Titanic: Adventure Out of Time
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Player Reviews
Average score: 3.5 out of 5 (based on 21 ratings with 4 reviews)
Although dated, it certainly is a neat little package
The Good
The graphics are very detailed and in-depth, even with the backgrounds, objects and characters. Almost everything of interest is 'clickable'. The characters all have different personalities, which is quite unlike other games like this were almost everyone speaks, acts, and looks identical. Another good thing is the gameplay, which, although you have to reach certain goals, you decide how to get there and in what order you take out tasks, which will eventually affect other tasks.
The setting, the great but tragic Titanic ship, is so detailed and interesting that it's a hundred times better than reading about it or hearing about the layout. What's more, there's a feature that lets you explore the ship without having to play the story - "Tour" mode (It's either called Tour mode or Guide mode) which is great.
The sound quality and voice acting are good, although in some places could have been better. The interactions and simple, the mysteries and puzzles are mind-boggling (this is a good thing) and the presentation is superb.
The Bad
Somewhat dull is the strict interaction when talking to other characters - most times, you can only say one thing from an option of four. But I guess it's expected, but it dates the game back a few years. Also, in some parts of the game, it seems quite lame. One minute you've just solved a puzzle, then have to wonder about a bit doing trivial tasks for about half an hour before returning to another major task. It seems to lack action. No, when I say 'action', I'm not suggesting they add a gun into the game, but they should have improved the tasks a bit better to make them slightly more motivational and interesting.
The Bottom Line
Like point and click games? Love mystery and puzzles? Fancy an educational tour of a famous ship? Then heck, it may just be your sort of game. Don't expect action or anything major up until the end of the game (If you know your history, you'll know why). No doubt this game can now be found for a bargain, so if you find it in shops give it a try.
A good game which has great presentation and makes a boring old ship from history quite interesting.
Windows · by Reborn_Demon (127) · 2007
Once upon a time Adventure games were still trying to be innovative
The Good
Titanic: Adventure out of time is a first person adventure game made in the 1990s... this means that it is extremely non-linear, doesnât go crazy on far-fetched inventory items and puts gameplay emphasis on exploring a large, open game world. Personally Iâve missed such games and was quite taken with this one.
The game environment is pretty impressive: the developers have attempted to accurately recreate the Titanic using authentic schematics and photography. And they have done a spectacular job. This is the real, historic Titanic. Furthermore, the game has an alternative âexplorationâ game mode wherein the player is free simply to wander the ship, taking in the atmosphere with all of that pesky plot and gameplay getting in the way. This was a nice, novel idea.
Where Titanic really stood out was in its remarkable gameplay and storyline. Unusually, I truly had the feeling whilst playing that I was driving the adventure, rather than the other way around. Decisions have to be made very carefully because it is possible to irreversibly do or say the wrong thing. Now, this may sound like it could be potentially very irritating and lead to a lot of dreaded âdead endsâ in gameplay but remarkably this is not the case. Without wanting to give too much away: the gameâs plot largely revolves around trying to acquire different objects from around the ship; this is mostly done through interaction with the impressively large cast of characters, with the occasional cryptographic and lever-type puzzles and a bit of limited inventory work thrown in. It is possible to acquire these objects through different methods, following different gameplay paths. These are not mutually exclusive however. You will find yourself doing bits and pieces of different âpathsâ as you progress, trying to link things up and seeing how it all fits together... yes, ladies and gentleman, this is honest to gosh, authentic, truly non-linear gaming; a sadly all but extinct breed. It is possible to âfindâ one of these items, excitedly open the box... only to find that someone has beaten you to it. If you didnât do the all the right things or took too long to do it you will fail to accomplish the necessary task. But this doesnât result in the adventure being irrevocably messed up; right up until the end of the game there will be second chances to find all of the items you need. There are many subplots and intrigues to follow onboard the Titanic and exactly what you see and hear depends upon your gameplay choices.
