🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping


aka: East Front: UberSoldier, UberSoldier
Moby ID: 22056

Windows credits (2005)

120 people (103 professional roles, 17 thanks) with 164 credits.

Burut CT

Producers Vladimir Nikolaev, Victor Kolykhalin
Project Leader Alexander Borodetsky
Lead Programmer Alexander Borodetsky
Lead Designer Dmitry Zelenin
Lead Game Designer Denis Malahanov (Dark_JEDI)
Sound Engineer Pavel Korolkov (Bass)
Story Dmitry Glaznev, Vladimir Nikolaev
Level Designers Dmitry Zelenin, Alexey Lyamkin, Alexander Parphenov (L-Graph), Alexander Severinov (Daddy), Anton Turishev
3D Artists Andrew Tatarchenko, Michael Babenko, Dmitry Zelenin, Ruslan Savinov (Heckfy)
Animators Dmitry Zelenin, Kanney Yomi (z.old.t), Michael Babenko
2D Artists Kanney Yomi (z.old.t), Roman Tulinov, Dmitry Krasnov, Alexey Lyamkin, Alexander Parphenov (L-Graph), Alexander Severinov (Daddy), Anton Turishev
Interface Kanney Yomi (z.old.t), Denis Malahanov (Dark_JEDI), Alexander Parphenov (L-Graph), Alexander Severinov (Daddy), Anton Turishev
Cut Scenes Kanney Yomi (z.old.t), Dmitry Zelenin
Game Design Denis Malahanov (Dark_JEDI), Dmitry Glaznev, Alexey Lyamkin
Effect Programming & Design Andrew Karpushin (RevEn), Alexander Severinov (Daddy)
3D Engine Programming Alexander Kosmatych, Andrew Karpushin (RevEn)
Logic Programming Alexander Borodetsky, Andrew Karpushin (RevEn), Alexander Kosmatych, Vladimir Medincev
AI Programming Alexander Borodetsky, Vladimir Medincev, Andrew Korvyakov
Physics Programming Alexander Borodetsky, Alexander Kosmatych
Sound Programming Eugene Beloglazov, Andrew Karpushin (RevEn)
Additional Programming Dmitry Andreev (AND), Denis Klimenkov, Evgeny Lominin (L.E.A.), Dmitry Rekman (RCL), Sergey Strukov (Crazy)
Sound Pavel Korolkov (Bass), Dmitry Starodubtsev (ACID), Anton Letnikov (Teplo), Nikita Demidov (Yug)
Music Pavel Korolkov (Bass), Dmitry Starodubtsev (ACID), Anton Letnikov (Teplo), Nikita Demidov (Yug)
Testing and Tuning Denis Malahanov (Dark_JEDI), Pavel Pashinsky (Mazay), Alexey Yanin (Gozilla), Jury Tkachuk (roller)
Concept Arts Oleg Aleynikov, Kanney Yomi (z.old.t), Roman Gotylo (GOTY), Dmitry Zelenin, Roman Tulinov
Military Consulting Alexander Parphenov (L-Graph)
External Producer Alexander Loginov
Special Thanks to Central museum of Armed Forces

CDV (Development)

Development Director Dirk Weber
Producer Nico Zettler
Senior Producer Achim 'Überlauf'
Localisation Managers Johannes Bickle, Thomas Kröll, Christoph Weinstein

CDV (Quality Assurance)

QA Director Peter Oehler
Senior QA Manager Thomas Heil
Senior QA Coordinator André Dordel
Lead Testers Daniel Schömperlen, Sebastian Reichert
Assistant to QA Director Yasmin Müller
QA Testers Bogdan Trifan, Christian Oly, Christoph Seel, Christian Schüpf, Daniel Mrugala, Daniel Pathmaperuma, Daniela Grebe, Eric Schreiber, Hanno Schneider, Matthias Löble, Michael Fochler, Michael Hoferer, Michael Schulz, Oliver Schuß, Pascal Renschler, Patrick Sälzler, Pedro Pinto, Ralf Leichtle, Roger Joswig, Roland Thimister, Sebastian Merkel, Stefan Ernst, Stefan Falke, Stefan Kostov, Stefan Pröll, Stefan Schreiber, Sven Burst, Thomas Heilbronner, Thorsten Of, Thorsten Zastrow, Thorsten Biller, Werner Aron

CDV (Marketing & PR)

Marketing Coordinator Thomas Liebhold
International Marketing & PR Manager Evelyn Reina
PR Manager Michèl Judt
Marketing Manager Randy Dohack
Senior Graphic Designer A. Adrian Alonso
Graphic Designers Monika Gola, Silvija Svetec, Oliver Moritz
Additional Graphics Oliver Krainhöfner
Web Developers Stefan Schwoebel, Sascha Köhler
Special Thanks Gregor Bellmann, Daniel Grunder, Elmar Grunenberg, Daniel Jänsch, David Marchand, Christopher Schmitz

CDV Software Entertainment USA

President Tom Gross
CEO Tom Gross
Director PR US Mario Kroll
Director Marketing US Mario Kroll
Accountant Allan Kalbarczyk
Office Manager Barb Wendel
Operations and Production Manager Wendy Beasley
QA Manager David Green
Customer Service Manager David Green
Public Relations Account Manager Ted Brockwood, Calico Media
Marketing and Advertising Placement TangibleMedia
Print Advertising and Additional Graphic Design FactorE
Voiceover Recording and Direction Translocacell Düsseldorf, Martin Ruiz
Special Thanks Michael Eckenfels, Michael Myers, Cara Scharf
The title "SAVE ME" was used with kindly permission by EMKAY, Martin Kesici
Special thanks to all the producers of open source codes used in the game Russell L. Smith (Open Dynamics Engine), Lua.org - PUC-Rio - LUA, Xiph.org Foundation - Ogg Vorbis, Jean-loup Gailly (Zlib), Mark Adler (Zlib)
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.



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Credits contributed by formercontrib, Xoleras.