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Hitman: Blood Money

aka: Hitman 4, Hitman: Argent de sang, Hitman: Krwawa Forsa
Moby ID: 22576

PlayStation 2 version

EIDOS strikes again!

The Good
Hitman: Blood Money is a great game from the creators of Tomb Raider. The story line is great. You are an assassin who has a different target every level of the game. The art and graphics of the game are beautiful! The levels are very well designed. The character designs are neat. The orchestral soundtrack really blends in nicely with the game. In the game, you get sent to many locations such as Paris, Vegas, Louisiana and much more. Blood Money gives you the option to bring your custom guns or the ones that are preset in the game. To beat the game you must use various disguises and try to be silent and keep a low profile. This game has much replay value too. This game is very fun. It's kind of similar to Splinter Cell, except it doesn't matter if your loud or silent.

The Bad
Well in my opinion nothing is wrong with this game except for the stupid A.I. and the short storyline. I think there are 14 levels in all. The levels are long so I'm sure Eidos try to play it off like it was long. The A.I. is kind of stupid. Sometimes the civilians tell on you when you did nothing wrong. And sometimes when cops see Hitman in his suit they pull out their guns and start shooting at you!

The Bottom Line
A very fun game that deserves an A-. The game is not great but not bad. Its in between.

by TwoDividedByZero (114) on May 5, 2013

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