Marvel Spider-Man 2
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PlayStation 5 credits (2023)
3,811 people (3,577 professional roles, 234 thanks) with 4,041 credits.
Developed by Insomniac Games |
Advanced Senior Environment Artists | Gabriel Zumberge (as Gabe Zumberge), Ryan Verne |
Advanced Senior UX Researcher | Michele Zorrilla |
Human Resources People Partner | Kerri Zinkievich |
Advanced Senior 2 Animators | Alex Zemke, Andrew Garber |
Quality Assurance Testers | Caleb Zavala, Parker Waite, John Reeve, Matthew Mullen, Antonio Monteverde-Talarico, Claude Minette, Aaron Lopez, Alejandro J. Kontarovsky, Michael Gray, Randen Gardner, Elizabeth Friedrichs, James Elrick, Carlos De La Torre Jr., Monique Contreras, Gage Conklin, Carol Camilli, Edward Boning, Heather Azami |
UI/UX Lead | Mary Yovina |
Senior Art Manager | Yancy Young |
Animation Directors | Michael Yosh (as Mike Yosh), Brian Wyser, Danny Garnett |
Senior UI/UX Programmers | Craig Yoho, Brandi Wilcox, Aaron Sumsky, Alexander Owens, Kelly McCarthy Fitzgerald |
Advanced Senior Audio Designers | David Yingling, Johannes Hammers, Herschell E. Bailey Jr. (as Herschell Bailey) |
Design Directors | Cheng Yeung, Mark C. Stuart, Drew Murray, Marcus Luna De Leon (as Marcus Luna de Leon), Joel Goodsell, Josue Benavidez |
Advanced Senior Character TD | Nathan Yellig |
Advanced Senior Gameplay Programmers | John Yednock, Megan Stine, Nigel Robinson, Herman Miller, Petar Markovich, Heather Barclay |
Senior Animators | Eji Yared, Ian Wilson, Brent Whittington, Jeffrey Weidner (as Jeff Weidner), Joon Shik Song, Aaron Schultz, Alma Rosio Ramirez (as Alma Ramirez), Ryan McGeary, Tommy Mann, Nick Johnnides, Kahye Hwang, Steve Horrocks, Daniel Heitzman, Joshua Gridley, Joshua Cordes, Jason Buch, Eric Balistrieri, Haissam Badawi, Stephanie Aharonian |
Advanced Audio Designers | Brooke Yap, Ryan See, Daniele Carli |
Advanced Visual Effects Artists | Roy Yamaguchi, Natalie Lucht, Alex Eligon, Jin Choi, Stephanie Bower |
Associate Character TD | Herman Wu, Katheryne Galema |
Senior Visual Effects Artists | Mark Wood, Sasan Truth, Jason Timmons, Jenna Ruth, Steven Russell |
Development Support Analysts | Salina Williams, Scott Stuckel, Christopher Smith, Montell Rutherford, Jon Paul Walton (as Jon Redaja), Sam Owens, Daniel Monahan, Ashley Kennedy, Jeremy Gonzagowski, Roger Chang |
Narrative Directors | Walt Williams, Benjamin Arfmann |
Key Material Artist | Robert Wilinski |
Senior Environment Artists | Eric Widner, Kwan Sukasame, Trey McNair, Anastasia Malysheva, Morgan A. Hill (as Morgan Hill), Nick Hamilton, Dan Contreras, Sup Choi, Thomas Breeden (as Tom Breeden), Thomas Barlow |
Environment Artists | Laython Whitmire, Matt Graczyk, Tiffany Chu, Jun Choi, Mikal Carter |
Manager, Effects Art | Spencer Whitfield, Bryanna Lindsey, Jeff A. Johnson |
Advanced Senior Content Artists | Justin West, Shaun Besman |
Senior Gameplay Programmers | Jesse Werner, Douglas Sheahan (as Doug Sheahan), Austin Morris, Paul Hiley, William Good, Seth England, James Burns |
Associate Technical Animation Directors | Alan Weider, Makarand Nazirkar |
Director, Project Management | Grant Wei, Scott J. Michalek (as Scott Michalek) |
UX Research Interns | Helen Wauck, Brandon Valencia, Fiona Cahill |
Lighting Artist Intern | Christopher Wasp |
Systems Support Specialists | Aaron Warrick, Matthew Pritchard |
Senior Character TD | Michael Leon Ware, Matthew Tucker, Sergio Sykes, Daniel McCrummen, Joshua Knorr, Dustin Han, Adam Engel, Noah Alzayer |
Project Managers | Daniel He Wang, Tyler Sparks, Jim Niemiec, Lauren Ng, Mike Grant, Brian DiLucente (as Brian Dilucente) |
Associate Design Directors | Neil Walker, Roxanne Splitt, David Marhal (as Dave Marhal) |
Character Artists | Marco Villalpando, Colton Orr, Jordan Knight, Kerry James, Valentin Erbuke, Xavier Coelho-Kostolny, Damon Cimarusti |
Systems Support Manager | Vladimir Vedenyapin |
Gameplay Programmers | Westley Waligora (as Wes Waligora), Maxwell Golden (as Max Golden), Anna Gegelia, Max Fortna, Sam Cook, Siyu Chen, Cullen Carns, Laura Adams |
Designers | Alex Vaughn, Joel Usher, Christopher Sosnowski (as Chris Sosnowski), Emma R. Purvance, Katie Mastenbrook, Sam Jordan, Nicholas Hernandez, Josh Epel, Matt Ekins, Atsina Corrington, Tyler Chiocchio, Johnny Byrnes, Clay Bonura |
Advanced Senior Animators | Ben Van Dyken, Brandon Tabone, Minji Suh, Kevin Rucker, Brian Robison, Boola Robello, Liam Murphy, Rod Love, Christopher Lalli (as Chris Lalli), Chris Ilvento, Cody Cisneros |
Advanced Senior Engine Programmers | Giacomino Veltri (as Giac Veltri), Robert Sprentall (as Bob Sprentall), Matthew Sharpe, Antony M. Arciuolo (as Tony Arciuolo) |
Manager, Outsourcing Art | Odin Vancza |
Lead Engine Programmers | Joseph I. Valenzuela, Elan Ruskin, Jonathan Garrett, Andreas Fredriksson, Chris Edwards, Jonathan Adamczewski |
Engine Support Specialists | Matthew Uschelbec, Jacob Thomas, Justin Harrington, Stephanie Clark |
Manager, Facilities | Bill Tupper |
Design Managers | Giles Tuck, Sharon Price, Ryan McCabe, Ayami Haruno, Jason Bolte |
Senior Technical Artists | J. Tuason, Chris Devens |
Systems Support Technician | Thanh Tu |
Art Directors | Johnson Truong, John Sweeney, Jason Hickey, Gavin Goulden, Davison Carvalho |
