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Peg Leg

Moby ID: 215713


Peg Leg is a fixed-screen arcade game for multiple systems.

The player controls Peg as he tries to steal gold and horde it away in his private cave. Game play is divided into four screens. In the sailing screen the player controls a boat, and can sail to the harbor, smugglers' cave, or armory. An enemy vessel sails laterally across the screen and intermittently fires to the north.

The game switches to a side perspective at the harbor and armory, where the player can move laterally and jump. The player collects gold bars at the harbor, but must avoid incoming fire from the fort that protects the gold. At the armory cannon balls can be picked up if the player can avoid defensive fire. Cannon balls can be used to destroy enemy ships on the sailing screen. Gold bars must be brought to the smugglers' cave for bonus points. The player starts with four lives.


Credits (BBC Micro version)

© 1983



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Identifiers +

  • MobyGames ID: 215713
  • [ Please login / register to view all identifiers ]


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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by hoeksmas.

Game added January 16, 2024. Last modified January 17, 2024.