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Windows Mobile credits (2002)

97 people (95 professional roles, 2 thanks) with 110 credits.


Programming Bogdan Radusi, Carmen Elena Georgescu, Cyril Derouineau, Ionel Petcu, Darian Ioan Rancea
Design Andrei Fantana
Sound FX and Music Romain Gauthier, Dominique Dumont, Stéphane Bellanger, Jiesheng Zheng
Graphics Iulian Agapie, Cornel Oprea
Tests Stefan Zamfir, Qi Bin Yi, Wang Yao, Li Kai Jun, Pu Jin Ming
Project Management Christelle Leroux
And thanks to Ubi Soft Games Lab

Original Creation

Concept Michel Ancel, Frédéric Houde
Character Creation Alexandra Steible
Design Michel Ancel, Serge Hascoët, Bruno Bouvret, Gunther Galipot, Sacha Gentilhomme, Michaël Guez, Christophe Thibaut
Animation Alexandra Steible, Kamal Aitmihoub, David Gilson, Sophie Esturgie, Jacques Exertier, Gregoire Pons, Véronique Rondello, Béatrice Sauterau, Philippe Vindolet, Christian Volckman
Background Creation Éric Pelatan, Sylvaine Jenny
Computer Graphics Jean-Christophe Alessandri, Sophie Ancel, Olivier Béchard, Nicolas Bocquillon, Jean-Marc Geffroy, Laurent Rettig, Olivier Soleil
Programming Bertrand Hélias, Yann Le Tensorer, Daniel Palix, Cyril Cauchois, Olivier Couvreur, Antoine Dodens, Antonio Ferreira, Philippe Fuentes, Benoît Germain, Christophe Giraud, Frédéric Houde, François Mahieu, Christian Mihalache, Sébastien Morin, Bogdan Radusi, Daniel Raviart, Olivier Rozier, Jozef Skrabo, Gilles Vanwalleghem
Sound FX and Music Stéphane Bellanger, Didier Lord, Olivier Amiaud, Sylvain-Luc Brunet, Nathalie Drouet, Dominique Dumont, Kamel Founas, Rémi Gazel, Didier Gilbert Leglise, Jean-Marc Lichtmann, Frédéric Louvre, Guillaume Michel, Olivier Mortier, Frédéric Prados, Stéphane Ronse, René De Wael
Voices Emmanuelle Cosso, Mitsuyuki Bando, Chris Benard, Patrice Dozier, Douglas Rand, Stephen Perkinson, Christian Stonner
Tests Serge Hascoët, Bruno Barone, Thomas Belmont, Nicolas Bocquillon, Bruno Bouvret, Christophe Cavelan, Gunther Galipot, Sacha Gentilhomme, Marc Gioan, Michaël Guez, Benoît Maçon, Lionel Rico, Emmanuel Texandier, Christophe Thibaut, Dorian Thibaut
Project Management Agnès Haegel
Producer Gérard Guillemot (Ludimedia)
Development Michel Guillemot (Ubi Studios)
Publisher Yves Guillemot (Ubi Soft)
Special Thanks to the many others who worked on the project
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Credits contributed by Kabushi.