Choose your side: US or Germany
US - Main Menu
Luftwaffe - Main Menu
Me163 Cockpit - there's the sun, and the version
Me163 Komet briefing - if you read it you'll see how this was an educational game :)
In Gotha 229 - firing Rockets at B-17!
Go229 - Flying through B17 formation
In P47 - Aiming at Me109
In P47 - Aiming for Fw190
P47 - Passing Me109s
P47 - view out right wing
P47 - In-Mission Map
Top Ten US pilots :)
You can fly three fighters and one bomber for the U.S. Air Force.
Five Luftwaffe fighters are available.
Taking a look at the tactical map.
Selecting the armament for my B-17G Flying Fortress.
Cockpit of the B-17G Flying Fortress.
Left-hand cockpit view (B-17G)
Rear view (Me 262)
Are we missing some important screenshots? Contribute.