Who Killed Taylor French?: The Case of the Undressed Reporter

aka: Moord Mysterie 4: Who Killed Taylor French? - De zaak van de uitgeklede journaliste, Quem Matou Taylor French? A Repórter Inconveniente, ¿Quién Mató a Taylor French?: El Caso de la Reportera Indefensa
Moby ID: 31060

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Windows 16-bit credits (1994)

63 people with 74 credits.

Directed by Jim Beckett
Produced by Shannon Gilligan
Executive Producer William Kelly
Written by Janet Hubbard-Brown
Script by Janet Hubbard-Brown, Shannon Gilligan
Associate Producers Anci Slovak, Dave Zahn
Co-Producers Christine Gould, Amanda Thornton
Art Directors Anci Slovak, Dave Zahn
Starring Sheryl Lee (as Lucie Fairwell)
Chief of Police Jim L. Sanford
Judge Janet Hubbard-Brown
Taylor French Elizabeth P. Sinsel
Suspects Nicholas Anthony (Al Leonetti), Ivan Brutsche (Mike Byrd), Susan Conklin (Eleanor Parker), Greg Doty (Brian Fritzpatrick), Marc Miles (Barry Mitchell), Will Miles (Willie Armistead), Larry Orr (Tom Washington), Pam Ritcke (Linda Roth), Hanley Smith (Sen. Richard Parker)
Witnesses Bonnie Cobb (Joni Armistead), Teresa Rodriguez (Liz Cannon), J. D. Garfield (Frank Osmer), Angelina Torres (Lila Turnbull), Marion Lewis (Marilyn Underwood), Robert Jerkins (Sigmund Wittgenstein)
Press Corp Jim Beckett, Gloria Gianninni, Debra Mansey, Marguerite McClure, Ray Montgomery, Warner Macey, Joan Wolfberg
Location Scout Patricia Miller
Thanks to all the extras in Charlottesville, VA Emily Pellicia (Paramedic #1), Landon Harris (Paramedic #2), Lee Hartline (Joni Armistead Body Double), Patricia Miller (Dr. Cole at WCTR), John Nowell III (Body Guard), Craig Burmeister (Golfer), Sharon Yackso (Battered Woman), Emma Rose Yackso (Battered Woman's Child)
Camera Ethan Kaufman
Editing Dave Krusic
Sound Peter Scaturro
Music Dave Fox
Final Assembly and Logic in Macromedia Director 3.1.3 using a Macintosh Centris 650 and a Macintosh Quadra 840av Curt Flörcke
Graphics TA Thompson, Curt Flörcke
Video Capture from videodisc using a Radius Video Vision, Radius Studio and a Macintosh Quadra 840av and Video Editing using Adobe Premiere Brian Gilles, Curt Flörcke, Erich vonFlörcke, TA Thompson
Sound Post-Production and Digitization Michael Carter, Digital One
Additional Post-Production Sound Editing TA Thompson
Director of Engineering Charles Kawasaki
Director of Testing Steve Munger
Testing Tina Andreev, Denise Barnes, Dena Derr, John Dunagan, Niko Grimanis, Gretchen Hoffman, Steven Jackson, Chris Kollas, Michelle McNeil, Maggie Powers, Cori Taratoot
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Credits contributed by Macs Black.