New Super Mario Bros.
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Player Reviews
Average score: 3.9 out of 5 (based on 131 ratings with 8 reviews)
The Good
Having decided to come back to writing reviews after a little hiatus, I decided to review a Nintendo DS game. As over my âtime offâ I finally got one. The subject that I shall examine today, New Super Mario Bros. This being one of the handheld's biggest titles. Further interesting is the fact, that this is the first 2D Mario game in 15 years. Can Mario still pack fun in the second dimension?
2D or not 2D that is the questionâŚ.
In New Super Mario Bros., Mario and Luigi, must once more save Princess Peach, and the Mushroom Kingdom from King Koopa.(Or BowserâŚOr Whatever.) This time however Bowser Jr., will be Marioâs main menace. Gameplay wise the game most closely resembles The original Super Mario Bros. With many references and tricks from other Mario games from over the years. Mario still must slide down the flagpole to end a level for example. And uses maps to travel in between the levels in the various worlds ala Mario 3.
However there are many new things to do and see. New power-ups include Shell Mario, Mini-Mario, and the coolest Mega Mario.(Or as I like to call it, Mario Smash!) This turns Mario enormous, from here he must crash through the levels as quickly and thoroughly as possible, the better the destruction the more 1-ups you will gain.
There are also many secrets in the game. Some of which require a particular power-up to acquire. For instance the levels branch off at one point, and the only way to get to World 4 and World 7 are to finish Worlds 3 and 6 in a particular way. There are 3 special coins to collect in each stage, which can then be used to unlock alternate paths in a World.
The Worlds themselves all have a different theme. World 1 is a grassland. Whereas, World 3 is a water world. As per tradition there are 8 total. The levels lead to a castle with a boss. Here is where NSMB differs from SMB as, each boss at the end of world is different, not always Bowser. The mini boss is always Bowser Jr., but as the game goes on he learns new techniques to keep things challenging.
All the secrets keep the replay value up. As you can always go back and get the things you missed. Another new addition, in the 2 player head to head gameplay, via the DS and a Wi-Fi connection. Dubbed Mario Vs. Luigi, this is the first time in the series that two people play competitively in a Mario game. It is a cool feature but not as original as one might expect, as Sonic the Hedgehog 3, had a similar feature.(And that was 10 years ago.) This is not the only place where Luigi pops up. As you can also play the single player game as Luigi, via a code that you get after finishing the game. There are also a score of mini-games to play, and unlock as you progress the game. From card games, to skill based games, they all provide a fun distraction, but wonât keep you playing after you conquered the game.
The graphics in NSMB are quite good, and help show just what the DS is capable of. The levels themselves are in 2D. While Mario and all the other inhabitants of the Mushroom Kingdom are in 3D. The DS backlight really helps bring out the beauty of the game. In the end this is one of the best looking games on the DS.
The sound and music are much what we have come to expect from Mario games. And many sounds are the same exact sounds they were 20 years ago. There are also voice samples as seen in more modern Mario games. In the sound department NSMB gets the job done. <br><br>**The Bad**<br>Something Is Rotten In The Mushroom Kingdom
All is not well in New Super Mario Bros. I think that my first complaint has to be that, you can not save whenever you want. You can only save your progress after you finish a castle, a world, or unlock a new path. This is exacerbated by the battery issue of the DS. If you have not saved in a while, and then suddenly you need a recharge, you may lose your progress. When you finish the game you unlock the ability to save anywhere. Of course this does not help the first time.
The fact that every time you defeat Bowser Jr., and then he grabs the Princess and runs off is kind of dumb. And a little on the tedious side. Why does Mario not just stop him from taking off with her. It really make no sense.
The redundant voices get old. But this is only a minor complaint.
The game is a little too easy, perhaps the easiest in the entire franchise, and it is short, but then again so was the first game.
