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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000

aka: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000: As Real As It Gets, Microsoft Flight Simulator 99
Moby ID: 3341

Windows credits (1999)

135 people (114 professional roles, 21 thanks) with 136 credits.

Business Unit Manager Ed Fries
Product Unit Manager Scot Bayless
Product Planning Shawn Firminger, Bruce Williams Zaccagnino
Marketing Peter Parsons, Jose Pinero
Program Management Tucker Hatfield, Todd Roberts, Andrew Silverman
Art Courtney Barnes, Kate Bigel, Jennifer Bixler, Jennie Chan, David Choi, Kris DeMartini, Jim Deal, Jill Feldman, Peter Fries, Tony Gale, Jeffrey Howell, Suzanne Kaufman, Ken Kenaston, Janine Klees, Eric Kruske, Karin LaPadula, Gordon Nealy, Robert Olson, Phil Rezick, Bruce Sharp, Robert Smiley, Jason Waskey, Robert E. Well, Rick Welsh, Peter Zahn, Jason Zeringue
Development Michael Abrash, Per Anderson, Matt Bamberger, Langdon Beeck, Sergey Bezruchkin, Igor A. Braginskiy, Craig Cook, Stephen Coy, Bob Day, David Denhart, Jason Dent, Paul Donlan, Peter Duniho, Sergey Fokin, Russ Glaeser, Tim Gregson, Eran Haimberg, Lee Kail, John Kruper, Steve Lacey, Todd Laney, Alexander Martynov, Nicholas Newhard, Kiran Patil, Ray Patrick, Ian Pieragostini, Victor Santodomingo, Mike Schroeter, Steve Setzler, Joe Stacy, Jeremy Stone, Philipp Teschner, Patrick Wilkinson, Tony Zander, Jan Zukin Neutz
Setup Development David Shoemaker
User Assistance Michael Ahn, Rob Brown, Keith Cirillo, Brian Hunt, Barry Oliver, Kathy Osborne, Terri Schmidt, Jonathan Seal, Michael Singer, Caitlin Sullivan, John Sutherland, Jack Turk, Kit Warfield
Test William Allen, Patrick Barker, Christian Becker, Hal Bryan, Caleb Cha, Brent Conklin, Khoi Duong, Doug Jelen, Michael Lambert, Jason Mangold, Tom McDowell, Roy McMillion, Beth Oliver, Marlin Parbs, Mark Richardson, Michelle Schultz-Schroud, Jon Stanley, Greg Swanson, Charlie Whiton, Steve Wilson, Tony Zander
Localization Yasmine Nelson
Product Support Craig Maas
Audio Peter Comley, Barry Dowsett, Matthew Lee Johnston
Intellectual Property Mohsen Katoozi, Marc Turkel
Administrative Assistance Victoria Medlock, LouAnn M. Williams
Voice Talent Rod Machado
Special Thanks to Rodi von Barby, Jason Bialek, Hal Bryan (ret.), Christina Chen, Michael Collins, Tom Fazekas, Alan Goodnight, Martha Heid, Andrew Horelick, John King, Martha King, Dean Lester, Brian Lewis, Rod Machado, Ed McDonald, Stacy McDonald, Kathy Patterson, Shane Patterson, Jason Perez, Angela Soto, Mike Vidal
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Credits contributed by Nick Newhard.