Egypt 1156 B.C.: Tomb of the Pharaoh
Das Grab des Pharao,
Egipto 1156 a.C.: La Tumba del Faraon,
Egypt 1156 a.C.: L'Enigma della Tomba Reale,
Egypte 1156 av. J.-C.: L'énigme de la tombe royale,
Egypte 1156 voor Christus: Het raadsel van de koninklijke tombe,
Egypten: 1156 f.Kr. Faraos Hemlighet
Moby ID: 2624
[ All ] [ Macintosh ] [ PlayStation ] [ Windows ]
Tech Specs/Attributes +
Macintosh + |
Business Model: | |
Minimum CPU Class Required: | |
Minimum OS Class Required: | |
Minimum RAM Required: | |
Media Type: | |
Minimum CD-ROM Drive Speed Required: | |
Sound Devices Supported: | |
Input Devices Supported/Optional: | |
Number of Offline Players: | |
Notes: | |
PlayStation + |
Input Devices Supported/Optional: | |
Number of Players Supported: | |
Notes: | Memory Card: 1 block. |
Windows + |
Business Model: | |
Minimum CPU Class Required: | |
Minimum OS Class Required: | |
Minimum RAM Required: | |
Minimum DirectX Version Required: | |
Media Type: | |
Minimum CD-ROM Drive Speed Required: | |
Minimum Video Memory Required: | |
Video Modes Supported: | |
Video Resolutions Supported: | |
Input Devices Supported/Optional: | |
Number of Offline Players: | |
Notes: |
Attributes contributed by formercontrib, Sciere, jean-louis, Jeanne, Zeppin.