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God of War II

aka: GoW2, God of War II HD, God of War II: Divine Retribution
Moby ID: 27089

[ PlayStation 2 ] [ PlayStation 3 add ]

PlayStation 2 credits (2007)

339 people (285 professional roles, 54 thanks) with 376 credits.

Sony Computer Entertainment America Santa Monica Studio

Game Director Cory Barlog
Lead Designer Cory Barlog
Producer Steve Caterson
Lead Programmer Tim Moss
Art Director Stig Asmussen
Visual Development Director Charlie Wen
Creative Director David Jaffe
Executive Producer Shannon Studstill
Production Group Associate Producer - Localization Coordinator Chad Cox
Associate Producer - Animation Coordinator Angie Howard
Assistant Producer - Cinematics Coordinator Ariel Lawrence
Associate Producer - Project Coordinator Rita Mines
Associate Producer - Design Coordinator Aaron Orsak
Associate Producer - Lead Artist Kenneth T. Roy
Associate Producer - Combat Coordinator Joel Taubel
Producer - Design Manager Whitney Wade
Additional Production Support Yumi Yang
Assistants to Production Christopher Beaver, Matthew Cappiello, William Weissbaum
Game Programmers Matthew Arrington, Magnus Danielsson, Thomas Miller IV, Fabrice Odero, Bob Soper, Phil Wilkins
Lead Engine Programmer Christer Ericson
Additional Programming Support Moumine Ballo, Ben Diamand, Vassily Filippov, Naty Hoffman
Design - Level Design and Scripting Michael Cheng (Lead), Paul David Edwards, Nathan Gary, Jonathan Hawkins, Ashley A. Morgan, Todd Papy, Jeremy Parker, Chip Sbrogna, Jo Wright
Design - Combat Scenarios Cory Barlog, Nathan Gary, Todd Papy
Design - Combat Systems Eric Williams (Lead), Derek Daniels, Jason McDonald, Adam Puhl
Design - Camera Mark Simon (Lead), Andy Ashcraft, Paul David Edwards
Design - Sound and Music Scripting Todd Piperi (Lead), Paul David Edwards, Michael Ha
Additional Design Support Jason McDonald, Charles Pinady, Tobin A. Russell
Concept Artists Cecil Hong-Sik Kim (Environment Lead), Andy Park, Erik San Juan, Scott Seeto, Dwayne Turner
Additional Concept Art Ryan Meinerding
Environment Artists Mark Ahlin (Lead), Chris Sutton (Lead), Raymond Arriaga, Paul Coda, Ken Feldman, John Palamarchuk, Timo Pihlajamäki, Nate Stephens, Lewis M. Walden III
Additional Environment Art Support Dennis Johnson
Character Artists Louis Lu (Lead), Kevin Anderson, Go Woon Choi, Ken Huynh, Erik San Juan
Game Animators Mehdi Yssef (Lead), Artak Avakyan, James Che, Jacqueline Joanne Corley, Sean Gilley, Tommy Ho, Jason McDade, Tim Pixton, Sonny Santa Maria, Bruno Velazquez
Cinematic Animators Jacqueline Joanne Corley (Lead), Artak Avakyan, Jason McDade, Sonny Santa Maria, Bruno Velazquez
Cinematic Environment Artist Wade Mulhern
Additional Cinematic Animation Support James Che, Sean Gilley, Tommy Ho, Tim Pixton, Mehdi Yssef
Visual Effects Artists Maximilian Vaughn Ancar (Lead), Wade Mulhern
Character Technical Director Giovanni Luis
Interface Technical Artist Cory Barron
Technical Artists Gary Kavanagh, Jason Minters, Alexander Stein
Additional Technical Art Support Mark A. Anderson, Richard Greenspan, Sean Gilley
Game Testers Stephen Peterson (Lead), Saladin Begum, Robert Hargraves, Sean Manzano, Matthew D. Miller, Adam Root
Story By Cory Barlog, David Jaffe
Game Written By Cory Barlog, James Barlog, Marianne Krawczyk
Additional Writing By Ariel Lawrence, William Weissbaum
Project Manager James Miller
Director of Tools And Technology Christer Ericson
Director of Technology Tim Moss
Director of Internal Production Shannon Studstill
Director, Product Development Allan Becker
Vice President, Product Development Shuhei Yoshida
Special Thanks We would like to thank Spouses/Significant Others and Families of the development team
We would also like to thank Janet Aghazarian, Michael Dennis, Angie Drennon, John Dudkowski, Sarah Farmer, Brian Fukuji, Shelly Gayner, Cory Haibloom, Barbara House, Luciania Jinzo, Craig Karasky, Douglas Kelley, Amy Kingma, Eric Koch, Joslyn Ferrero, Lisa Lunger, Chin Chin Lin, Gene Magerr, Arturo Mora, Ninalei Morrison, Jose-Antonio Nasser, Sue Nopar, Tanya Page, Robert Rabang, Evette Reveles, Charlene Ryan, Jeanie Schenk, Shayla Skilling, Brian Upton, Patrick Murphy, Rob Wyatt, Jonathan Alan York, USC School of Engineering, Anthony Borquez, 411 Creatives, Susan Reese, Interact Agency, Mark Synor, EventMakers, Guy Genis, the SN DBS team at SN Systems, Murray Hill Center