The Bottom Line
âIt's A Me Marioâ
In the end, New Super Mario Bros., overcomes most of itâs shortcomings. It will assuredly provide a fun experience for Mario fans. And fans of 2D platforming. Furthermore it is one of the best Mario games in years. DS owners have to have this game in there collection.
Nintendo DS · by MasterMegid (723) · 2007
Mario finally returns to his roots
The Good
Mario has always held up a high place in my heart as a noble video game character. I have, however, lost faith in some of his game as of recently. Surely, the sequels to some of his games have been less than inspiring. It seems like whenever Nintendo canât think of a good name for a video game, they stick a Mario license on it and make it a Mario game. And the sad part is that it sells.
That, however, is hopefully gone, as Nintendo returns the icon of platform gaming to his roots. With New Super Mario Brothers, the name pretty much is the antithesis of what the game is all about. Hardly anything is new at all. You really canât play this game without looking through a level and seeing a theme, mechanism, puzzle, enemy, or environment that isnât from a previous Mario game. Various things like the flagpole from Super Mario Bros.make the game feel like Mario is finally getting back to where he started, back to what made him popular. On the levels, this game borrows heavily from Super Mario World. Major influences can be seen in the level designs of this game from that one. All throughout the game you will see ghost houses, the volcano levels, moles, moving levels, and much more. Many enemies can be seen from
That is not to say, though, that New Super Mario Bros. canât deliver any original content. The game goes to a good length to introduce new enemies and content that was not taken from other Mario games. I recognized several enemies that were not from previous games like Crows (that looked eerily like the ones from Zelda) and a few other strange ones that I do not even know where they came up with the ideas from. As well, there are new power-ups like the ultra-mushroom, which makes you super huge and able to destroy the environment. On a side note, everything in the environment is destructible if you have the right power. I am speaking, of course, of many of the bloacks in the game. When things grow to gargantuan sizes, like say, a Thwump or even Mario himself, theyâre able to destroy blocks, entirely. Mario can level pipes and even the flagpole at the end. Its nothing that adds to the entire experience, but when it happens, itâs a damn lot of fun to do as well. Destroying Mario environments and literally completely flattening out the level is a lot of fun, something I hope they will do in future games.
The game play, of course, is the core of this game, and will be instantly recognizable to those of the series, with platforming and puzzle elements mixed into the series at a great level. For those of you who have missed their platforming roots, welcome home. This game is the reincarnation of a long lost genre. One that I am very disappointed has been lost. But that genre has come home, and who better to deliver it to fans than the grandfather of platforming. Besides the fast and addictive game play, there are over eighty levels to play across eight worlds that fans of Super Mario Bros 3 will easily recognize. The game goes back to Marioâs roots, and brings us that fast, addictive, and satisfying platforming experience that I love to enjoy, the simple pleasure of a 2D sidescroller, nothing to do but challenge your skill and reflexes. And this gives me such a warm feeling of pride within myself. With a platform game comes another thing: simplified gaming. No need to train stats or gain weapons. Just click and play. At the core of the game, you can feel a satisfied feeling of great fun gaming without any complications of inventory systems, health, or energy meters. Itâs just plain fun, simple as that. New Super Mario Bros. is a plethora of platforming goodness that will keep any fan occupied by its addictive game play, and is a great play for both casual gamers and hardcore platforming fans alike.
Like Super Mario World, there are plenty of secret routes to keep you occupied by going back and finding them, which adds a nice bonus to the replay value. As well, there is a major thing in this, as nobody will play the game and get to the boss the same way as someone else. Besides there being secret levels, there are hidden worlds, and inside the hidden worlds are hidden levels, hidden pathways, and alternate routes to take. No one, I mean no one, will play this game the exact same way as everyone else. Every person who has the game will have a different route mapped out to the boss than someone else. I feel all nostalgic as I think of how Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros. 3 had a great mechanism and utilized it so well.
