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Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

aka: O Exterminador Do Futuro 3, Terminator 3: Le Macchine Ribelli, Terminator 3: Le Soulèvement des Machines, Terminator 3: Rebellion der Maschinen
Moby ID: 21122

[ All ] [ PlayStation 2 ] [ Xbox add ]

PlayStation 2 screenshots

Title screen.
Menu screen.
First Enemy
The initial load screen. This comes before the logos and the cinematic introduction
The copyright screen
The main menu has an Options tab. By selecting this the player can adjust audio, Game controls, Game settings and input cheats<br>This is the Game Controls screen
The main menu has an Options tab. By selecting this the player can adjust audio, Game controls, Game settings and input cheats<br>This is the Cheats screen
The main menu has an Special Features tab. By selecting this the player can view cut scenes and stills. All content however is locked at the start of the game
If the player leaves the game unattended while the main menu is displayed the Demo Mode kicks in
When the player starts the game there's a lengthy cinematic introduction that starts with a present day John Connor before switching to a future resistance base being overrun
Another load screen
The first mission in the game is to escape from the resistance base. It's not that easy. This is the 'Game Over' screen
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