Empire Earth III
The third installment of the Empire Earth series leads you again through several different eras of Earth's history, present and future. Beginning in the Ancient World, you move through the middle age and colonial time to the modern days and the future. Each era features different technologies and different units.
But in addition to the normal skirmish fights, you can claim World Domination. Once you've chosen one of the three available factions (Western Regions, Middle Eastern Regions and Far Eastern Regions), you begin the game on the Earth globe, which is divided into several dozen provinces. At the beginning of the game, each province is neutral and is only inhabited by one or more tribes, so you need to either defeat those tribes or form a friendly alliance with them.
Once a province is under your control, you need to assign a role to it. Depending on what role you assign, the province will either produce one of the three available resources or be a place where you can recruit new armies. You can then move those armies around on the map in turn-based mode. But of course you are not alone on the world and the tribes aren't giving up their territory so easily either. So you will need to fight many battles.
Each of those battles are fought on the ground in real-time in normal strategy-skirmish. You build up your base, gather resources, recruit troops and fulfill the goal on the map. These goals range from just destroying all the enemies to convincing a tribe to join your cause with the means of diplomacy. Although the matches are basically played the same way as in their predecessors, there are a few changes. For example, the citizen manager and the Picture-in-Picture display introduced in Empire Earth II have been removed.
Groups +
- BestSeller Series (Cendant / Havas / Vivendi Universal) releases
- Covermount: Fullgames
- Empire Earth series
- Games for Windows releases
- Middleware: Bink Video
- Middleware: Gamebryo / Lightspeed / NetImmerse
- Physics Engine: PhysX
- Real-time strategies with turn-based meta-maps
- Setting: Totality of history
- Sound engine: AIL/Miles Sound System
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Credits (Windows version)
413 People (359 developers, 54 thanks) · View all
Average score: 52% (based on 47 ratings)
Average score: 2.5 out of 5 (based on 8 ratings with 1 reviews)
The Good
There isn't a whole lot Empire Earth III has to offer, just an exciting introductory cinematic and then the good show is over. The only upside in the gameplay is the easy difficulty, no thanks to broken enemy AI.
The Bad
Once you've entered the game, the worst in the trilogy immediately shows. Graphics are very outdated and hardly any better than what the second Empire Earth game displayed. The sounds (especially the unit voices) are repetitive to no end and the music is completely out of place with the epochs.
In the actual gameplay, collection of resources is downgraded from the prequels. The tutorial throws all the mechanics sandwiched into a single scenario, instead of a set of scenarios to learn the game at a comfortable pace. While you play, units don't go where they're supposed to and spoil the battlefield. The greatest letdown that broke the game is that there are no real campaigns, just three world conquests pretending to be campaigns, which not only strips the fun out, but also means no references to ancient history, the very core topic of an Empire Earth game.
The Bottom Line
If you bought this title, you lost your hard earnings. Nothing other than "The Settlers: Heritage of Kings" compares to this aberration of an RTS. Should you manage to master this game, then you'll unlearn everything Empire Earth 1 and 2 taught you. The irredeemable bad qualities you got from this game spell an anticlimactic end to the Empire Earth series. Pray that the first or second game will one day get a HD remake.
Windows · by Skippy_Chipskunk (39191) · 2021
- 4Players
- 2007 – #2 Biggest Disappointment of the Year
- GameStar (Germany)
- Issue 04/2009 - One of the "10 Most Terrible Sequels" (The first two parts of the series are very complicated and Empire Earth III was developed with the right idea: simplifying. Unfortunately of all things they cut down the elements which were the biggest motivational factors: historical stories, varied missions and many parties and eras. Also the bad parts of the series, especially AI and Balance, remained.)
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by Sicarius.
Additional contributors: Patrick Bregger, Plok.
Game added November 16, 2007. Last modified October 26, 2024.