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LMA Manager 2006

aka: BDFL Manager 2006, F.C. Manager 2006: La Passion Du Foot, Football Manager Campionato 2006, LMA Zuqiu Jingli 2006, Manager De Liga 2006
Moby ID: 21362
LMA Manager 2006 (PlayStation 2) screenshot: There's stacks of information.<br>L1/R1 cycles through the top row of nine icons at the bottom of the screen and L2/L2 cycles the sub options on the bottom row
LMA Manager 2006 (PlayStation 2) screenshot:
There's stacks of information.<br>L1/R1 cycles through the top row of nine icons at the bottom of the screen and L2/L2 cycles the sub options on the bottom row

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Added: September 24, 2015
Contributed by: piltdown_man