Advanced Animators | Lindsey Troiano, Richard Hopper, Christopher Hayes, Leon W. Gittens (as Leon Gittens), Mostafa Elsayed, Andrew Butterfield, Dyanara Banaña |
Facilities & Workplace Services Coordinators | Andy Tran, Joe Pascual, Eugenio Hernández (as Eugene Hernandez) |
Senior Manager, Project Management | Marissa Torrison |
Advanced Designers | Chris Toczauer, Christopher Schulte, Billy Parmenter, Granter Parker, Keith Nakamura, Nicolas Najm, Josh Leman, Christina Curlee, Shane Canning, Donald Barrett |
Managers, Lighting Art | LaTasha Tobias (as Latasha Tobias), Brian Mullen, John Enricco |
Senior Accountant | Margaret Ting |
Senior Outsourcing Artists | Erwin Tibayan, Christen Borras Alicea |
Story Manager | Meghan Thornton |
Associate Animation Directors | Lindsay Thompson, Ryan Palser, Bradley McLaughlin, James Ham, Kevin Grow, Elliot Grossman, Stephen Camardella |
Animation Managers | Eve Thomas, Paul Robbins, Michelle Chase, Will Bate |
Lead Outsourcing Artists | Diego Teran, Thad Clevenger |
Senior Development Support Analysts | Brandon Tepezano, Brandon Sieprawski, Kyp Maher, Joseph Levinski, Natasha Lee Hooker, Jordyn Holland, Justin Dean, Jeff Albert |
Outsource Artists | David Tellez, Vince Perri, Phil Derbyshire |
Associate Visual Effects Artist | Jessica Teague |
Design Interns | Joe Yee Tan, Nikki Ashaka |
Recruiters | Treani Swain, Megan Clarke |
Managers, Character Art | Chris Sulzbach, Henrique Naspolini |
Senior Production Support Technicians | Jeremy Su, Wilson Montevilla, Vivienne Catriona Evans, Calill Dickerson |
Advanced Dialogue Coordinators | Matthew Strasser, Michelangelo Muscariello, Evan Hodick, Alyssa Gallindo (as Alyssa Galindo), Daniel Davila |
Lead Technical Artists | Nina Straccialini, Chris Perrella |
Director, Community Management | James Stevenson |
Senior Quality Assurance Tester | Trevor Stevens |
Senior Designers | Justin Steinmetz-Deer, Casey Smith, Darius Salary, Ethan Podczerwinski, Roy Orr, Shane McCloskey, Dennis Lever, Timmy Jordan, Adam Coriglione, Fred Corchero Jr. (as Fred Corchero), Charles Carucci (as Charlie Carucci), Leigh Bryant, Jonathan Ballard, Jacques-Patrick Audain |
Concept Artist | John Staub |
Senior Engine Programmers | Charlie Stangle, Ronald Pieket-Weeserik, Paul Marden, Sammy James, Terrance Cohen, Matthew Bailey |
Senior Material Artist | Albert Soto |
Senior Project Managers | Derek C. Smith, Joseph Schopper (as Joe Schopper), Jake Parmley, Kevin Osburn, Nelson Izquierdo, Brooke Graeff, Brian Glass, Peter Chan |
Senior Game Director | Ryan Smith |
Creative Directors | Marcus Smith, Lauren Preston, Brian Horton |
Writing Interns | Milo Smiley, Ashley Poprik, Maynard Hearns |
Principal Gameplay Programmers | Solomon Sliwinski, Bradley Fitzgerald |
Advanced Senior Technical Artists | Steven Skidmore, Derek Lewis, Xray Halperin |
Director, Development Support Management | Shan Simpson |
Office Manager | Amy Silcott |
Advanced Environment Artists | Milton Trey Sharp (as Trey Sharp), Giovanni Martinez, Ernesto Becerra, Muhammad I. Allen (as Muhammad Iqbal Allen) |
Associate Animators | Haylee Selke, Natalia Ballester |
Directors, Gameplay Management | Jess Scott, Christian Lange |
Motion Capture & Talent Specialist | Carla Schwam |
Advanced Technical Audio Designer | Tim Schumann |
Senior Concept Artists | Nicholas Schumaker (as Nick Schumaker), Ronaldo Mei, Sarah Jones |
Senior UI/UX Artists | David Schorn, Pamela Detrich (as Pam Detrich) |
Head of Franchise Strategy and Studio Relations | Ryan Schneider |
Accessibility Design Researcher | Sam Schaffel |
Director, Design Management | Aidan Scanlan |
Principal Technical Artists | David Santiago, Nathaniel Bell |
Engine Pipeline Programmer | Sreekanth Reddy Sambavaram (as Reddy Sambavaram) |
Community Engagement & Product Marketing Lead | Tim Salvitti |
Principal Animator | Steven Ryder (as Steve Ryder) |
Technical Audio Designers | Sebastian Ruiz Velasco Aguado, Nick Jackson |
Associate Lighting Director | Ed Ruiz |
Quality Assurance Engineers | Alexis Ruegger, June Magpantay |
Audio Intern | Mattie Rosen |
Lighting Artists | Allison Roberts, Sabrina Ooi, Jacqueline Bornstein |
Senior Lighting Artists | Anna Roan, Jing Jing Liu, Miki Eliza Hansen |
Development Support Leads | Heather Rippey, Robert Cox (as Robbie Cox) |
Advanced Senior UI/UX Programmer | Brandon Riggs |
Lead Gameplay Programmers | Andrew Richter, Adam Noonchester, Jon Lew, Adel Lari, Jason Franklin, Mark Diaz |
Project Directors | Jess Reed, Jeannette Lee, Erin Eberhardt |
Director, Audio Management | Karen Read |
Senior Narrative Coordinator | Jason Ragatz |
Senior Engine Support Specialist | Ian Prokes, Terran Casey |
Lead Environment Artists | Jason J. Priest, Oscar Gonzalez, Zaid Ahmed |
Character TD Manager | Holly Price |
President | Ted Price |
Character TD | Blake Pierson, Linda Petch, Andrew Bishop |
Advanced Technical Artists | Tyler Penrod, Phil Hunter |
Character Art Interns | Mackenzie Patrick, Paula Cunada, Andrew Bonczyk |
Principal Environment Artists | Rod Parong, Joshua Noble |
Senior Narrative Director | Jon Paquette |
Senior Technical Audio Designer | Ben Pantelis |
Senior Story Editor | Jillian Pagan |
Senior Audio Designers | Eduardo Pacheco Santana, Jeffrey Dombkowski (as Jeff Dombkowski), Tyler Cornett, Anthony Breslin |
Art Outsourcing Managers | Christopher Otcasek, Brian Moore |
Associate Gameplay Programmer | Daniel Otaigbe |
