Opening cinematic.
Main title.
Main menu.
Loading screen provides random info.
Select frame for your bomberman.
Select armour color.
Your bomberman is assembled and ready for action.
Starting game in FPB mode with free camera rotation.
Basic tutorial during first stage.
Enemy bomberman well calculated the explosion distance.
In FPB mode you can move camera down to the shoulder view.
Alive and ready for next stage.
In FPB mode you can also zoom out the camera to create familiar top-down gameplay perspective.
Collected items have different meaning in FPB and standard mode.
Multiple CPU bombermans approaching.
Chain reaction.
Deploying player bomberman onto the stage.
In standard mode you'll be able to see entire level, but camera will be fixed.
Aside fighting enemy bombermans, take out walls to find and collect useful items.
When time runs out, level bricks will start to close in the gap so you can't fight forever.
A well set trap.
Multiple enemy bombermans deploying onto the stage.
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