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Avatar: The Last Airbender

aka: Avatar, Avatar: De Legende van Aang, Avatar: Der Herr der Elemente, Avatar: La Leyenda de Aang, Avatar: Le Dernier Maitre De L'Air, Avatar: The Legend of Aang, The Legend of the Last Airbender, Aang

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PlayStation 2 credits (2006)

202 people (176 professional roles, 26 thanks) with 206 credits.

THQ Studio Australia

Lead Designer Ken Williamson
Lead Programmer Craig James
Lead Artist Donnie Madsen
Lead Animator Dru Muller
Lead Tester Marc Speakman
Lead Audio Designer Scott Ryan
Designers Mark Grossman, Jeremy Hamilton, Mihajlo Naumovic, Tony O'Dempsey, Matt Ota, Gerald Poon, Trevor Smith, Rahni Tucker, Paul Twomey, Scott West
Programmers Brendan Brewster, Luke Cooper, Ben Crossman, Alex De La Mare, Jade Lee, Kristian O'Dempsey, Tim Paech, Marty Portier, Nigel Robinson, Kazys Stepanas, Kim Watson, Ben Wooller
Artists Christopher Archer, Matt Bissell, Brendan Bottomley, Mark Brown, Simon Connolly, Hannah Crosby, Suzanne Dunstan, Tanya Hempson, Keith Hibbert, James Laca, Gerhard Mozsi, Andrew Seyderhelm, Daniel Tseng, Brenton Wright
Animators Ryan Daniel, Michelle Hapke, Daniel Harris, Warwick Mellow, Damian Pin, David Shaw, Geoffrey Suttor
Testers Daniel John, Lauren Pears, Neil Robins, Philip Riek
Vice President Steve Dauterman
General Manager Steve Middleton
Director of Production Jon Cartwright
Design Director Dave MacMinn
Technical Director Matt Riek
QA Manager Nizam Abdallah
Tech Team Lachlan Bland, Jeff Brasket, Peter Featherstone, Timothy Groth, Benn Vosseteig
Office Administration Lauren Baldwin
System Administration David Wall
Licensor Manager Victor Rodriguez
Global Localization Manager Amy Small
Additional Thanks to All our partners and families for their support, Roy J. Tessler, The teachers and students of St. Ignatious School, Game Monkey Scripting System, Ramon the monkey, Guru the ill-fated
Music Daniel Fournier (Original Music composed, directed and produced by, Digital Archives Network), FMOD Sound System, copyright [C] Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd., 1994-2006.
Original Storyline Flint Dille (Union Entertainment)
VO Casting and Production VoiceWorks Production Inc
VO Directors Douglas Carrigan, Zach Hanks
Administration Monique Nelson
Recording Studio Atlantic Group, Santa Monica, CA
Engineer Jaimie Siedow-Johnson
Technical Art Chris Baker (uncredited)

Voice Talent

Aang Zach Tyler Eisen
Katara Mae Margaret Whitman
Sokka Jack DeSena
Zuko Dante Bosco
Appa / Momo Dee Bradley Baker
Haru Michael Dow
The Maker Gwendoline Yeo
King Bumi André Sogliuzzo
Additional Characters André Sogliuzzo, Barry Dennen, David Cooley, Dee Bradley Baker, Gwendoline Yeo, James Horan, James Kevin Ward, Jocelyn Blue, Keith Ferguson, Kevin Michael Richardson, Kim Mai Guest, Nolan North, Robin Atkin Downes, Saffron Henderson, Susan Boyd Joyce, Victor Brandt, Yuri Lowenthal

THQ, Inc: Quality Assurance

Director, Quality Assurance Monica Vallejo
QA Managers Mario Waibel, Michael Motoda
Test Supervisor David Sapienza
Test Leads Joel Dagang, Jim Dunne
Testers Albert Villena, Alex Rangel, Benjamin Jones, Brad Loffswold, Brendon Schoone-Jongen, Carlos Flores, Carmelo Consiglio, David Legois, Evan Jackson, Jarad Coats, Jason Ferrero, Krystle Wallis, Lori Androsczuk, Michael Manley, Nestor Escobar, Rick Johnson, Samuel Ho, Sanjay Patel
First Party Supervisor Jason Tani
First Party Specialists Arielle Jayme, Darryl Matthews, Dimitri Del Castillo, Eva Keyes, Jennifer Henschel, Nathan Bell, Ryan Fell
QA Technicians Richard Jones, David Wilson, Michael Zlotnicki
Mastering Lab Technicians Glen Peters, Anthony Dunnet, T. Ryan Arnold, Heiden Salguero
Remastering Project Manager Charles Batarse
Database Administrator Jonathan Gill
Database Applications Engineer Brian Kincaid
Game Evaluation Team F. Scott Frazier, Matt Elzie, Eric Weiss, Chris Emerson
Human Factors Design Specialist Ray Kowalewski
QA Operations Coordinator Steve Nelson
HR Generalist Eve Waldman
Localization Supervisor Erik O'Keady


Senior Vice President - Worldwide Marketing Bob Aniello
Director of Global Brand Management John Ardell
Senior Global Brand Manager Danielle Conte
Brand Manager Ali Bouda
Marketing Coordinator Sam Guilloud
Director of Creative Services Howard Liebeskind
Creative Services Coordinator Lindsey Talbot
Manual Text Keith M. Kolmos
Packaging Layout and Design Bryan Frodente

Media Relations

Vice President of Communications Liz Pieri
Director of Media Relations Kristina Kirk
Media Relations Manager Kathy Bricaud
Special Thanks Jenni Carlson, Ian Curran, Brian J. Farrell, Jack Sorensen, Kelly Flock, Germaine Gioia, James Kennedy, Lupe Ocaranza, Terri Schiek, Jeremy Taylor


Executive Vice President, Nickelodeon Digital Stephen Youngwood
Vice President, Nickelodeon Digital Stacey Kaufman
Vice President, Digital Media Products, Nickelodeon Digital Paul Jelinek
Sr. Director, Digital Games, Nickelodeon Digital Shaul Olmert
Director, Games Development, Nickelodeon Digital David Bergantino
Marketing Manager, Nickelodeon Digital Jack Daley, Stephanie Bond-Hutkin
Coordinator, Nickelodeon Digital Daniel Boldin
VP, Nickelodeon Creative Resources Tim Blankley
Creative Director, Licensing, Nickelodeon Creative Resources Tim Blankley
Creative Director, Entertainment Products, Nickelodeon Creative Resources Daniel Moreton
Senior Designer, Interactive, Nickelodeon Creative Resources Rob Lemon
Junior Designer, Interactive,, Nickelodeon Creative Resources Jason Diorio
Coordinator, Copy/Content, Nickelodeon Creative Resources Kristen Yu-Um
Avatar IP Manager, Nickelodeon Creative Resources Chris Grant
Nickelodeon would like to thank Linnette Attai, Justine Briskman, Leigh Anne Brodsky, Eric Coleman, Russell Hicks, Jenna Luttrell, Andrew Potter, Russell Spina
Special Thanks to Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.


MobyPro Early Access

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Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Evil Ryu, Chris Baker.