The backgrounds and graphics of the game have really shaped up to be something else as well. The graphics are crisp and clear on the DS screen, and make for a great display of graphics that are great but not too over the top. Like the good 16 bit graphics of the SNES, only slightly more improved. The backgrounds are where it really gets you. Many of the backgrounds are beautiful eye candy for you to enjoy. Many have multiple layers to give you a 3D feel, and also add to the atmosphere of the world depending on where you are.
The multiplayer is absolutely genius, and is where the game takes full advantage of the touch screen. There are two modes of multiplayer gameplay. One is a mode where I can play the mini-games from Super Mario 64 DS, except with up to four players. Its absolutely an amazing experience, being able to sit around on a lazy day and be able to play blackjack over your DS with your friends, or play a cool game of 4-player Othello. Its pretty much like Mario Party DS, without the board. You get to have a fun time playing around with your friends in a bunch of great mini-games. The other mode is the 2 player versus, where one player takes on Mario and another takes on Luigi. The game plays similar to the multiplayer in Super Mario 64 DS, except in 2D side-scrolling platforming goodness. The game uses the main game engine to power two-player battle, where you and a friend fight over stars. The first to a set amount of stars wins the round. This is one of the most addictive wireless games to have. The game is often fun, over-the-top, and all around hectic, that itâs very fun to get caught up in. You can shoot each other with fireballs, hit each other will turtle shells, and even use the Super Mushroom to flatten out the entire level to a mere smooth surface. And the best part is, both games can be played by someone who does not have the game! In fact, all three people can download the game off of one person. So one person in an entire group has to own the game and still be able to play the game over the DS download. It is quite a bargain, that is great for anyone looking for a good multiplayer game that they can play without everyone having to buy the same game.
And while the game benefits those whoâve played and loved the Mario franchise, this does not stop the game from being enjoyable to other gamers as well. Unlike the Super Mario RPG series, it relies more heavily on game play rather than universe elements, which allows fans of old school gaming to pick up this game easily and enjoy it. Even though Mario fans will get the most enjoyment out of the game, I can safely say others will simply love the addictive platforming style gameplay that this game delivers.
The Bad
While I enjoyed this game a lot, there are way too many obvious things that really take away from that nostalgia value that I wanted so badly in this game. The developers focused way too much on that platform nirvana that they forgot many other basic interface necessities such as a good universe and good characters.
One of the elements missing is the lack of good, solid, music from the originals. I mean, the music is pretty high-quality for the game, but I wanted recordings out of the originals. Whereâs my Super Mario World theme, or the underground music from the original? Instead in its place we have an incredibly synthesized remixes of some old themes and ones that I donât recognize at all. It really undermines some of that atmosphere that surrounds this game and it really gets me down that they did not even attempt to reuse the music from the classics.
As well, the game has a glaring lack of any story or supporting characters. I know the originals never had any storyline, so maybe thatâs why they refused to incorporate one in this, but I am so used to the Super Mario RPG series, where even the most insignificant supporting character has a bright and colorful personality, that I suppose I forgot the original characters really donât have any personality at all. But from a narrative standpoint, we are looking at some bits and scraps of a storyline. Two short 10-15 second cutscenes in the opening and closing of the game. I am also disappointed at the absence of Yoshi, or any good supporting characters, even toad or someone else. But no, none are here. If youâre really expecting something, like say, the charm and wit that Paper Mario brought us, then please, look elsewhere.
The over-world map is also incredibly uninspired. The worlds line up to a perfect line, with two branches in it that lead to secret worlds. But itâs nothing that amazing. In fact, itâs appalling, far from the magnificent universe of Super Mario World. It is even terrible how they designed the interface. In Super Mario World, the levels were worked into the terrain and it looked natural. The worlds were connected to each other in multiple ways, and the levels were scattered across the board. In this game, it is no such thing. Both the levels and worlds are arranged in a straight line, with some skewing for the hidden alternate levels. Hell, the worlds arenât even connected to each other in a giant âworldâ like they were in Super Mario World. They are just separate screens, and by the press of a button they just appear there, with a terribly boring laid out design in front of you. It is a shame that they had to do this, perhaps because of time constraints, but it really takes away from the Mario universe. It hurts me to think of the potential that this game could have had if it had a good over-world that I could run around and explore in.