Core Programming Interns | Maxwell Orth, Lara Floegel-Shetty, Ryan Fleury, Ruchi Bhatwal |
Senior Audio Directors | Dwight Kenichi Okahara (as Dwight Okahara), Paul S. Mudra (as Paul Mudra), Jamie McMenamy, Jerry Berlongieri |
Associate Character Artists | Dana Nugumanova, Melissa Coleman |
Hard Surface Outsource Artist | Jason Norman |
Associate Development Operations Engineer | Anhquan Nguyen |
Associate Project Manager, Outsourcing | Chima Ngerem |
Advanced Writers | Brittney Morris, Paul Mastroianni, Robert Forman, Nick Folkman, Akshai Ajit |
Character TD Interns | Benjamin Morgan, Laurel Griffith |
Principal Designer | Duncan Moore |
Associate Narrative Directors | Adam Miller, Mary Kenney |
Dialogue Manager | Patrick Michalak |
Advanced Senior Writer | Lauren R. Mee (as Lauren Mee) |
UI/UX Art Intern | Megan McNamee |
Senior Lead Gameplay Programmers | Ross McIntosh, Peter Kao, Andrew Brown, Joel Bartley |
Animators | Sean McDermott, Patrick Martinez, Sylvia Chambers, Kristin Campbell, James Blackmer, Avery Adams |
UI/UX Technical Lead | Chris McCarthy |
Head of Technology | Shaun McCabe |
Technical Artists | Matt McAuliffe, Harrison Eilers |
Senior Writers | Jamie Mayer, Sam Maggs |
Advanced Senior Designers | Brian Mathison, Kurt Loudy, Chris Fox, Matthew Foster, Jameson Durall, Anish Antony |
Project Manager, Outsourcing | Greg Masto |
Advanced Gameplay Programmers | Keelan Massicotte, David Kim, Cliff Halcom, David Christo, Patrick Calhoun |
Advanced Senior Designers 2 | Brian Marvin, Adam Fenderson |
Scheduler | Jessica Martinez Najm |
Project Management Intern | Ryoma Marta-Sugawara |
Visual Effects Artist | Alex Mangulabnan |
Release Engineers | Albert Lo, Bea Halliday |
User Experience Researchers | John Paul Leigh, Dahlia Hegab |
Senior Character Artists | Matthew Lefferts, Jayson Fitch, Dustin Brown |
Principal Engine Programmers | David Lee, Scott Kircher, Jahrain Jackson, Abdulrahmane Bezrati (as Abdul Bezrati) |
Human Resources Coordinator | Amanda Lee |
Finance Intern | Tiffany Le |
Senior Project Managers, Outsourcing | Ziya Kutluay, Bobby Cheung (as Rob Cheung) |
Senior Systems Support Technicians | Ricky Kruse, Colleen Kresoja, Monique Duong, Steven Cota |
Associate Project Managers | Riley Knutson, Nathan Hambley, Donovan Garcia-Buckler, Alex Barnett |
Senior Internal Communications Specialist | Gretchen Kirsch |
Director, Animation Management | Adalbert Kinsey |
Senior Systems Engineers | Peter Kim, DeMarcus Hill |
Development Support Managers | Scott Kim, David Dimov, Christopher Carter, Jason Berlin, Domenique Batts |
Associate Engine Programmer | Dale Kim |
Associate Dialogue Coordinator | Mitchell Kenney |
Associate Environment Artists | Jackson Keller, Joe Jacobs |
Advanced Senior Network Engineer | Kevin Kam |
Talent Development Specialist, Instructional Designer | Darrel Jordan Jr |
Audio Lead | Blake Johnson |
Environment Art Interns | Katelyn Johnson, Jingjie Gao, Sabrina Echouafni |
Senior Creative Director | Bryan Intihar |
Director, Information Technology Management | Rodney Imai |
Advanced Character Artist | Andrew Iddings (as Guthrie Iddings) |
Production Support Technicians | Jonathan Hunt, Hung Dao, David Bator |
Senior Character Artist - Outsourcing | Constance Huang |
Head of Finance | Jen Huang |
Marketing Art Director | Cory Hoover |
Advanced Senior Lighting Artists | Kevin I. Hong, Gerhard Borchers, Jonathan Bishop |
Senior Art Directors | Grant Hollis, Jacinda Chew |
Audio Designers | Tyler Hoffman, Gabriel Duboc |
Systems Engineering Manager (IT) | Jason Hippert |
Manager, Concept Art | Bobby Hernandez |
Audio Managers | Christopher Hegstrom, Daniel Birczynski, Jesse Allen |
Advanced Engine Programmers | Michael Hawthorne, Evan Hatch, Garner Halloran, David Crammond |
Head of Creative Strategy | Brian Hastings |
Head of Architecture | Alexander Hastings (as Al Hastings) |
Community Manager | Thomas Hart |
UI/UX Programmer | Susannah Hardin |
Senior Animation Manager | David Hancock |
QA Lead | Bea Halliday |
Senior Dialogue Specialist | Jeremy Hall |
Director, Art Management | Aaron Habibipour |
Senior Release Engineer | Patrick Guinness |
Principal Concept Artists | David Guertin (as Dave Guertin), Gregory Baldwin |
Director, UI/UX Management | Colby Grenier |
Talent Development & Documentation Specialist | Sine Gov |
Marketing Intern | Cecilia Gonzalez |
UI/UX Artist | Oscar Gomez Leon |
Associate Technical Artist | Kevin George |
Managers, Environment Art | Jake Geiger, Mike DiMeo (as Mike Dimeo), Jason C. Anderson |
Senior UI/UX Programmer, Accessibility | Patrick Gass |
Director, Online Services | Bill Fulton |
Recruitment Coordinators | Jonathan Friedenberg, Saige Cummings, Nicole Bernardino, Kate Albin |
Writers | Max Folkman, Taylor Cyr, Kelsey Beachum |
Associate Designer | Francisco Flores |
Director, Core Technology Management | Mike Fitzgerald |
Head of Operations | John Fiorito |
Director, Quality Assurance | Douglas Finch |
Advanced Narrative Coordinator | Justin Fennessy |
Principal Character Artist | Ramahan Faulk |
Principal Visual Effects Artists | Seth Faske, Mathew Bennett |
Advanced Senior Community Manager | Aaron Espinoza |
Advanced Senior Systems Engineer, Perforce | Josh Eror |
Associate UI/UX Director | Gil Doron |
Head of Human Resources | Carrie Dieterle |
Principal Character TD | Josh Dicarlo, Andrea Arghinenti |
