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Battlestations: Midway

aka: Midway: Naval Battles
Moby ID: 26736

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Windows credits (2007)

210 people (178 professional roles, 32 thanks) with 224 credits.

Eidos Hungary

Head of Studio Klaude Thomas
Project Manager Attila Söröss
Assistant Project Manager Veronika Tankó
Lead Designers Viktor Györei, Botond Szalacsi
Senior Designers Károly Kasszián
Designers Balázs Andrássy, Gábor Andrássy, Péter Báling, Gábor Béressy
Lead Programmer Ákos Somfai
Senior Programmer Zoltán Horváth
Programmers Zsolt Benke, Gábor Bodács, István Árpád Kiss, Imre Kullai, Kornél Lehőcz
Lead Artist Zoltán Nagy
Senior Artists Szabolcs Négyesi, Péter Tóth
Artists Zoltán Hollósi, Ferenc Kiss, Tamás Kerti, Norbert Radványi, Péter Rigó, Lehel Seres
QA Supervisor Zoltán Kozma
QA Lead (360) Attila Mohácsi
QA Technicians Máté Ács, Zsolt Heiczinger, Attila Deák
Office Administration Andrea Katona
System Administration Péter Horváth
Additional Sound Effects Ákos Ambrus, Péter Tolnay, János Varga, László Zizics
Mixing Ákos Ambrus, Péter Tolnay, János Varga, László Zizics
Supplementary Artwork László Rácz, István Szalai
Wave Simulation Carsten Wenzel
Additional Design Attila Anga, László Domján, Tamás Fekete, Matthew Miles Griffiths, György Salamon, Imre Csaba Sigér, Tamás Solymosi, András Timár-Geng, Zsolt Nyulászi
Additional Programming Gábor Dorka, Zsolt Eisler, Donát Iszak, Gábor Iváncsy, Gergely Kutenics, László Milán, László Magyar, Krisztián Márta, Zoltán Motyán, Sàndor Nyakó, József Punk, Tibor Székely, Péter Soltész, Attila Tajti, Krisztián Tolnay
Additional Artwork Csaba Horváth, Dániel Cseuz, Tamás Csige, Attila Deák, Gábor Dosa, György Fábos, Attila Gaál, Balázs Haui, Bence Hegybíró, Csaba Horváth, Róbert Illés, Balázs Kalózdy, Máté Ketzer, Zoltán Ludas, Szabolcs Mátéfy, Sándor Molnár, Tamás Polgár, István Szalai, Péter Szücsy, Attila Tóth, György Tóth, Róbert Tóth, Imre Tüske, Veljko Radenkovic
Additional QA László Gombosi, Tamás Faludi, Zoltán Katona, Ferenc Mikola, Péter Petrekovits, Péter Rieger, Ferenc Selmeczi, Zoltán Somorjai, Gábor Szappanos, Zoltán Vári
Additional Management Norbert Petró, Antal Ruttmayer
Thanks to Guillaume Mahouin, Benedek Juhász, Gábor Marinov, Matthew Russell, Mike Horneman, Peter Bratcher, Richard Jacques, Róbert Sugár, Zsolt Tátrai
From An Idea by Zsolt Nyulászi

Eidos UK

CEO Jane Cavanagh
Commercial Director Bill Ennis
Financial Director Rob Murphy
Company Secretary Anthony Price
Head of European Publishing Scott Dodkins
Product Acquisition Director Ian Livingstone
Development Director Darren Barnett
Development Manager Lee Singleton
Producers Nick Clarke, Sarah van Rompaey, Klaude Thomas
Senior Designers Matthew Miles Griffiths, Jodie Brock
Designer Anna Marsh
Worldwide CTO Julien Merceron
Head of Global Brand Larry Sparks
Brands Controller Sarah Hoeksma
Brand Manager Matthew Russell
Creative Manager Quinton Luck
Head of Support Services Flavia Timiani-Dean
Senior Localisation Manager Monica Dalla Valle
Localisation Manager Guillaume Mahouin
Localisation QA Supervisor Arnaud Messager
QA Localisation Lead Technician Pedro Geppert
QA Localisation Technicians Edwige Béchet, Arianna Pizzi
QA Manager Marc Titheridge
QA Supervisor David Isherwood
QA Lead Technicians Hugo Hirsh, Henley Bailey, William Wan
QA Technicians Stephen Addis, Dominic Andoh, Andrew Brown, Andrae McKenzie, Digby Murray, Jonathon Redington, Zesh Sadique, David Sangan, Shams Wahid, Daniel Webster
Mastering Supervisor Jason Walker
Mastering Engineer Ray Mullen
Console Programming Littlestone Software
Music Composition Richard Jacques
Music Production Richard Jacques
Sound Effects Air Studios
Voice Recording Jake S. Hughes, Mike Peaselee, The Annex
Scriptwriting Steven Bailie
Game Manual James Lenoël (@Lenoël Creative)
Support Services Tom Waine
Ship References National Maritime Museum
Thanks ATI, Code Mafia, Dreamtime Research, Imagemetrics, Logitech, Nvidia, Saitek, Six by Nine, Steven Blackburn
Special Thanks Kevin Strange, Martin Mannix, Matthew Ibbs (a gentleman of taste), Sam Brown, William Wan

Eidos US Publishing

CEO Bill Gardner
President, Eidos North America Bill Gardner
Executive Vice President of Sales Robert Lindsey
Executive Vice President of Marketing Robert Lindsey
Vice President of Legal Affairs James O'Riordan
Vice President of Business Affairs James O'Riordan
Publishing Coordinator, Legal and Business Affairs Clint Waasted
Vice President of Finance Malcolm Dunne
Director of Marketing Matt Gorman
Marketing Manager David Bamberger
Creative Director Karl Stewart
Director of Public Relations Michelle Seebach Curran
Public Relations Manager Oonagh Morgan
Community Specialist Tony Perata
National Sales Manager Joseph Morici
Channel Marketing Manager Diane Eng
Channel Marketing Coordinators Rafal Dudziec, David Bushee
Web Producer Roderick van Gelder
Web Designer John Lerma
Media Manager Michael Tran
Graphic Designer James Song
Operations Manager Gregory Wu
Senior External Producer Nick Goldsworthy
Associate Project Manager Clayton Palma
Product Specialists Jeff J. Love, Stephen Cavoretto, Aaron Safronoff, Katie Bieringer
Mastering/Hardware Jordan Romaidis, Patrick Goodspeed
Customer Service Sean McCloskey, Richard Campbell
Special Thanks Danny Jiang, Hanshaw Ink & Image, Jessica Dougherty, James Bowen, R. W. Russell (www.midway42.org), All the volunteer staff of the USS Hornet, Alameda & the USS Pampanito, San Francisco
Very Special Thanks Otis Kight (Lieutenant Commander Ret.; USN)
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.


MobyPro Early Access

People credited on this game were also credited on:

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Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Sciere, formercontrib.