As far as game time goes, I made it easily to the final boss in one day. This is probably due to the incredible easiness of the game. Especially compared to the brutal Super Mario Bros. 3, this game in comparison is child's play. By all means, Miyamoto has definitely lowered his standards for the difficulties. As a result, one can make it to the final boss in one day. For those who donât stop to enjoy the game, speed-beating the game is trivial. This is also attributed to the fact that there are so many secret ways to go, that you can easily skip a huge portion of the game and get to the end having only played 25 levels. There are many easy routes to take like the cannons that skip you over two worlds. Because of this, the game relies on the ability to go back and play levels to find secret routes for its replay value. This is the factor that will keep many veteran gamers away. Its just way too short, especially for those hardened platform gurus who can speed-beat Super Mario Bros. without breaking a sweat. While the lack of other elements keeps many Mario fans disappointed, this last factor will make casual gamers or those unfamiliar with the Mario series not only disappointed, but angry at the purchase of such a short game.
The Bottom Line
Mario has finally returned to his roots with a solid set of platforming levels and great puzzles. Platform fans will finally be back to gaming nirvana, and fans of the Mario series will drool over this game for its tribute to the classics. Even the casual platform game fan can enjoy a good round of jumping and puzzles and feel a deep-down satisfaction.
It lacks a fine polish that would have made it the perfect tribute to Mario games, like a cast of colorful characters, a good over-world, or a fine chorus of classical themes. However, itâs good that this is the first in a hopefully long series of sequels, and this game hold a lot of potential to improve its downfalls. Its satisfying, addictive one-player platform mode and its exciting, fast-paced multiplayer is worth it to DS owner. If youâre willing to spend $35 on a short but absolutely fun game, I would recommend you pick this up, especially if youâve got that old school itch that you need to scratch.
Nintendo DS · by Matt Neuteboom (976) · 2006
The Good
It's hard to say what is exactly right about this game without providing the simple of "everything", and moving on. But it can't be that simple. Mario takes everything that made him so beloved in his 2D adventures, mixes in a few of his newer 3D moves, and there is New Super Mario Bros.
Mario is simply a joy to play. It's the plumber in his most pure form, running left to right, growing big and throwing fireballs, jumping huge pits and exploring underground tunnels. Swimming. Floating. Finding hidden areas. Saving Princess Peach for the 10,000th time, and you still have a reason to keep playing. All to a catchy musical beat, cheery animations, and some trippy new power-ups to boot. This is Mario back from the NES and SNES days, and after stepping back into 2D, he doesn't miss a beat. It is like wearing a comfortable and well enjoyed pair of old shoes. You know what to expect, but it's not a problem going back to it. The game is just incredibly well-designed and a lot of fun.
The game succeeds just because it shows why Mario was (and remains) king of the 2D platform game. Whereas Sega has taken Sonic to too many weird places with its title character at times, it ruined the fun of what it meant to be Sonic. Nintendo simply lets Mario play in new levels, without changing the character or motivation. He's a hefty little plumber that hops to do almost anything in the game. They just made sure the graphics were colorful and cheery, and that the gameplay was fun.
The Bad
The new Mario seems a little easy and generous on the 1UPs, but again, I've had two decades of Mario play under my belt, so I'm all too familiar with the game mechanics. The game also does not feel as long as Super Mario World, or as complex as some of the other titles, but it's forgivable.
There's not really anything "New" or innovative in this title. It's a "New" Mario side-scroller that offers nothing really non-gimmicky to do with the touch screen outside of the mini-games, many of which were already introduced in the DS Super Mario 64. If you've played a "Mario" game, you know exactly what to expect from gameplay, and know exactly what to do. Story still seems a moot point, but not many people play Mario games with epic quests in mind.