Head of Creative | Chad Dezern |
Senior Systems Support Specialist | Victoria Delgado |
Game Directors | Mike Daly, Cameron Christian |
Advanced Senior Visual Effects Artists | Clay Dale, Sean Applegate |
Contracts Specialist | Zelene Cruz |
Senior Culture and Belonging Specialist | Jillian Crawford-Pringle |
UI/UX Manager | K. Alan Copeland |
Lead Designer | James Cooper |
Director, Story Management | Armand Constantine |
Advanced UX Researcher | Cooper Colglazier |
Senior Design Manager | Robert Cogburn |
Senior Animation Director | Robert Coddington (as Bobby Coddington) |
Principal UI/UX Artist | Jose Ciceraro |
Animation Intern | Emily Christianson |
Senior Storyboard Artist | David Chlystek |
Lead Character Artist | Leroy Chen |
Advanced Lighting Artist | Jennifer Carlin (as Jen Carlin) |
Managers, Talent Acquisition | Kayla Canvasser, Angela Baker |
Advanced Character TD | Austin Broder, Sol Brennan |
Advanced Content Artist | Alexandar Borissov |
UI Developer | Zach Bohn |
Manager, Financial Planning and Analysis | Elina Berberian |
Senior HR Analyst | Margaret Bennett |
Finance Manager | Yolanda Liu Bassart (as Yolanda Bassart) |
Manager, Culture and Belonging | Malia Atta |
Audio Director, Dialogue | Keith Asack |
Director, Planning and Analysis | Kris Antonelli |
Advanced Senior Character Artist | Heber Alvarado |
Project Management Coordinator | Armando Alonzo |
Associate Recruiter | Liz Almendarez |
Director, UX/Usability Researcher Mgmt. | Brian Allgeier |
Engine Programmer | Moses Adeagbo Jr. (as Moses Adeagbo) |
Director, Environment Art | Zachary Adams |
Accounting Manager | Lina A. Abalos (as Lina Abalos) |
Eternal Insomniacs | Elliot Mallon, Michael Kuehl, Steven Kirk, Dan Johnson, Craig Goodman |
Production Babies | Evelynn Zinkievich, Callahan Young, Ellie Yeung, Hazel Yednock, Luka Weider, Miyabi Walker, Harrison Walker, Edwin Walker, Rowan Tuck, Hawthorn Truth, Hailey Teran, Avery Swindlehurst, James Stevenson, Samuel Splitt, Evan Sheahan, Ayla Schneider, Quicy Scanlan, Zoey Robinson, Evan Robinson, Cleo Moore, Jack Mathison, Nico Mastroianni, Eleanor Marden, Brynn Lewis, Noemi Izquierdo, Ember Hansen, Eleanor Hamilton, Olivia Guinness, Gov Sato Rin, Luca Gonzalez, Lily Gonzalez, Leo Gonzalez, Ruby Garrison, Max Garnett, Freya Foxwood, Piper Fitzgerald, Cora Fennessy, Parker Edwin Figueroa, Enzo Dimeo, Enzo Dicarlo, Arthur Julian Parker Demirjian, Adrian Hovsep Demirjian, Akira Croft, Maxwell Crammond, Tobias Cooper, Julian Cooper, Ramon Constantine, Eevee Cisneros, Saydee Chan, Matteo Carli, Alec Berberian, Lucas Benavidez, Donald Barrett, Isabelle Asack, Sareen Aharonian |
Main Cast |
Spider-Man/Peter Parker | Yuri Lowenthal |
Spider-Man/Miles Morales | Nadji Jeter |
Mary Jane Watson | Laura Bailey |
Harry Osborn | Graham Phillips |
Kraven/Sergie Kravinoff | Jim H. Pirri (as Jim Pirri) |
Venom | Tony Todd |
Ganke Lee | Griffin Daniel Puatu (as Griffin Puatu) |
Rio Morales | Jacqueline Piñol (as Jacqueline Pinol) |
Norman Osborn | Mark Rolston |
Dr. Curt Connors | Mark Whitten |
Hailey Cooper | Narasha Ofili |
Sandman/Flint Marko | Leandro Cano |
Mister Negative/Martin Li | Stephen Oyoung |
Tombstone/Lonnie Lincoln | Corey Jones |
Wraith/Yuri Watanabe | Tara Platt |
The Flame/Cletus Kasady | Chad Doreck |
Black Cat/Felicia Hardy | Erica Lindbeck |
Aaron Davis | Ikechukwu Prince Amadi (as Ike Amadi) |
Mysterio/Quentin Beck | Noshir Dalal |
Scorpion/Mac Gargan | Jason Spisak |
Aunt May | Nancy Linari |
Jefferson Davis | Russell Richardson |
J. Jonah Jameson | Darin De Paul |
Danika Hart | Ashly Burch (as Ashley Burch) |
Otto Octavius | William Salyers |
Primary VO Director | Kris Zimmerman Salter (as Kris Zimmerman-Salter) |
Secondary VO Director | Josh Dean |
Sony Interactive Entertainment |
President & Ceo | Jim Ryan |
PlayStation Studios Internal Production |
Senior Vice President, Head of Internal Production | Connie Booth |
Vice President, Product Development Studio | Grady Hunt |
Executive Producer | Mark Cerny |
Senior Producer | Ara Demirjian |
Producer | Joe Castagno |
PlayStation Studios Global Technology & Services |
SVP, Head of Tech, Creative & Services | Richard Lee |
User Experience Research |
Senior Director, User Research | Kristie J. Fisher |
Lead User Researcher | Klayton Vorlick (as Klay Vorlick) |
Senior User Researcher | J. Russell Williams |
User Researcher | Jacob Yu Villa |
Video & Audio Service Groups |
VIce President, Creative Arts | David Murrant (as Dave Murrant) |
Senior Director, Visual Arts | Neil Ingram |
Animation Supervisor, Visual Arts | Christopher Clyde |
Project Manager | John Carlson Sr. (as John Carlson) |
Lead Project Manager | Rebecca Dowd |
Senior Director, Sound | Phillip A. Kovats (as Phillip Kovats) |
Director of Sound Design | Jeremie Voillot |
Sound Designer Supervisor | Emile Mika |
Senior Manager, Dialogue | Leilani Ramirez |
Supervising Dialogue Designer | Ryan Schaad |
Senior Dialogue Designer | Jaime Marcelo |
Producer | Hayden Griffin |
Senior Director, Music | Chuck Doud |
Manager, Music | Scott Hanau |
Senior Director, Creative | Arran Green |
Senior Manager, Creative | Matthew Owca |
Executive Producer, Creative | Sean Thomas |
Creative Director, Creative | Brandon Akiaten |
PlayStation Studios Quality Assurance |
Managers, QA Test Operations | John Romero, Andrew Vecchio Moore |
