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Jessy: Ein Zirkuspferd in Not

Moby ID: 29779

[ Linux add ] [ Windows ]

Windows credits (2005)

27 people with 28 credits.


Author of the booklet series "Jessy" and editing the texts Peter Mennigen

dtp entertainment AG

Product Management Freya Looft
Pulic Relations Marina Selikowitsch, Carsten Fichtelmann
Packaging Design Stefan Sturm
Software Testing Julia Beyer, Volker Koch

Caipirinha Games

Ender export producer, international production, game idea and concept, history, location, manual, voice directed Joachim F. Meyer

Bitcrafters Inc.

Programming Bruno Crivelari Sanches, Danny Angelo Carminati Grein, Eros Cesar Carvalho
2D art, 3D art, graphics and animations Mauricio Valle, Helton Roberto da Silva, Kael Machado Cabral
Game Concept Joachim F. Meyer
Music and Sounds Hermann Henning Rauth
Cover Carlos Magno, Anamaria Lottici

Fahrhaus Ton, Hamburg

Sound engineer (German) Christoph Guder
Speaker Anna (German) Stefanie Kukielka
Speaker Christina (German) Claudia Schermutzki
Speaker Fabian (German) Tobias Schmidt
Speaker Ms. Hansen (German) Christine Pappert
Speaker Jessy (German) Kaya Möller
Speaker Lena / Lilly (German) Julia Fölster
Speaker Otto / Schroder (German) Jörg Gillner
Speaker Toni (German) Robert Missler
Speaker Uwe (German) Thomas Karallus
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Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Bruno Sanches.