The Bottom Line
In a time where remakes are by far all too common, and more often than not nowhere near as good as the original titles, Mario feels like revisiting an old friend with a fresh coat of paint. He's the same game as you always remember with a few "ooh and "ahh" moments that won't wow you with the advances in technology, but will make you smile with nostalgia. It also shows that 2D platform games still have a relevant place in current gaming, where so much emphasis is still placed on 3D everything. The DS version of Mario is a wonderful showcase to prove that this genre is still very much alive, and still just as relevant.
Here's hoping this will not be Mario's last return to his 2D roots. One of the best games of the DS and of last year as a whole.
Nintendo DS · by Guy Chapman (1746) · 2007
Back to where he truly shines, 20 years on...
The Good
In a way, it's the sign of the times. Everyone, young and old, can't get enough of the old school charm of the classics that, for many of us, helped to shape the industry as we grew up with it. So it makes sense that, 20 years after he first appeared, Mario and company return to once again prove his worth. And prove it he does.
Simply put, the 'New' in New Super Mario Bros. equates to a visual overhaul, a few moves based on those added via Super Mario 64 and a mash of different level designs based on those seen through-out the franchise's history. The game plays out much like Super Mario 3 and Super Mario World, in which you travel across 8 levels (2 must be unlocked via secret exists) towards the goal of saving Princess Peach. From an outsider looking in, it doesn't sound like a huge advancement from the last 2D titles before Mario went 3D, but when you look closely, the change is obvious.
You could say 'everything old becomes new again', right down to some of the levels playing out almost the same as the original Mario. The very first level, for example, is 99% identical to that of Super Mario Bros. What's the 1% difference? One 'mega' mushroom, which transforms Mario into an invincible giant who can plow through everything in his path. It's a nice touch, which also helps to show off some of the detail in Mario himself.
Speaking of which, this has to be the most colourful NDS title on the system to date, outside of, say, Mario Kart DS. There's barely a glitch in sight, with some impressive touches all over the place. It's a 2D game at heart, but all of the characters are 3D in design and, in many ways, movement.
You can't have a Mario game without the trademark musical score, and it's here in spades. There's plenty of new tunes mixed in with the familiar of old, and if you dig deep enough, the classic end tune (which appeared when you reach the flag) can also be uncovered.
I have to applaud Nintendo's decision to add some of the moves Mario inherited from Mario 64, including the butt stomp and wall jumps. I loved the wall jumps before, and within this game, they're even better, adding to the creative design of some of the levels.
NSMB must also be credited for adding an addictive multiplayer mode. Players compete as Mario and Luigi across a number of different levels based on those in the single player experience, and man it's fun! I had the opportunity to briefly compete in a multiplayer tournament at a recent Nintendo DS Connection Tour event locally. People cheered on their respective characters (I always went for Luigi, to be honest), and some of the one-on-one battles were very intense. It's loosely based on the Mario Bros. arcade game (which has appeared on the GBA on a number of occasions), but I think this rendition is far more fun.
There's also some addictive mini-games. Some already appeared on Mario 64 DS, but this time there's a multiplayer option. They're nice to have as part of the package.
The Bad
Just like all those before it, alot of the earlier levels and boss battles are easy enough to clear without too much hassle, which reduces the playtime by a fair margin. I guess I'm really only picking on it from my perspective, since many younger gamers will find it far more a challenge. Having said that, finding the second exits to open up the other two worlds is far more a challenge then Bowser Jr., so that makes up for it.
The second screen/touchscreen are also barely used, besides a quick tap to use a stowed away power-up when required. It would have been nice to have a few touch-screen challenges or boss battles to add some spice to the game, but I can't complain. It really isn't built for that purpose, it's a pure 2D platform game.
I mentioned those mini-games before. My one complaint there is that, besides multiplayer, a majority of them have already appeared before. It would have been nice to have a completely new set of games, maybe some based on NSMB's design.