Lead QA Testers | Paul Railton, Larry Barfield Jr., Carissa Winters |
Test Services | Kaede Muller, Tamara Williams, Johnnie Colburn, Zariah Bruce, Gabriel Zona-Moya, KJ Mixon |
Compliance | Eric Kelder, Jack Rahier, Francis Dator |
Content & Ratings Managers | Ian Jones |
Store Publishing Coordinators | Leaf Morgan, Jay Walsh |
Release Manager | Jarred Pellegrini |
Sony Interactive Entertainment Global Marketing |
Senior Vice President, Global Marketing | Eric Lempel |
Vice President, Exclusive Games Global Marketing | Craig Malanka |
Director, Brand Marketing | Jayme Figueroa |
Senior Brand Managers, Brand Marketing | David Shochat, Katie Swindlehurst |
Marketing Specialist | Lya Ortega |
Brand Specialist | Myles Earle |
Manager, PMO | Morgan Haro |
Sony Interactive Entertainment Corporate Communications |
Senior Vice President, Comunications | Jennifer Clark |
Vice President, Communications | Alyssa Casella |
Senior Manager, Public Relations | Jennifer Hallett |
Public Relations Manager | Christine Le |
Legal & Business Affairs |
Senior Director, Legal - PlayStation Studios | Jana MacDougall |
Senior Corporate Counsel - PlayStation Studios | Vicki Loughery |
Senior Paralegal, PlayStation Studios | Mimelanie Parayno (as Mimi Parayno), Samantha Vu |
Additional Legal Review | Lauren Oelze, Samantha Manjorin, Rachel Prendergast |
Sony Interactive Entertainment Thanks |
Very Special Thanks | The SIE Executive Management Team, Ayinde Benn (and the Creative Services Group), Shane Tien (and the Global Operations Team), Elodie Hummel (and the International Produciton & Localisation Team), Scott Rohde, Asad Qizilbash (and the Product Planning Team), Lynn Azar, Nana Wallace, Eric Hayashi, Jerry Jessop, Simon Rate, Greg Hicks, Credits created by Perception |
Marvel Games |
Executive Vice President | Jay Ong |
Senior Vice President, Business Development & Portfolio Strategy | Haluk Mentes |
Vice President, Product & Creative | Tim M. Hernandez |
Vice President, Creative Director | Bill Rosemann |
Executive Director, Product Development | Tim Tsang |
Senior Director, Product & Franchsie Development & Project Lead | Eric Monacelli |
Manager, Product Development & Project Lead | Laura Hathaway |
Senior Director, Product Development | Danny Koo |
Director, Product Development | Christine Thompson |
Senior Managers, Product Development | Peter Rosas, Tom Tao |
Manager, Product Development | Michael Francisco |
Associate Managers, Product Development | Damian Patrinostro, Brian Marquez, Christopher Williams |
Art Directors | Joshua Singh, Dan Laduca |
Senior Artist | Jaki Martinez |
Senior Manager, Creative Development | Isabel Hsu |
Associate Manager, Creative | Dakota Maysonet |
Executive Director, Business Development & Product Strategy | Gary Clubb |
Manager, Integrated Planning | Amanda Avila |
Department Coordinator | Paige Stockwell |
Marvel Legal |
Assistant Chief Council | Michael Sapherstein |
Associate Principal Council | Eric Gerson |
Council | Hunter Vanaria, William Ognibene |
Paralegal | Connie Liu |
Marvel Entertainment |
President | Dan Buckley |
Co-President | Robert Steffens (as Rob Steffens) |
Executive Vice President, Creative Services | Chris Fondacaro |
Director, Brand Communications and Operations | Darren Montalbano |
Spider-Man created by | Stan Lee, Steve Ditko |
Miles Morales created by | Brian Michael Bendis, Sara Pichelli |
Additional Insomniacs: Additional Development |
Animator | Micahel York |
Artists | Victoria Ying, Bryan Turner, Shaun O'Neil, Bao Nguyen, Jerad Marantz, Anthony Francisco, Julia Blattman |
Lighting Intern | Xiaqcong Rain Yan |
Concept Artists | Hao Wu, William Smith, Timmy Ryu, Blake Rottinger, Dave Rapoza, Darren Quach, Tayler Olivas, Peach Momoko, Joel Mandish, Raf Grassetti, Ian Gavin, Bryce Collins, Antoine Collignon (credited as Antoine Collingnon), Dennis Chan, Deryl Braun, Antoine Boutin, Sweeney Boo, Dan Baker, Kris Anka |
Gameplay Intern | Aiden Wright |
Outsourcing Artist | Timothy Williams |
Associate Character Artist | Colleen Wei |
Storyboard Artists | Adam Van Wyk, Guy Perez |
HR Assistant | Nicole Urbina |
UI/UX Art Intern | Nishant Tripathi |
Manager, Effects Art | Quang D. Tran |
Animation Intern | Prajeet Tangirala |
Material Artists | Enrico Tammekand, Kyle Harwood |
Design Consultants | Stephen Superville, Derek Daniels |
Accessibility Consultants | Joshua Straub, Christopher Robinson, James Rath, Paul Amadeus Lane |
Dialoge Lead | Kareem Shuman |
Engine Programming Interns | Brandon Shihabi, Robert Jones |
Senior Lighting Artists | Eli G. Rod, James Guard (as James Guarda) |
UI/UX Lead | Justine Raymond |
Audio Intern | Abigail Pryor |
Story Consultants | Karine Plantadit, Evan Narcisse, Kim Belair |
Photographer | Paul O'Reilly |
Designer | Tri Nguyen |
Project Management Intern | Haley Nelson |
Rigging Intern | Tristan Mullins |
Key Concept Artist | Daryl Mandryk |
Environment Art Intern | Serena Lee |
Gameplay Intern | Violet Kurtz |
Character Art Intern | Isabella King |
Data Analyst Intern | Steffie Kim |
Graphic Artist | Sing Ji |
Lead Technical Artist | Ashley Jennings |
VFX Intern | James Jaimes |
Ukrainian Culture Consultant | Mattei Jacks |
Accountant | Stacy Hong |
Associate Graphic Designer | Maribel Gress |
Content Artist | Tyler Garrison |
Writer | Christos Gage |
Technical Art Intern | Megan Friedenberg |
