The Outfit

Moby ID: 21650

Xbox 360 version

Good Fun

The Good
One of the first true next generation games for the Xbox 360, you can destroy nearly everything which makes the game longer than it needs to be, one of the levels you can destroy a whole town if you decide to. The acting within the game is hilarious at some points with good clean humour. The AI can be very intelligent especially on the harder difficulty levels but still has the fun factor to keep the game fresh and exciting. The mechanics in the game are very intelligent as you can destroy the landscapes and there is instant transition from the weapons and vehicles that appear throughout the levels of the game. The graphics being considerably new to the next gen era are still very clever and clean looking especially in the High Definition cut scenes and run smoothly through the game. The sound quality being in full Dolby Surround has a massive effect to the gameplay and as being such an early game comes accross quite impessively. I personally found the single player to be very humourous and thought intriguing. Each level changing the speed of play and sometimes being caught un-aware of what is coming next was great fun.

The Bad
The multiplayer function is very hard to find a match, with it being a near launch game, not many people are playing this online now and there was terrible lag when you do get a game as it is normally against someone out with the UK. There was a recent update for the game but no massive difference was made to the gameplay online.

The Bottom Line
A great singleplayer game that shows how far things have come in the Xbox 360 game planet. Way ahead of it's time for the single player but multi player leaves a lot to be desired.

by Sean Mulgrew (11) on September 18, 2007

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