The Bottom Line
It's great to have Mario back in his familiar surroundings, perhaps a long overdue return too. The Game Boy Advance acted as a re-release point for all the SNES/NES games, but apart from Mario Vs Donkey Kong, there weren't any original Mario platform games. Thankfully, that long period of absence was worth the wait.
I hope that, with this return, there will be more of this to come. Super Mario World still stands as the pinnacle of the 2D franchise (in my opinion), with a huge number of levels and challenges. NSMB comes close to knocking it off the podium, but it fell a tad short, mainly because it's single player is just that ... a tad short.
But when you throw in the addictive battle modes and mini-games, plus the option to play as Luigi and the hidden coins to find in each level, it's a well rounded package overall. Throw in the nostalgia of playing Mario in his 'true' form, and you've got a clear cut winner.
20 years sure is a long time, but with Mario Galaxy on the way, it just keeps getting better and better as each year passes. I love you Mario!! ... well ... not as much as Luigi... :p
Nintendo DS · by Kartanym (12413) · 2006
Finally a new Mario side scrolling game, and it's awesome!
The Good
It is a Mario game in classic side scrolling glory! It's been quite a while since we saw the last really big Mario Bros. game: Super Mario World which launched with the SNES. But now there is NSMB. It feels absolutely like a Super Mario Bros. game should. The greatest elements from previous installments are put together in one awesome game. There are power-ups similar to the suits from Mario 3, warp pipes, secret exits and Star Coins to collect from Mario World and the Red Coins are back too. These are just a few examples of all-time classic Mario elements used in NSMB.
The power-ups include many new ones. Besides the fire flower that gives you the famous Fire Suit there is also the Koopa Shell, which gives you the ability to smash into enemies and walls and gives better swimming abilities (like Mario 3's Frog Suit). There are also a very tiny and a very big mushroom. The mini mushroom shrinks Mario so he can fit through small holes or pipes and makes him lighter, allowing for higher jumping and walking on water. The big mushroom makes Mario grow for a short time so he can destroy all obstacles and enemies that get in his way. The levels have the classic themes we all know and love: Grass, Pipe, Desert etc. These themes are far from original but that's not really a problem. In classic Mario Fashion, it's about level design, which is again done in a superb way. There's tilting platforms, pipes that lead to bonus areas, snow that falls from trees on Mario's head, Koopas, Goombas and basically everything we've come to expect from a Mario game. The bosses are more diversified than in previous Mario games, but the sub-boss, in the form of Bowser Jr., can get a bit repetitive. This is a bit of a letdown, but fortunately gets a bit harder every time, making the difficulty of these battles grow at a steady rate.
Mario also has some new moves, mostly translated into side scrolling gameplay from Super Mario 64 DS such as the wall jump. You will enjoy smashing boxes, collecting coins and power ups and fighting baddies just like you did on the NES and SNES systems. The graphics are also done in a great style. The characters look just about the same as they did in Super Mario 64 DS. They are all done in pretty 3D models and translate well into the 2D world, which is in classic pixel art. Although they have the more detailed style instead of the simple style used in the old days, you still get the feel that those classic games had, which is nice. Everything is animated well and things like opening doors and underwater areas look brilliant and really show the excellent blend of 2D and 3D graphics. Everything is colorful and suits the classic style as it should.
The story is just as simple as always, Bowser and Bowser Jr. have kidnapped Princess Peach once again and Mario must save her. While not very original, it should be this way. Without Peach to save a SMB game wouldn't be complete and the simple story has its charm. Once completed there is quite some Star Coins to collect and art to unlock as well as secret paths to find which will keep you busy for a while. The worlds are full of normal courses as well as Ghost houses, Warp Cannons, Towers and castles, just like in the old days. Music is great and most tunes are new. They are really cheerful and sound great on the stereo speakers the DS has. The sound effects are mostly classic NES sounds but they still work surprisingly well more then twenty years later. Some sounds had to be added, most notably the beautiful sound of closing a door.
