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AGON: Episode 3 - Pirates of Madagascar

Moby ID: 21899

Windows credits (2004)

25 people with 38 credits.

Private Moon Studios

Game Design Tamas Z. Marosi (Pierrot)
Scenario Tamas Z. Marosi (Pierrot)
Music Tamas Z. Marosi (Pierrot)
Sound FX Tamas Z. Marosi (Pierrot)
Game Design Falvay László
2D Graphics Falvay László
Website Falvay László
Programmer Csendes Gábor
Software Developer Csendes Gábor
3D Graphic Artists Papp Tamás, Patrice Creusot, Borsody Péter, Marancsik Roland, Szabó Gergely
Animators Papp Tamás, Patrice Creusot, Borsody Péter, Marancsik Roland, Szabó Gergely
Motion Capture Actors Méhes Csaba, Lázár Csaba, Kernács Péter, Papp Tamás, Tamas Z. Marosi (Pierrot)
Motion Caption Director José
Director of Cutscenes Árva László
Additional Soundtrack Tallér Zsófia, Csengery Dániel
Technical Historian Galántai Zoltán, Németh Vilmos
Sitebuilding / Webmaster Bobor Szabolcs, Huszár Gerzson, Petyus Dániel, Kádi Gerg

Voice Talents

Prof. Samuel Hunt Peter Meikle
Rajaonarasana Joe Lavoix
Jonathan Morgan Edward Wheeler
Chief Rakotonarivelo Andrew Barnes
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People credited on this game were also credited on:

Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

Credits contributed by Patrick Bregger, Jeanne, PolloDiablo.