Shrek the Third

aka: Shrek Terceiro, Shrek Tercero, Shrek Terzo, Shrek Trzeci, Shrek de Derde, Shrek der Dritte, Shrek le Troisième

[ All ] [ PlayStation 2 ] [ PSP ] [ Wii ] [ Windows add ] [ Xbox 360 add ]

PlayStation 2 screenshots

The game's title screen follows the usual logos and animated introduction
The gift shop is open but at the start everything costs more than the player has available
The mini games are available to the player from the outset
The start of the game in story mode uses a puppet show to set the scene.
before Shrek can set out on his adventure to find a replacement king he must perform one royal duty. When he refuses he must battle his attendants
The player can always check the status of their game with the START key
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