Character Artist | Jose Filho |
Wardrobe Stylist | Rose Diferdinando |
Recruiter | Meg Cooper |
Illustrator | Taurin Clarke |
Writing Intern | Zoe Calamar |
Senior Designer | Reid Buckmaster |
Design Interns | Jozie Brajkovich, Connor Blankenship |
UX Research Intern | Katya Borgos-Rodriguez |
Dialect Coach | Aaron Bluestein |
Dialogue Intern | Gaby Bendtsen |
Employee Relations Specialist | Nuria Andres |
MENA Culture Consultant | Nadine Al Ali |
Additional Cast |
Kraven's Hunters | Alex Feldman, Alicyn Packard, Allegra Clark, Andrew Morgado, Anjali Bhimani, Brent Mukai, Debra Wilson, Fryda Wolff, Jay Preston, Jonathan Freeman, Stephen Fu, Tomm Voss (as Tomm VOss), Tracy Ifeachor, Zeke Alton |
The Cult of the Flame | Arianna Ratner, Cherami Leigh, Clifford Chapin, Dawn Michelle Bennett (as Dawn Bennett), Jason Liebrecht, Lucien Dodge, Matt Lowe |
Street Criminals | Chris Tergliafera, Dave Wittenberg, Eliah Mountjoy, Jake Green, Mark Jacobson, Ray Chase, Sean Chiplock |
Oscorp Security | Andrew Morgado, Ben Pronsky, Isaac Robinson-Smith, Ryan Colt Levy, Trevor Devall |
New York City Pedestrian Population | Anairis Quiñones (as Anairis Quinones), Carlos Lacamara, Carrie Bernans, Charlie Wes, Daisuke Tsuji, David Chen, David Lodge, Edin Gali, Emi Lo, Emilio Rossal, Evan Michael Lee, Farley Jackson, Felecia Angelle, Gabriela Ortega, Isaac Robinson-Smith, Ivan Mok, Judy Alice Lee, Kendall Byrd, Keylor Leigh, Lily Emil Lammers (as Lily Lammers), Margo Rey, Maria Zyranova, Mark Doughtry, Melanie Minichino, Natalia del Riego (as Natalia Del Riego), Nathaniel Kweku, Oscar Camacho, Richard Tatum, Sasha Roiz, Secunda Wood, Tiffany Wu, Yuuki Luna |
Additional Voices | Adrienne Barbeau, Alan Tudyk, Alejandro Saab, Alexa Rose Kolb (as Alexa Rose), Ali Hillis, Andrew Lee, Anthea Neri Best, Ashley Peldon, Ben Pronsky, Brock Powell, Carla Tassara, Chantal King, Christopher J. Williams, Christian Lanz, Courtney Munch, Daniel Booko, Darren O'Hare, David Fennoy (as Dave Fennoy), David Errigo Jr., David Zyler, Devika Parikh, Emerson Brooks, Emily O'Brien, Eric M. Lopez (as Eric Lopez), Fred Tatasciore, Gene Farber, Giancarlo Sabogal, Gideon Adlon, G. K. Bowes (as GK Bowes), Jaquita Ta'le (as Jaquita Ta'Le), Joey Naber, Jon Curry, JP Karliak, Juan Pope, Kiff VandenHeuvel, Kimberly D. Brooks, Kimleigh Smith, Krisha Kumar, Kristin Degard, Krizia Bajos, Larry Herron, Lee Shorten, Linsay Rousseau, Mara Junot, Marite Mantilla, Matt Nolan, Meli Grant, Michael Ralph, Michelle Ruff, Misty Lee, Morla Gorrondona, Nathan Fillion (as Nathan FIllion), Ozioma Akagha, Paul Pape, Pej Vahdat, Piotr Michael, Ry Chase, Sara Amini, Scott Whyte, Seth Austin, Shelby Young, Stephanie Sheh, Sumalee Montano, Terence Mathews, Tom Choi, Vicki Davis, Yancey Arias, Yong Yea, Zeno Robinson |
Motion Capture and Stunt Performers | Alex Marshall-Brown, Alexa Rose Kolb (as Alexa Rose), Allegra Clark, Amy Johnston, Andrew Morgado, Anjali Bhimani, Caitlin Hutson, Christopher Troy, Clifford Chapin, Courtney Munch, David Lodge, Dawn Michelle Bennett (as Dawn Bennett), Debra Wilson, Jasiri Booker, Justin Folk, Krissy Lemon, Lucien Dodge, Maggie Macdonald (as Maggie MacDonald), Mark Jacoson, Michelle C. Lee, Paul Whitecotton, Peipei Yuan, Phillip Wainwright, Ross Kohnstam, Seth Austin, Stephen Fu, Stephen Oyoung, Sydney Olson, Thekla Hutyrova, Timothy Eulich, Tyler King, Walter Gray IV, Will Greenburg, Yong Yea |
Additional Likeness Scans | Benjamin Jordan, Eric Ruff, Jayme Lynn Evans, John Lim, Keiko Noto, Kwabena Darkwah, Marlene Guzman, Mike Dargatis, Stephanie Tyler Jones, Sutten Garnett Conde |
Dialog Recording Services by IGLOO MUSIC |
Studio Director | April Harff |
Studio Coordinator | Jeffrey Rivera |
Recording Engineers | Michael MacDonald, Yoav Litman |
Dialogue Editorial and Mastering Services by PHOENIX MASTERING |
Dialogue Editorial and Mastering Services | Nathaniel Wong, Scott McKellar |
Dialogue Services by THE HALP NETWORK |
CEO | William Beaman ("Chip") |
COO | Julia Bianco Schoeffling |
Producers | Lexington Vanderberg, Robert Kinsfather |
Community & Events Manager | Mariah Tzoumbas |
The Halp Network - With Help from the Following Partners: |
Casting Directors | Julia Bianco Schoeffling, Hari Leigh |
Casting Associate | Lexington Vanderberg |
Talent Coordination | Lexington Vanderberg |
ASL Consultation |
ASL Translation and Consultation | Joshua Castille, Jules Dameron |
ASL Interpreters | Amber Berteloot, Neil Cordova, Selena Flowers, Keturah Holiday |
Sony Interactive Entertainment |
President and CEO | Jim Ryan |
Sony Interactive Entertainment, PlayStation Studios |
Head of PlayStation Studios | Hermen Hulst |
Senior Vice Presidents, Head of Internal Production | Scott Rohde, Connie Booth |
Vice President, Product Development | Grady Hunt |
Director, Product Development | Eric Hayashi |
Executive Producer | Mark Cerny |
Senior Producer | Ara Demirjian |
Producer | Joe Castagno |
Business Finance and Operations | Nancy Ding |
Supervisor, Executive Operations | Allison Nolan |
Workplace Coordinator | Kimberly Stephenson |
Thank you to | all of the employees of SIE and Executive Staff |
SIE: International Production & Localisation |
Director, International Production & Localisation | Elodie Hummel |
Executive Producer | Neil Donnell |
SIE: International Production & Localisation (Europe & America) |
