforderung eines Rätsel-Strategiespiels mit der dynamischen Action mittelalterlicher Kämpfe.Sie haben nicht viel Zeit, um Ihre Burg zu bauen und zu befestigen, Ihre Kanonen in Stellung zu bringen und sich auf den gnadenlosen Kampf vorzubereiten.Erleben Sie die ganze Spannung des Wettkampfes zwischen mehreren Spielern, wenn Sie versuchen, die Befestigungsanlagen Ihres Gegners zu zerstören und sein Land zu erobern.
"Rampart ist aufregend, anspruchsvoll und lässt sie garantiert nicht wieder los."### Rampart combine l'excellence des jeux d'énigmes au dynamisme des batailles de l'époque médiévale.C'est une course contre la montre pendant laquelle vous devez construire et fortifier votre château, installer vos canons, et surtout vous préparer à une bataille acharnée.Vous cherchez à détruire les fortifications de vos adversaires et à conquérir leus terres mais vous n’êtes pas seul(e), car il s'agit d'un jeu à plusieurs joueurs; la compétition est intense et riche en sensations fortes.
"Rampart est un jeu passionnant, un vrai defi dont vous n'arriverez plus a vous passer"
Back of Box - C64 (DE-FR)
It's time to get medieval! Construct defences and repel invading ships in this one-of-a-kind arcade puzzle-strategy game.
Antstream description
Contributed by lights out party, Jeanne, jean-louis, Evil Ryu, Corn Popper, FatherJack.