SCEA Audio Production Group

Director of Tools, Technology and Services Buzz Burrowes
SCEA Sound Design Manager David Murrant
Sound Design Manager Phillip A. Kovats
Lead Sound Designer Chuck Russom
Sound Design Brad Aldredge, Tristan des Prés, Paul M. Fox, Phillip A. Kovats, Emile Mika
Creature Sounds Special Effects David Farmer
Dialog Supervisor Greg deBeer
Dialog Coordinator Jacquie Shriver Sladeck
Cinematic Audio Post Manager Michael Johnson
Cinematic Audio Post Production Chris Canning, Jeff Darby, Eric Kuehnl, Michael Johnson, Steve Johnson, Brian Min
PD Sound Project coordinator Davina Mackey
Foley Recording Provided By Warner Brothers Post Production Services
Foley Artists John Roesch, Alyson Dee Moore, David Fein
Foley Mixer David Fein
Foley Recordist Scott Morgan

SCEA Music Production Group

Director of Music Chuck Doud
Senior Music Supervisor Clint Bajakian
Music Supervisor Jonathan Mayer
Music Mixing and Editing Jonathan Mayer, Joel Yarger
Music Production Associates Scott Hanau, Ernest Johnson
Manager, Music and Licensing Jason Swan
Associate Music Producer Tammy Tsuyuki
Music Operations Manager David Mucci
Music Intern Ryan Duda
Music Composed by Gerard K. Marino, Ron Fish, Michael Reagan, Cris Velasco
Orchestrator and Conductor Tim Davies
Additional Orchestration James T. Sale, Kostas Christides
Music Preparation Leland Bond, Mark Cally, Brandon Roberts
Music Performed by London Session Brass Players
Choir conducted by Jan Chalupecky
Persian Instrumentalist Nejad

SCEA Art and Animation Services Group

Director, Art and Animation Services Group Dwayne Mason
AASG Senior Department Administrator Nonet Vargas
AASG Department Administrator Monique Williamson, Brian Rausch
Production Manager Scott Peterson
Animation Manager Chad Moore
Motion Capture Department Assistan Tami Friend
Motion Capture Studio Supervisor James Scarafone
Motion Capture Studio Technician Ryan Beeson, Douglas Hagstrom, Eduardo Contreras
Motion Capture Tracking Lead Michael Shinkle
Motion Capture Specialist Travis Parks, Sarah Back, Percy Sagun
Motion Capture Animation Lead Frank Strocco
Motion Capture Animator Brian Phipps, Michael Graessle, Eryn Roston
Motion Capture Technical Animator Daniel L. Legg, Trisha Manbeck Roston
Motion Capture Performer Casting By Brigitte Burdine
Motion Capture Performer Daz Crawford, Joseph Gatt, Ute Werner, Anthony Ray Parker, Bert Belasco, Chuck Kelley, Ben Hermes

Hi-Res and In-Game Cinematics

Hi-Res Cinematics By SemoLogic Inc.
Cinematic Supervisor Jong Bo Kim
Project Supervisor Se min Tho
CG Supervisor Jeung Soo Kim
Producers Seung Won Park, You Shin Won, Kay Sasatomi
Character Animation Supervisor George Zimmet
In-Game Cinematics By Technicolor Interactive Services
Vice President of Interactive Services Chan Park
Senior Art Development Manager Joseph McGuffin
CG Directors Robert Castaneda, Stephen Fedasz IV
Cinematics Production Coordinators Eric Kovats, Iva Marie Palmer