Senior Producer | Adam Lay |
Localisation Manager | Laura Cattaneo |
Project Managers | Juan Hidalgo, Pierre Texier |
Technical Project Manager | Filipe Botelho |
SIE: International Production & Localisation (Asia) |
Executive Producer | Hakuki Lin |
Producer | Winnie Tang |
Localisation Specialist (Traditional Chinese) | Catarina Wang |
Localisation Specialist (Simplified Chinese) | Miki Lin |
Producer (Korean) | Mi-Kyung Hwang (as Mikyung Hwang) |
Assistant Producers (Korean) | Jae-Wook Ha (as Jaewook Ha), Yeji Yu |
Localisation Specialist (Thai) | Monnaporn Pongpa-Ngan |
Special Thanks: This game contains fonts owned by or licensed from | Monotype Imaging Inc. |
SIE: International Production & Localisation (Japan) |
Producer | Reiko Sekine |
Senior Localisation Specialist | Niina Taniguchi |
Localisation Specialist | Riku Oshima |
Localisation Assistant | Eriko Hayashi |
Special Thanks | Hiroshi Nakano |
SIE: Japanese Voiceover & Translation Production |
Spider-Man/Peter/Young Peter | Kazuyuki Okitsu |
Spider-Man/Miles | Anri Katsu |
Harry/Young Harry | Kaito Ishikawa |
MJ | Nanako Mori |
Ganke Lee | Wataru Takagi |
Rio | Roko Takizawa |
Norman | Kenyu Horiuchi |
Wraith | Ayumi Tsunematsu |
JJJ | Takayuki Sugo |
Danika Hart | Akeno Watanabe |
Aaron Davis | Shinshu Fuji |
Hailey | Rei Sakai |
Jefferson Davis | Takuma Suzuki |
Aunt May | Mika Doi |
Venom | Taiten Kusunoki |
Kraven | Hiroshi Iwasaki |
Mister Negative/Martin Li | Mitsuru Miyamoto |
The Flame/Cletus Kasady | Shunsuke Sakuya |
Sandman/Flint Marko | Mitsuaki Kanuka |
Dr. Connors | Yasuhiko Nemoto |
Mysterio/Quentin Beck | Sho Hayami (as Show Hayami) |
Black Cat/Felicia Hardy | Ayahi Takagaki |
Tombstone/Lonnie Lincoln | Kenji Nomura |
Scream | Yoko Somi (as Yoko Soumi) |
Scorpion/Mac Gargan | Ryūsei Nakao (as Ryusei Nakao) |
Otto Octavius | Hiroshi Naka |
Additional Japanese Voices | Ai Kaneta, Aino Shimada, Akiha Matsui, Akira Kuwabara, Akira Miki, Asuna Tomari, Aya Kawakami, Ayano Hamaguchi, Daisuke Nakamura, Nikray Farahnaz, Haru Teranishi, Hideyoshi Nozawa, Hironori Shiojiri, Hiroya Egashira, Hitomi Shogawa, Hodaka Mieno, Hyangri Kim, Kaito Muroi, Kazuki Souya, Kentoā Shiraishi, Kosuke Sakaki, Kousuke Okamoto, Mariko Higashiuchi, Masaki Saito, Masayuki Akasaka, Megumi Tano, Michitake Kikuchi, Miho Takagaki, Miki Natsutani, Minami Ozawa, Mirei Kumagai, Motoki Sakuma, Naoyuki Shimozuru, Riho Sugiyama, Ritsu Takahashi, Satomi Kobayashi, Serika Hiromatsu, En Shitan (as Shitan En), Shoko Arai, Shota Yamamoto, Shoumaru Zouza, Shunichi Maki, Soh Nozawa, Taira Kikumoto, Takaki Otomari, Takashi Akaishi, Takatsugu Chikamatsu, Takeshi Hirabayashi, Takuya Makimura, Tomohiro Fujitaka, Tomoko Ikeda, Volcano Ota, Wakana Kowaka, Wataru Tsuyuzaki, Yasumichi Kushida, Yohei Osaka, Yoshihisa Hosokawa, Yu Miyazaki, Yukako Kiuchi, Yukihiro Nozuyama, Yuko Masuoka, Yuusuke Sasaki, Yuta Suminaga, Yuuki Hoshi, Yuki Sanpei (as Yuuki Sanpei) |
Japanese Recording Production | AC Create Co., Ltd. |
Main Recording Director | Hiromitsu Takata |
Other Recording Directors | Ryoichi Uchikoshi, Chikako Hatano, Zen Kerfoot |
Recording Coordination | Wai Sze Mak, Sayuri Shimbashi, Daisuke Iida |
Primary Recording Studio | MIT Studio |
Secondary Recording Studio | AC Studio |
Recording Engineers | Takahiro Saito, Naoko Nezu, Shoki Yasui, Karin Yamashita, Wakana Saito, Kevin Ray, Shoko Kitaura, Kazuaki Ueda |
Special Thanks | Ken Kikuchi, Yohei Okada, Koichi Shigeta, Katsuya Tachino, Hikaru Takayama |
Supplemental Translation | Lina Mitsufuji, Makoto Shimo, Mamiko Ito, Rei Yoshino, Shu Miyasaka, Yasumasa Shibata, Yuri Tanaka |
SIE: Business Operations |
Vendor Manager | Daniel Parnes |
Finance and Reporting Project Manager | Patsy Doran |
Accounts Assistant | Aimee Fryer |
Events Coordinator | Ellie Rice |
Officer Coordinator | Katie Willmore |
Special Thanks: PlayStation Studios would like to say thank you to | all of the translators and voice actors that helped create this game. |
Sony Interactive Entertainment, Global Technology & Services |
Head of Global Technology & Services | Richard Lee |
SIE: PlayStation Studios Creative Arts |
Vice President Creative Arts | David Murrant |
SIE: Creative Arts Music |
Music by | John Paesano |
Senior Director of Music | Chuck Doud |
Score Produced by | Scott Hanau, Keith Leary |
Music Affairs Director | Alex Hackford |
Lead Music Designer | Rob Goodson |
Music Designers | Tao-Ping Chen, Nick Mastroianni (as Nicholas Mastroianni), Ted Kocher, Monty Mudd, Andrew Buresh, Sonia Coronado, Paul Thomason, Julie McLaughlin, Yuen Man Chung Kelvin, Jin Qin, Matthew Kelly, Seira McCarthy |
Score Record at | AIR Studios, London, United Kingdom, Ocean Way Studios, Nashville, United States, East West Studios, Los Angeles, United States |
Score Recorded by | Nick Wollage, Jake Jackson, Nick Spezia, Ross Hogarth |
Score Mixed by | Anthony Caruso, Kellogg Boynton, Scott Bergstrom |
Pro Tools Engineers | Jack Mills, Ashley Andrew-Jones, Austin Brown |
Assistant Engineers | Jedidiah Rimell, James Probel, Cherron Arens, Sam McCormick, Jase Keithley |
Technical Score Advisor | Kaitlyn Delle Donne |
Additional Arrangement by | Adam Hochstatter, Braden Kimball |
Score Orchestrated by | Edward Trybek, Henri Wilkinson, Jonathan Beard |
Copyist | Andrew Harris |
Music Librarians | Dave Foster, Phil Knights, Sammy Sanfilippo |
