Lost: Via Domus - The Video Game

aka: Lost: Das Spiel, Lost: Les Disparus, Lost: The Video Game, Lost: Zagubieni, Perdidos: El Videojuego, Počítačová hra: Lost / Ztraceni
Moby ID: 33210

Xbox 360 version

For The Hardcore Only

The Good
The cut scenes in Lost Via Domus were entertaining and the flashback's to previous missions worked well in theme with the way JJ Abrams directs the series. Some of the actors voice act the characters and the depiction of the characters in the game are very realistic. Gameplay wise there are some nice elements, like photographing certain key elements from the series.

The Bad
Lost Via Domus is uninspiring, it was marketed by Ubisoft and ABC and hyped beyond belief and failed at the first hurdle. Lost Via Domus is more of a frustration to play rather than a joy and its generic gameplay elements and frustrating retries and countless journey's through the jungle dodging the black smoke gets tiring, in the end this game feels like a chore than a fanboy's dream.

The Bottom Line
Lost isn't as shameless as movie tie-in games at grabbing your cash and delivering a substandard product. It tries to be allot more mature and have elements of puzzle, action and narrative, unfortunately it's all very static and boring and fails to take the player through the story and wanting to know what happens next.

by satanicbakedbeanz (7) on July 28, 2008

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