Title screen (US)
Intro, briefly highlighting the evil wizard.
Title screen (Japan)
The bad guy sends out his legion of skeleton warriors.
After pressing start, the Sword Master indicates that he accepts the task at hand.
Level 1 is in the forest
Taking on a skeleton warrior in the forest.
Forest wolf
Fighting a strong monster in the forest.
The level 1 boss
In between levels, you are shown your progess.
Level 2 is a cursed village.
Fighting a knight in the village.
Level 3
A small dinosaur in the castle
A lizardman
A more powerful wizard
Fighting outside the castle in level 4.
This gargoyle is boss over level 4.
Level 5 - working up through the castle.
Using a power-up to turn into a magic-user in order to take out this miniature dragon.
Level 6 dungeon
Level 6 boss
Level 7
A rather mean knight
Another powerful knight adversary
The meanest wizard of them all
Continue screen
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