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Bone: The Great Cow Race

aka: Bone: Das große Kuhrennen, Bone: Wielki wyścig krów, Gutou: Nainiu Dazhan, Kostíci: Velký kraví dostih
Moby ID: 22205


Director's cut

In December 2006, a director's cut version was released, free for all owners of the game, and replacing the existing version, developed in collaboration with the original creator Jeff Smith. The improvements for the second game include technical tweaks, such as scalable resolutions and better game stability, and added dialogue lines to improve story flow and enhance character development.


As those who played the first Bone episode will only be too well aware, the voice for the Thorn character has changed to a more childlike tone. As explained away within a developer's chat..

Thorn is a really interesting character, both because of how she is presented in the comic (visually) and because of the transformations she undergoes. She is supposed to be a youngish to mid teen. At this point in the story, she is pretty innocent and going through that awkward teenage phase. Keep an eye on her though....

Information also contributed by Sciere

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Trivia contributed by Chris Pickering, Patrick Bregger.