Return Fire
„Super! Spielspaß 85%.“
VideoGames 6/96
„Grafik 85%, Sound 89%, Spielspaß 81%.“
PC Games 7/96
Und den Sieg müssen Sie sich hart erkämpfen. Das überwältigende Action-Strategiespiel RETURN FIRE ist ein Muß für jeden adrenalinstoßsuchenden Softwarefan. Stellen Sie sich der Herausforderung und erobern Sie die Fahne vom gegnerischen Territorium. Über 100 komplexe und herausfordernde Szenarien sind mit Panzern, Helikoptern, Jeeps und schwergepanzerten Jägern zu bestehen. RETURN FIRE ist erhältlich für PC CD ROM (WIN '95), PlayStation und Saturn. *** Realistische, detaillierte 3-D Umgebung * Dolby Surround Sound * 2-Spieler Splitscreen Option * Klassische Musik zur Untermalung der Angriffe: „Hummelflug“ von Rimskij-Korsakow, „Ritt der Walküre“ von Wagner * Komplett in Deutsch**
Print advertisement - PC Player 08/1996
What do you do in Return Fire?
You get to play with bombs, tanks, rockets, you know... that type of stuff.What's the goal in Return Fire?
Search out and capture your enemy's flag.How do you accomplish this goal?
Demolish, Devastate, Desolate...Destroy, Destroy, Destroy. Get it?Pump up the volume and experience genuine digital sound effects and CD mastered orchestrated music delivered in theater quality Dolby Surround™. A state-of-the-art 3D engine blasts fully rendered images onto the screen, combined with 300's advanced co-processing video and animation hardware, which gives Return Fire a look & feel unlike anything you have ever seen before.
RETURN FIRE features both One and Two Player modes. Play alone, or engage your closest enemy with a Split Screen view. Each mode features 9 different levels of play, over 100 maps, and four vehicles with which to attack your enemy's base, perform reconnaissance, defend your territory, and capture your enemy's flag.
Your HELICOPTER is equipped with sub-mounted rapid-fire cannon and rockets to engage in long range targeting.
The ARMORED SUPPORT VEHICLE'S (ASV) arsenal of Ground To Air, Ground To Ground, and delayed mine laying capability, make this vehicle ideal for defending your base.
Your TANK'S accelerated cruising speed and independently rotating turret offer devastating ground attack.
Once you've cleared a path to your enemy's flag, jump into your JEEP and go secure it by bringing it back to your home base. But, be careful, your Jeep has minimal defenses, and is vulnerable to any remaining threats.
RETURN FIRE requires the player to destroy, destroy, destroy...but destroy responsibly. Varying strategies must be deployed in order to win the battle, and no two battles are fought the same way.
Created and Designed by
Baron R.K. Von WolfsheildPlayable with Control Pad and or Flightstick Pro™
One Player: Destroy.
Two Player: Destroy, Destroy.
Back of Box - 3DO (US)
Contributed by jean-louis, Patrick Bregger.