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Windows version

First good puzzle game!

The Good
The puzzles and soundtrack were great. The effects were pretty good too. If you haven't found him yet... look out for the stupid dog (Was it a dog?) that scared the bejeezus out of me at 2am all those years ago (I still laugh at myself today for it).

The Bad
Yeah, the acting was bad. The interactivity of the game wasn't the best either.

The Bottom Line
All of the puzzles are solvable, although some are more difficult than others. I was able to solve all of the puzzles by myself at the age of 13/14 when the game first came out. For it's time, this game was one of the best I have ever played. Certain parts still creep me out to this day. This was the first good puzzle game I had played. Like stated earlier by others, the "kids" today may not dig this game, but I know some of the people my age would still play it.

by jeremy lindquist (2) on February 17, 2006

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