🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping


aka: PC Hack, ST Hack
Moby ID: 22346

[ Amiga ] [ Atari ST ] [ DOS ] [ Mainframe ] [ Sinclair QL add ]

Amiga credits (1986)

7 people with 11 credits.

Hack v1.0.1

This implementation of Hack brought to you from the hands of John A. Toebes VIII, Mary Ellen Toebes
With help and advice from Doug Walker, Jack Rouse

Hack v1.0.1E

Amiga Hack is brought to you via the following crew of pseudo-full-time HACKers Jack Rouse, Gordon Keener, Doug Walker, Edmund Burnette, Mary Ellen Toebes
and masterminded by John A. Toebes VIII
Improved Maze generation algorithm compliments of Don Kneller
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.



People credited on this game were also credited on:

Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

Credits contributed by Игги Друге.