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The Movies: Stunts & Effects

aka: The Movies: Stunts & Spezialeffekte
Moby ID: 22721

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Windows credits (2006)

195 people (190 professional roles, 5 thanks) with 200 credits.

Lionhead Studios

Executive Designers Peter Molyneux, Mark Webley
Designers Stephen Hood, Ben Huskins, Andrzej Zamoyski
Lead Programmer Matthew Chilton
Engine Architect Technical Lead Jean-Claude Cottier
Senior Programmers Jonathan Askew, James Brown, James Hopkin
Programmers Oliver Dawson, Kieran Nee
Additional Programming Mark Adami, Paul Holden, Jonny Hopper
Lead Artist Andy Bass
Studio Art Lead Joe Rider
Senior Artists Rohan Knuckey, Cris White
Artists Carolyn Bailey, Richard Hammond, Caroline Jefferies, Mark Williams
Concept & Fine Art Peter Amachree, Kareem Ettouney, David Le Merrer, Michael McCarthy
Additional Art David Bruce, Jon Eckersley, Patrick Martin, Ben Troughton
Senior Graphic & Interface Designer Rex Crowle
Graphic & Interface Designer James Unwin
Additional Graphic & Interface Design James Whittamore
Animation Lead Franck Laurin, Wilfried Ayel
Senior Animator Jamie Galipeau
Animators Simon Boscaro, Casey Fulton, Ceri Harrison, Mikael Högström, Christopher Roe, Aline Sudbrack, Ramona Wilhelmsson
Lead Scene Designer David M. Carter
Senior Scene Designer Dan Hunter
Scene Designers John Bye, Marie Colwell, Ashley Harman, Carson Herrick, P. J. Hughes, Tadhg Kelly, Robert MacKenzie
Head of Lionhead Audio Russell Shaw
Sound Design John Silke, Nathan McCree
Head of Scripting & Writing James Leach
Online Lead Georg Backer
Web Programmer Pete Coward
Senior Online Designer Jamie Durrant
Head of Audio Gary Carr
Senior Development Manager Geoff Smith
Project Lead Brynley Gibson
Assistant Producer Jennifer Clixby, Andy Barton
Additional Production Adrian Price, Jeremie Texier
QA Manager Andy Robson
Assistant QA Manager Nathan Smethurst
QA Senior Lead Jeffrey Brutus
Lead Test Rob den Dekker
Senior Contractor Rob Moody
Gameplay Testing Harrison Baker, Tony Ciniglio, Wayne Marx, David Pajak, Daniel Purcell, Ben Sebire, Kiernan Sleep, Adam Zamoyski
Additional Gameplay Testing Ted Timmins, John Duffill
Voice Performers Patricia Rodriguez (Awards Woman), Laurel Lefkow (PA Announcer), William Roberts (Awards Man), Ian Porter (Stunt Tutorial)
Chief Executive Officer Peter Molyneux
Development Director Mark Webley
Chief Technical Officer Tim Rance
Chief Financial Officer Peter Murphy
Chief Legal Officer Steve Hutchings
Head of Production Stuart Whyte, Mike Bretherton
Group Financial Controller Graham Harris
Accountants Allison Coles, Jackie Keys
Office Services Manager Geraldine Ashworth
Administration Assistants Sian Mello, Anna White
Additional Administration Support Charlotte Warren
Legal Counsel Mark Perfrement
Head of HR Mark Perfrement
Legal Assistant Catherine Crowther
HR Rebecca Guymer, Claire Hedley
PAs to the Directors Jane Hill, Marion Shanly
IT Manager Neil Grevitt
IT Support Daniel Jenkins
PR Consultant, Panache PR Cathy Campos
Chief Community Relations Officer Sam Van Tilburgh
Community Assistant Woody Hennekam
Special Thanks The Original Movies Team, Everyone else at Lionhead for their support


Producer James Steer
Executive Producer Marcus Iremonger
Associate Producer Dawn Pinkney
Production Coordinator Daryl Heffernan
Production Tester James Clifford Norris
VP, North American and European Studios Laird M. Malamed
Additional Production Callum Godfrey, Ben Barker, Matthew Hunt
Global Brand Manager Amy Longhi
Director, Global Brand Management Tom Silk
VP, Global Brand Management Dusty Welch
Trade Marketing Manager Jennifer Agens
Packaging Ignited Minds LLC
Manual Design Ignited Minds LLC

Activision UK

Marketing Manager Tim Woodley
PR Manager UK/ROE Suzanne Panter
Localisation Project Manager Simon Dawes
Sr. PR Director Michelle Schroder
Sr. PR Manager Ryh-Ming C. Poon
Publicists Aaron Grant, Kehau Rodenhurst
Director of Technology Matt Wilkinson
Sr. Manager, Central Technology Edward Clune
Programmer Trainee Kimberly Carrasco
Special Thanks Michael J. Griffith, Chuck Huebner, Robin Kaminsky
QA Project Leads Alex Ortiz, Steve Peñate, Michael Wade
QA Senior Project Leads Brad Saavedra, Jeffry Moxley, Paul Williams, Frank So
QA Managers Matthew McClure, Adam Hartsfield, Jason Levine
QA Floor Leads Peter von Oy, Israel Barco, Miles Leslie
QA Testers Matt Mahler, Justin Green, Jeff Burda, Gabriel Galaz, Shamen'e Childress, Martin Culepepper, Jason Guyan, Prommet Srinara, Frank Valenzuela, Khalid Warren, Tan La, Adrienne Arrasmith, Jason Gilmore, Matthew Foley, Andre Haftevani, Julius Hipolito, Marvin Bryant Jackson, John McCurry, Michael Ackland, Christopher Davis, Czyznyk Deco, Justin Gogue, Michael Grimpo, Ben Abel, Danny Feng, Robert Tai, Robert Warren, Mark Ruzicka, Seth Sheets, Mario Reyes, George Walker, Casey Cambridge, William Whaley, Christof Pearson, David Orton, Ed Miyashiro, James Gobert, Jeff Mitchell, Ronald Ruhl, Robin Odlum
Sr. Manager, Code Release Group Tim Vanlaw
Lead, Code Release Group Jefrey Sedivy
Customer Support Leads Gary Bolduc (Phone Support), Michael Hill (E-mail Support)


The Splinter logo is used with permission of Brynley Gibson
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MobyPro Early Access

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MobyPro Early Access

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Credits contributed by Sciere, formercontrib.