Made Man: Confessions of the Family Blood
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Player Reviews
Average score: 3.0 out of 5 (based on 15 ratings with 1 reviews)
The Good
I got into it slowly but surely... the environments are the better part of the game, I think. Whether taking part in the Vietnam War or fighting your way above a concert's stage, the settings could be fun to explore...
The music was also something I noticed early on as being appropriate to each chapter... and there's quite a variety, with one of the better ones being an incremental opera in a cemetery (which I thought stylish).
The Bad
While it was clearly inspired by Max Payne (goes even so far as to replicate its ending at one point, in an attempt to stop a female gangster boss), the storyline just doesn't compare... also kind of ridiculous that while talking none of the characters move their lips at all (and IMO subtitles could have been helpful, as many of the characters either have strong accents or talk fast).
The Bottom Line
Overall... an average third-person shooter, I suppose.
PlayStation 2 · by Ymir (18) · 2014
Contributors to this Entry
Critic reviews added by Cantillon, Jeanne, Klaster_1, mikewwm8, Wizo, chirinea, Scaryfun, Debbie Kearns, Tim Janssen, Alsy.