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Myst Online: Uru Live

aka: MOUL
Moby ID: 27095

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Windows credits (2007)

143 people (73 professional roles, 70 thanks) with 145 credits.


Director Rand K. Miller
Executive Producer Blake Lewin


CTO Mark H. DeForest
Lead Graphics Programmer Bob Zasio
Lead Server Programmer Eric S. Anderson
Engine Programmer Jeff Lundin, Jason M. Calvert, Adam Van Ornum
Senior Tech. Artist, Gameplay Chris Doyle
Tech. Artist, Gameplay Derek Odell, Tye Hooley
Tech. Artist, Sound Implementation Tye Hooley


Art & Visual Design Director Joshua A. Staub
Animation Lead Jason C. Baskett
Artist Austin Thomas, Victoria Brace
Art Lead Eric A. Anderson

Sound and Music

Sound Design Tim Larkin

Concept and Control

D'ni Historian, Design Richard A. Watson
Game Design Lead Ryan Miller
Community Manager Ryan J. Warzecha

Quality Control/Customer Support

Dir. of QC and Cust. Support Lloyd Bell
Sr. QC Lead/CS Lead Greg J. Miranda
QC Lead/Sr. CS Lead Victoria L. Almond
QC & CS Lead/Sr. Web Dev. Karl Johnson
CS Lead Aaron Biegalski, M. Wolf Cowart, Michael Dogherra, Brandon A. Knowles, Kerryn Miller
Customer Support Taylor Bailey, Jesse Bronson, Ben Drechsel, Chris Lambert, Bob Mathias, Emily Norton
QC Tester Bradford Chapman, John Taitingfong, Eliza Wyatt

Administrative Support

President Tony Fryman
Project Manager Mark Dobratz
CFO Mark Klammer
IT Manager David Smith
Maintenance & Eggs Byron R. Heinemann
Office, Accounting Eloise McCloskey

Voice Artists

Zandi David Ogden Stiers
Yeesha Rengin Altay


Guitar Eric Engerbretson
Vocalists Friends of Sironka Dance Troupe, Tasha Koontz

Special Acknowledgement

To early Uru Developers Ryan Allred, James Beattie, John M. Biggs, Susan R. Bonds, Colin Bonstead, Christopher Brandkamp, Mathew C. Burrack, Gary W. Butcher, Christopher L. Clanin, Terry J. Coolidge, Mark T. Finch, Robert J. Emanuele, Peter Gage, Paul Gallagher, Robert Grace, Mike Hines, Stephen Hoogendyk, Tricia Bland, Brian Kulig, Stephan Martinière, Matthew B. MacLaurin, Douglas T. McBride, Steve Ogden, Christian Piccolo, Chris J. Purvis, Paul A. Querna, Nathan Reidt, Terry Schmidbauer, Bill Slease, Rod L. Stafford, Mark Stenersen, Adrian Stone, William Stoneham, Brice Tebbs, Mustafa Thamer, Patti VanHeel, Eric G. Votava, Jeff Wilson, Eric R. Warman, Kyle Wilson
Additional Cyan Development Taylor Bailey, Ocala Bellows, Aaron Biegalski, Bryce J. Biggerstaff, John Brooks, Bryan Bussard, T. Elliot Cannon, Bret Carlson, Tim S. DeWolf, Eric C. Ellis, Scott Ellwanger, Mark Engberg, Brad Halpin, Keely Honeywell, Daniel Johnston, Gil Keppler, Brandon A. Knowles, Jeff Oswalt, Ryan B. Persch, Melinda Russell, Thom Schillinger, Micah Sheets, Lee Sheldon, Tyler J. Smith, Craig Voigt, Zachary M. Wellsandt, Maureen Wick


GM & SVP GameTap Stuart Snyder
VP of Content Ricardo Sánchez
VP of Marketing David Reid
VP of Technology Eric Diez
Executive Producer Blake Lewin
Dir. of Product Management Cameron Payne
Senior Brand Manager Trent Hershenson
Technology Leslie Brooks, Miomir Arandelovic, Jorge Monteiro, Roberto Monge
Production Manager Roger W. Faso
Assistant Producer Jake Armstrong, Chanh Tran
QA Manager Andrew Feury
Technical Lead Ryan Burke
Lead Tester Will Armstrong
Tester T. J. Dorsey, Patrick Durbin, Christina Lacey, Jason Markowitz, Nigel O'Rear, Daniel Palacios, Jason Toups, Justin Turner
Special Thanks Eric Large, Ron Meiners, Celia Pearce
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Credits contributed by Jeanne.