This brings me to the next point: the characters. The cast is large and they all have their own stories and agendas. Also, rather than remain constantly in one place they move about the ship, turning up in different locations. This was a nice touch, although one down side to it was that it did occasionally necessitate a bit of aimless wandering, waiting (or hoping) to bump into a character in order to trigger game progress. There are a lot of clues to be found however and so many different plot strands and subplots that I rarely found myself at a total loss of ideas for progression. Although many of the characterâs stories develop as subplots sooner or later they all become relevant to the main storyline (that is if you make the right connections of course)
The voice acting was hackneyed but accurate: authentic accents were used for the various characters, New York, Irish, Liverpudlian. Impressively, given the large cast list, no two characters were voiced by the same actor.
The game ending was spectacular. At a certain point it will become a desperate race against time to complete your mission as the Titanic strikes the iceberg and starts to go down. The progress of the shipâs sinking is marked by highly dramatic and exciting cut scenes depicting the carnage and mayhem. The lower areas of the ship will be cut off as the water level rises and the locations visibly tilt. Seeing how the various characters respond to what is happening is also dramatic, and occasionally moving. Who will make it off the ship? What you achieve in this part of the game will determine which of 8 different game endings you receive. Yes, not only does your mission evolve depending on what actions you take so too does it impact upon your gameâs ending. Neither is the game too long that it precludes replaying to see a different sequence of events and ending. There is a rare replay value with this game.
The Bad
Being a 1990s adventure game also means that attempts at innovation were still being made â the âidealâ format for point and click adventure games had not yet been agreed upon. One of the consequences of this is the control system in Titanic: Adventure out of time: an entirely mouse driven interface is eschewed in favour of using the keyboard for movement and the mouse solely for interactive click spots. Given that the movement is still essentially Slideshow format (the left and right arrow keys are used to turn around and the up arrow to move forward) one wonders what the logic was behind this decision. I suppose it could only have been the desire for can simplification â reducing the mouse functions. But actually it has largely the opposite effect. Having to use the keyboard to turn the character, move him forward etc quickly becomes tiring, especially given the large amount of movement the player must make around the ship, often long distances from one point to another.
On the subject of navigation about the ship: one detrimental aspect of using the authentic designs for the Titanic is that the areas of the ship tend to be highly homogenous. One part looks much like another and I often had a fair bit of difficulty finding my way around the ship. This problem is exacerbated further towards the end of the game as it becomes a race against time and the map zip function is disabled. The frustration this bore me considerably lessened my enjoyment of what was otherwise a brilliantly conceived and executed end phase. Visually, it also made the scenery far too samey and I quickly lost the desire to look around quite as diligently as I should have.
The Bottom Line
This is true non-linear gameplay in all its glory. It isnât without the odd design fault but it has more than enough pros to outweigh the cons and to tip one end of the ship more effectively than any iceberg.
Windows · by CBMan (184) · 2010
The Good
I liked the recreation of the Titanic. I also liked the storyline and the plot. The people are real looking and everything is accurate. The puzzles were good, the engine puzzle was the best I thought. I also liked how they managed to put loads to do in such a small place.
The Bad
I didn't like the fact that 3 decks were missing and you don't realy go anywhere on E Deck. G deck was the bottom Deck in the game but on the real ship there were 3 more decks. It sometimes (but rarely) crashes.
The Bottom Line
A great stratergy/adventure game which will be loved by evryone who loves solving puzzles.
Windows · by Dean Cuthbert (2) · 2003
The Good
The excellent detailed graphics of the ship's interior and exterior.
The Bad
The "twitches" when the "characters" are speaking.
I would have liked more choices for dialogue with some of the "characters."
The Bottom Line
An excellent game even if you just use the "tour" option and even more fun if you play the game. I have even "won" a few times ! The detailed graphics are very vivid and faithful to the actual records of the interior and exterior of the ship. The interplay with the "characters" is very informative and often adds a bit of humor. You'll probably end up playing the game over and over just for the fun of it, even if you don't "win" every time...and "winning" isn't completely impossible !
Windows · by Robert Paige (1) · 2004
Contributors to this Entry
Critic reviews added by Scaryfun, Patrick Bregger, Jeanne, Cantillon, Apogee IV, EonFear, Wizo, garkham, Havoc Crow, Xoleras.