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Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles

aka: Assassin's Creed HD, Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles HD

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Nintendo DS credits (2008)

69 people with 83 credits.

Development team

Producer Bogdan Lucaci
Executive Producer Antony Faby
Gameloft Creative Director Stanislas Dewavrin
Bucharest Creations Manager Dan Teodorescu
Art Director Arthur Hugot
Lead 3D artist HQ Christophe Latour
Lead 2D artist Bucharest Istvan Kovacs
Sound Director Mathieu Vachon
Technical Director Dragos Iftimi
Lead Programmer Bogdan Bucur
Programming Bogdan Gabriel Bejan, Razvan Dinita, Daniel Dragan, Ionut Matasaru, Mihai Silviu Murgan
Lead Game Designers Bogdan Lucaci, Cristian Soare
Game Design Mihai Chirila, Raoul Radu Paraschiv, Cristian Soare, Andrei Vasilescu
Lead Level Designer Raoul Radu Paraschiv
Level Design Mihai Chirila, Mihai Alin Dindareanu, Laurentiu Grigorescu, Raoul Radu Paraschiv, Andrei Vasilescu
Lead 2D Artist Alexandru Negoita
2D Art Arthur Hugot, Alexandru Negoita, Catalin Raibuh, Andreea Gabriela Vatau
Lead 3D Artist Aurel Manea
3D modeling Andrei Ichim, Aurel Manea, Ovidiu Cristian Matei, Nicolae Costin Parvu, Nandor Mihaly Penzes, Vladimir Teneslav
Lead 3D Animator Iura Sinchevici
3D Animation Claudiu Paduroiu, Iura Sinchevici, Cristian Ciprian Vilau
Sound Design Jérôme Laberge, Mathieu Vachon
QA Manager Costel Apopii-Bucur
QA Leads Eugen Baicea, Petru Matei Binescu
QA Testers Adrian Arba, Eugen Baicea, Petru Matei Binescu, Mihai Cojanu, Mihai Iacob, Radu Ichim, Valentin Andrei Moldovan, Răzvan Lăzărescu, Teodor Vasile, Ionut Zabulica

Publisher - Ubisoft Entertainment

President Yves Guillemot
CEO Yves Guillemot
Executive Director Worldwide Studios Christine Burgess-Quémard
Chief Creative Officer Serge Hascoët
Worldwide Content Director Lionel Raynaud
Worldwide Conception Content Manager Emeric Thoa
Production Content Director Jean-Marc Geffroy
Game Content Manager Matthieu Delisle
Scenario Director Alexis Nolent
Gameplay and Entertainment Analysis Director Cyril Derouineau
Worldwide LIVE Director Cyril Marchal
Process & Methods Director Michel Pierfitte
Worldwide Production Coordination Director Anne Blondel-Jouin
Production Coordination Managers Mathieu Peyronnet, Thomas Baillet
Fireteam Manager Laurent Mascherpa
US Production Manager Josh Ostrander
Studio Operations Director Pierre Escaich
Games Lab Manager Alexandre Debrousse
Chief Marketing Officer Anne Gleizes
International Brand Group Manager Jérôme Durand
International Brand Manager Luc Duchaine
Worldwide QC Director Éric Tremblay
President Laurent Detoc
EMEA Sales Director Dominique Tardieu
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.


MobyPro Early Access

People credited on this game were also credited on:

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Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by bob feelgood, formercontrib.