London Session Orchestra Conducted by | Cliff Masterson, James Shearman |
London Voices Conducted by | Ben Parry |
Nashville Scoring Orchestra Conducted by | Nate Strasser |
Nashville Booth Reader | David Andrew Shipps (as David Shipps) |
Orchestra Contractors | Isobel Griffiths, Alan Umstead (of Nashville Music Scoring) |
Additional Music by | Sultan + Shepard, Gener8ion, Ben Billions |
Senior Music Manager | Marc Senasac |
Music Affairs Manager | Justin Fields |
Lead Music Operations Specialist | Vanessa Zamora |
Audio Producer - Music | Fraser Mills |
Associate Music Supervisor | Sophie Levine |
Music Affairs Coordinator | Alessia Huaman |
Senior Music Department Coordinator | Kerry Ryan |
Licensed Music Credits: "Cigarette Daysdreams" |
Performed by | Cage the Elephant |
Written by | Jared Champion, Lincoln Parish, Matt Shultz, Brad Shultz, Daniel Tichenor |
Published by | R And R Nomad Publishing Co. (BMI), Sony/ATV Songs LLC (BMI) |
By arrangement with | Sony Music Entertainment |
Licensed Music Credits: "Donna Lee" |
Performed by | Charlie Parker |
Written by | Charlie Parker |
Published by | Atlantic Music Corp. |
Courtesy of | Craft Recordings, a Division of Concord |
Licensed Music Credits: "Git Up From There" |
Performed by | Hazel Scott |
Written by | Hazel Scott |
Published by | Universal Music Corp. |
Courtesy of | Concord Records |
Licensed Music Credits: "Merry Christmas Baby" |
Performed by | Otis Redding |
Written by | Lou Baxter, Johnny Moore |
Published by | Unichappell Music Inc., Chappell & Co. Inc. |
Courtesy of | Atlantic Recording Corp., Warner Music Group Video Game Licensing |
Licensed Music Credits: "New Slang" |
Performed by | The Shins |
Written by | James Mercer |
Published by | Songs Of Universal, Inc. on behalf of itself and Lettuce Flavored Music |
Courtesy of | Sub Pop Records |
Licensed Music Credits: "Off Beat, On Time" |
Performed by | Clyde Stubblefield |
Courtesy of | Music Manager ApS under license to Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC |
Licensed Music Credits: "Seabird" |
Performed by | Alessi Brothers |
Written by | Bobby Alessi, Billy Alessi |
Published by | Alessi Music (BMI) |
Courtesy of | A&M Records under license from Universal Music Enterprises |
Licensed Music Credits: "Swing Up" |
Performed by | Earthgang feat. Benji |
Written By | Dernst Emile II ("D'Mile"), Olu O. Fann, Eian Parker, Ian Welch |
Published by | Universal Songs Of PolyGram Int, Inc. on behalf of Sids Songs Ltd., Universal Music - Careers on behalf of All Boys Music Ltd., Mike Stock Publishing Limited (PRS) administered by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. |
Licensed Music Credits: Other |
Additional music provided by | APM Music, Hollywood, CA |
APM Music Licensing | Rob Cairns, Jon Foster |
Audio Engineer | Tyler Crowder |
SIE: Creative Arts Sound |
Senior Director of Sound | Phillip A. Kovats (MPSE) |
Senior Manager, Production & Operations | Karen Muro Waller (as Karen Waller) |
Lead Project Manager | Angelica Advincula |
Producer | Hayden Griffin |
Studio Production Coordinator | Andrew Reynaud |
Studio Operations Coordinator | Melissa Rosenberg |
Director of Sound Design | Jeremie Voillot (MPSE) |
Sound Design Supervisor | Emile Mika |
Senior Sound Designers | Zack Bogucki, Jeff Darby, Andres Herrera, Beau Anthony Jimenez, Derrick Espino, Maria Julieta Rascon (as Maria Rascon), Jon Rook, Matt Ryan, Alex Previty, Aaron Sanchez |
Sound Designers | Danny Barboza, Gavin Booth, Robert Castro, Enoch Choi, David Goll, Chris Kokkinos (MPSE), Roy Lancaster, Charlie Ritter, Rodrigo Robinet, TJ Schauer, Cameron Sonju |
Additional Sound Design | Kei Matsuo, Daniel Ramos |
Senior Foley Artist | Joanna Fang |
Senior Foley Mixer | Blake Collins |
Senior Manager, Dialogue | Leilani Ramirez (MPSE) |
Supervising Dialogue Designers | Ryan Schaad, Benjamin Gendron-Smith |
Senior Dialogue Designer | Jaime Marcelo |
Dialogue Designers | Emma Burlingame, Rory Given, Tyler Held, Andrew Rahimi |
Senior House Audio Engineer | Jeremy Underwood |
Mocap Audio Engineers | Alexandria Kiser, Edgar Maldonado, Nikki Weinberg |
Senior Manager, Talent and Casting | Jamie Bafus |
Casting Producers | Alex Kolb, Amberle Huber |
Manager of Studio Technology and Innovation | Chris Canning |
Studio Technicians | Adam Wollach, Lazaro Zarate |
Talent Agent | Shawn West |
Hollywood Animals |
Animals Provided by | Hollywood Animals |
Alchemy Post Sound |
Foley Editors | Annie Taylor, Austin Creek |
Studio Manager | Corey Spears |
Injected Sense LLC |
Supervising Sound Designer | Gary Miranda |
Sound Designers | Jeremy Neroes, Adam Sanchez, Brendan Wolf |
Molinar |
Dialogue Editors | Glen Gathard, Luke Duffin, Dionne Wong |
Re-Recording Mixers | Helen Miles, Rees Maitland-Jones, Mark Sheffield, Richard Pryke, Fede Modanese |
PTW America Inc. DBA SIDE LA |
Head of Post Production | Gabriella Scanio |
Post Production Coordinators | Caanan Nathaniel, Declan Knapp, Valerie Kang Xin Ying |
Audio Editors | Vyvyan Napoletani, Eugene Tong Haw Cheng, Huberth Varela, Harry Watchman, Robert Kubicki |
Sweet Justice Sound Group |
Re-recording Mixers | Myron Nettinga, Thomas C. Brewer |
Sound Designers | Alexis Tran, Bob Kellough, Bryan Jerden, Eilam Hoffman, Graham Donnelly, Jason Jennings, Matt Hall, Michael Leaning, Michael C. Schapiro, Randy Torres, