Title screen
As the story begins, you realize that the traditional Xuanyuan Jian style is back with a vengeance. It's all about historical war now!
Intro: the mountains of the Han nation...
The story unfolds.
You'll see detailed descriptions of how and where the war takes place.
The hero in his room. Click on the bed to sleep.
Character information screen
Night falls over the camp.
This guys looks like someone who nearly won the audition for the role of Death Hand in <moby game="Jade Empire">Jade Empire</moby>.
Some cut-scenes are displayed as still hand-drawn images.
Main player menu with all the sub-menus
Here you can build two parties, the active one and reserve.
The hero runs into a dead end.
The Heavenly Book system from the earlier Xuanyuan Jian games is back!
Thanks for the explanation, girl!
Character stats and management
Traveling on the world map.
Battle menu. Show them what you got, girl!
Attacking in progress.
Mountain path
Cave dungeon. This guy won't let you in unless you've completed something else before... typical.
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