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Alien Attack

Moby ID: 215714

Alien Attack

programmed by Jack Parkinson

© Archimedes World 1992

The Game A rather nasty breed of alien from some planet with a name that nobody can pronounce is set to invade the earth and build cheap 32-bit computers which will put Acorn out of business. You are the people's last hope and so you must risk your lives (all three of them) to destroy the invaders. Your objective is to destroy all of the aliens in each of the ten waves. You will be equipped with a single cannon space vehicle capable of rapid alien destruction. Unfortunately for you however, the aliens are armed with deadly bombs which will explode on contact with your ship, damaging its paint work badly. In addition, aliens will attempt to crash into your ship by breaking formation and flying towards you. Destroying these swooping aliens will give you a bonus. On later levels (wave 'E' upwards), beware of heat seeking bombswhich will be guided towards your ship!

Keyboard controls A Move left S Move right RETURN Fire cannon P Pause (RETURN unpauses) Pressing 'ESCAPE' whilst playing the game will initiate the instant self destruct mechanism which is installed in your ship (manufacturers think of everything these days!) To quit the game and return to the desktop, press 'ESCAPE' before starting a new game.

A special thanks Graham Stanley


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