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Quarantine II: Road Warrior

aka: Roadwarrior
Moby ID: 2740

DOS version

Fight your passengers

The Good
The Quarantine series has been among the first games I know to present a huge 3D open air environment - an entire city.
The graphics weren't even up to date when the game came on the market, but they were fast. And it was amazingly thrilling to ride a hover-cab through a dark future city, blasting everything out of the way.

The Bad
"Road Warrior" is the sequel to Quarantine and it doesn't change gameplay a bit. I was very disappointed, when I found out that it looks like the first part, sound like the first part and plays like the first part of the series. In fact, it is more a mission disk than a new game.

The Bottom Line
Quarantine is a dark future cab-simulation. It offers guns, passengers and 100s of mini quests, which are all very similar (drop someone off somewhere, shoot someone/something or take on another passenger). It's not among my classics, nor is it among my top ten of worst games ever. Maybe among the top 20.

by Isdaron (714) on May 24, 2002

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