Cinematic and In-Game Post Effects

Cinematic and In-Game Post Effects by Planet Blue

Cinematic and In-Game Voice Over

SCEA Voice Over Coordinator Rita Mines
Voice Over Services Provided By Soundelux Design Music Group
Executive Creative Director Scott Martin Gershin
Voice Over Business Manager William Beaman
Voice Over Coordinator Erica Mehallo
Voice Over Recording Engineer Justin Langley, Chad Bedell, Eliza Engle, Mark Camperell, Bryan Celano, Ronald Dutch Hill, Bob Rankin
Voice Over Directors Kris Zimmerman Salter, Keythe Farley, Patrick Ginn
Voice Actors Linda Hunt (Narrator/Gaia), Terrence C. Carson (Krators), Michael Clarke Duncan (Atlas), Carole J. Ruggier (Athena), Harry Hamlin (Perseus), Corey Burton (Zeus), Paul Eiding (Theseus), Bob Joles (Barbarian King/Icarus), Leigh-Allyn Baker (Lahkesis/Bathhouse Girl 2), Debbie MaeWest, Jennifer Martin (Medusa's Sister Euryale), Josh Keaton (Young Spartan), Fred Tatasciore (Typhon), Susan Silo (Clotho), Alan Oppenheimer (Prometheus [credited as Allan Oppenheimer]), Robin Atkin Downes, Armin Shimerman (Translator 2), Lloyd Sherr (Cronos), Cam Clarke (Hercules), Keith Ferguson (Boat Captain [as Keith Furguson]), Stefan Marks (Elevator Guy), Marc Worden (Jason's Guard), Greg Ellis (Rhodes Soldiers), Khary Payton, Peter Lurie (Spartan Soldiers), Keythe Farley (Door Guy/Soldier)
Voice Over Director Keythe Farley, Kris Zimmerman Salter, Gordon Hunt
Director Michael Blackledge
Test Operations Ritchard Markelz (Senior Manager), Mike Veigel (QA Test Manager), J. Cruz Garcia (QA Test Supervisor)
Lead Quality Assurance Testers Monty Rimorin, Robert Helsel, Rodger Aladray
Quality Assurance Testers Dennis Miller, Joshua Kahelin, Daniel Guerrero, Jackie Sutherland, Mark Juhao Chao, Mark Runsvold
Contingent Game Test Analysts Aaron Davis, Andrew Heino, Blake Nobles, Charlemagne Celestino, Collin McKusick, Daniel Peer, Gabe Landers, Jin Bong, John Walker, Ken Nguyen, Lindsay Lauters Miller, Minh Lam, Nadim Hussami, Olivia Ting, Ryan Halvorson, Shane Hebard-Massey, Steve Peer, Tiffany Sutton, Timothy Hill
Lab Technician Vince Loughney
Program Management Group Jim Wallace (Senior Manager), Eric Ippolito (Manager/Project Management)

SCEA Marketing

Senior VP, Marketing Peter Dille
Direcytor, Online & Product Marketing Susan Nourai Panico
Senior Manager, Product Marketing Jeff Reese
Product Marketing Manager Asad Qizilbash
Product Marketing Specialist Kenneth Chan
Sr. Director, Corporate commun ications David Karraker
Sr. PR Manager Ron Eagle
PR Manager Ryan Bowling
PR Specialist Paul Murphy
Director of Online and Direct Marketing Steve Williams
Senior Creative Services Manager Jack Siler
Creative Services Specialists Joseph Chan, J. M. Garcia
Packaging and Manual Design Petrol Advertising
Manual Coy Offbase Productions
Legal and Business Affairs Lisa Lunger, Brian Fukuji, Mary Nappi, Sue Nopar, Ninalei Morrison, Christine DeNezza
Executive Special Thanks We would like to thank each indivisual at Sony Computer Entertainment America for their contributions/support/dedication to the success of God of War II with special recognition to the Executive Management team including, Kaz Hirai, Jack Tretton, Peter Dille, Jim Bass, Glenn Nash, Phil Rosenberg, Steve Ross, Riley R. Russell III, Shuhei Yoshida, Phil Harrison
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MobyPro Early Access

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Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

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Credits contributed by quizzley7.