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WWF Panda Junior

aka: Safari Adventures, WWF Panda Junior in Africa, WWF Panda Junior: En Afrique
Moby ID: 22115

Windows credits (2004)

88 people (68 professional roles, 20 thanks) with 99 credits.

Take 2 Software

Producer Stephen B. Thomas
General Manager Chris Mate
Art Director Peter Muench
Graphic Designer Christine Bates
Marketing Manager Anne Marie Sims
QA Supervisor Joe Covello
Testers Matthew Baros, Joshua Noll, Josh Rose, Rich Koeckert
Special Thanks Sandy Wilson, Linda Wratchford, Peggy Zoltan, Di Ranere, Lisa Nawrot, Adam Egender, Brian M. McGinn, Timothy Beggs, Ben Hamel, Mark Moon, Wanda Mitchell


Management Ivan Lebeau
Business Development Abrial Da Costa
Production Norbert Cellier
Finance Fabrice Aurousseau
Legal Claude Amardeil
Production Assistant Alexandre Chivot

Neko Entertainment

Project Management Laurent Lichnewsky
Visual Design José Afonso
Game Design & Dialogs Olivier Croset
Technical Director Frédéric Zimmer
Programming Team Stéphane Mutel, Patrice Belmonte, Paolo Baerlocher, Sébastien Lagarde, Gildas Vinson, Martial Reynes
Art Director Sotheara Khem
Artists Jocelyne Craveri, Carine Hinder, Marie N'Guyen (as Marie N'guyent), Florent Leibovici, Géraud Deshayes, Vadda Mey, Tsoa Rakotoarisoa, Rémi Bialais

SG Diffusion

Management Christian Brecheteau, Pierre Ortolan, Nadine Beringuer
Marketing Team Eric Boccara, Emmanuel Melero, Benjamin Goacolou
Communication Team Anne-Karine Denoble, Shérina Khalidi
Commercial Team Nadege Belz, Cynthia Lehnhard, Sophie Michaud, Daiki Goto

WWF France

Scientific Committee Christine Sourd
Conservation Director Bernard Cressens
Partnership Director Dominique Royet
Media Partnership Carole Balducci
Project Manager Céline Lemmel

WWF United States

Corporate Marketing Director Laura Flores
Senior Corporate Marketing Manager Nancy Kee

WWF International

Corporate Marketing Manager Claire Blenkinshop
Head of Corporate Marketing Graham Minton


Music Composer Jean-Pascal Vielfaure
Dialog Rewriter Stephane Ribeiro
Translation NL-Traductions, Georg Hund, Jonno Slysa, DL Multimedia, Steven Wassenaar, Georg Hund, Jonno Slysa
Packaging Olivier May
Packaging & Manual Trois cube
Recording Studios DL Multimedia, Hifigenie
Video Editing Amaury Grandsard
Special Thanks to Barbara Iriart, Christine Blériot, Arnaud Delebarre, Reginald De Guillebon, Emma, Renaud, Alexandre Mutel

DL Multimedia

Packaging Olivier May
Packaging & Manual Trois cube
Recording Studios DL Multimedia Hifigenie
Video Editing Amaury Grandsard
Special Thanks to Barbara Iriart, Christine Blériot, Arnaud Delebarre, Reginald De Guillebon, Emma Mutel, Renaud Mutel, Alexandre Mutel
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.



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Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Jeanne, Sciere.