The Bad
Is it all greatness, or are there any flaws? Well, yes, unfortunately. First of all this game is rather easy. When following the game in standard order you miss out a whole two worlds of all eight. Instead of making two secret and extra hard worlds as an extra challenge after beating Bowser, like in Super Mario World, you just skip them and do the hardest world earlier on, which is just plain weird. The later levels are just not as challenging as the ones in earlier Mario titles. If you manage to find all levels and exits, gaining access to all Star Coins isn't really challenging. Since you can often make things easier by getting a power up in a Toad house on the map, so you won't have to bother with all those hazards, picking up the Star Coins is never as challenging as the hardest Yoshi Coins of SMW which had five on each level. NSMB has only three Star Coins in each level. You can complete all these tasks to unlock some art but nothing special. There is also another surprise which is given after beating the game once, which is a bit more interesting and which I'm not going to spoil here. There is also a multiplayer via wireless connection in which Mario and Luigi race for stars. While this may be fun for a while, the overall blandness of it makes you stop quickly, returning to the excellent single player mode.
The world maps are very simple. SMB3 and SMW had players travelling over the maps to find all secrets in them and they were very different from the ones seen in previous worlds. They had roads stretching in totally different directions. Every world was a lot bigger than the previous one. This is not the case with NSMB. The maps are basically one road from left to right with some paths connected to it leading to one or two new levels and ending in a dead end at the last one. Only the last world is significantly bigger than the others, which is a shame. As said before, the sub-boss Bowser Jr. battles may be a bit repetitive at times. A little less of these to make every battle feel more challenging and fresh, perhaps may have been better. Some of the moves translated from Super Mario 64 DS are not really needed, something I already experienced while playing that game.
The Bottom Line
While not being of the same amazing quality as Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World, New Super Mario Bros. is still a very, VERY solid buy for both experienced Mario players and newbies. It's second only to these two famous classics when it comes to side scrolling games in the franchise. And, as we all know, that's a VERY big name to live up to.
Nintendo DS · by Rensch (203) · 2006
Buy this game or else! I mean it!
The Good
Finally, a sequel to Super Mario World and Super Mario Land 2! This is where the Mario series should've been, should've stayed. If this game was released on N-64 back in '96 (and I have this strange feeling it was actually already ready back then, just hidden in a vault), this would've killed Saturn, PlayStation and 3DO in one punch.
The graphics are exactly where it should be in did day and age. It's perfect, playful, bright, and easily seen, which is a plus compared to the multitude of dim, dark, diluted graphics today in other games. Only Banjo-Kazooie on GBA equals the happiness.
The controls are better than ever, putting to shame Super Mario Bros. 3 (that's a bold statement). I'll take the Pepsi challenge with that Mario 3 stuff anyday. (I'm not sure what I mean by Pepsi challenge with Mario 3, but it sorta makes sense when you think about it without thinking about it.)
The goombas and troopas dance with the music, and that's a major plus. It really makes the game fun, along with the mini-games (Luigi's video poker is a lifesaver during flights), and the ability to jump from place to place in the game by just touching the map.
The Bad
Why did I need to wait nearly 15 to 20 years for this sequel? Something wrong with the Miyamoto? I think he became too focused on 3-D games and realized how boring and lame those are and created this GEM.
However, this gem has flaws.
No raccoon leaf, no Hammer Bros. suit, no funny enemies from Mario 2, 3, World, etc., etc., no inventory, no ability to save anywhere I choose, stupid coin system, no Yoshi, no ability to choose either Luigi or Toad or anybody else, no cape, no Big Bertha, no Koopalings, and finally, no NINJI!! How dare there be no NINJI!! I mean it's a cross between a ninja and pig, and it's just needed so much!
Or is this game in essence like Batman Begins, Casino Royale, Superman Returns, The Punisher . . . where the series has been "rebooted" to fix all of the problems that have developed in past? (Geez, all everything needs is good writing and acting . . . and programming in Mario's case!)
The Bottom Line
You own a DS?
You better own this game, or I'll have words with you!
Nintendo DS · by Fake Spam (85) · 2007
The Good
It's been a long time since Super Mario Bros appeared in our nintendo systems. With the new technologies, Mario's games have changed.
You can find a lot of games relative to the plumber, all kind of games. With Mario we've painted, we've played lots of minigames in huge boards, we've fought against other characters of Nintendo like Link or Samus (and with other characters of other companies), we've played golf, tennis and many other things. All those games are good games, there's no doubt, but when Mario appears in a new platform game, we have another feeling. Mario is a character made to appear in games of this genre.
The Mario series has something special, we have Mario platform games on 3-D and 2-D. Many games were good games in 2-D, but when they jumped into 3-D it was a complete failure. This is not the case. Mario's games in 3-D are as good as the 2-D games, and all of them are an example of solid game series. We don't need 3-D to know that this is a great game, and we don't miss the 2-D when we play a Mario game in 3-D.
New Super Mario Bros has nothing new, just some minor things, but, it's the same concept that appeared on the mario 2-D games in Super Nintendo a long time ago. We'll have to jump, run, eat mushrooms and gain a lot of extra lives (it's really easy to have the maximum number of lives), but it's still as funny as always. It's a Super Mario game and nothing more, but that's enough, for sure.
Beside the main story, the secret levels and all those classic things, we have minigames to use the stylus (we don't use the stylus during the game) and a very funny multiplayer mode that completes the experience of the game.
The Bad
There are no bad things on this game, just some minor concepts that could be much better. Some secrets are hidden very well, which is not bad at all, but there are a few of them which are really absurd to find.
Maybe you'll miss new things, the game has some new features but nothing important.
The Bottom Line
New Super Mario Bros is, by far, one of the best platform games for Nintendo DS. You'll love it even if you have never played a Mario game, and if you've done it you'll love it the same way because it has the spirit of the old-school Mario games. It's like coming back to the past with a game that's not old-fashioned.
Nintendo DS · by NeoJ (398) · 2009
The best Mario game since Super Mario World
The Good
It's a fun little game. Naturally with the game being featured on the DS, the developers had to scale things back a bit compared to a console Mario release. The playing area is smaller, so this limits the amount of carnage that can occur on the screen. In short, the general feel of this game is a little different from previous Mario platformers. But under these constraints, Nintendo has released the finest Mario game since Super Mario World, which as you know was the flagship release for the SNES back in 1992. So -- the best Mario game in fourteen years. Not bad.
The first thing that comes to mind when queried 'what did I like about this game?' is the excellent use of 3D graphics is a 2D sidescroller. Beyond that, the bosses are very cool (if not a bit easy), the overworld map is very cute, the new Mario suits are cool, particularly Shell Mario, and the overall level design is top-flight.
The Bad
There's not a lot to nit-pick. The intrinsic difficulty of Mario games -- one or two mistakes and you're dead -- dictates that you can get very frustrated on a particularly difficult map, but this is the nature of the beast. The game is a good length, but I still would have been happier with twice as much content. But this is not a flaw -- I'm just greedy for more gameplay.
The Bottom Line
I bought a DS immediately after seeing a television commercial for New Super Mario Bros. This was a good decision. Although it doesn't have the replay value of Mario Kart DS, Tetris, or even Nintendogs, this is still an obligatory purchase for any old-school gamer who remembers the glory days of Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, and the years when platformers were the bread and butter of the gaming business.
Nintendo DS · by Chris Wright (85) · 2013
Contributors to this Entry
Critic reviews added by Wizo, chirinea, Big John WV, Ben K, Jacob Gens, Flu, Alaka, Alsy, Sciere, nyccrg, Corn Popper, Chaju, Patrick Bregger, COBRA-COBRETTI, Zaibatsu, Maner76, Xoleras, lights out party, Jeanne, Blasterjack, âşâşâşâşâş, Tim Janssen, Spindash, mattcoxonline, jumpropeman, SlyDante, Van.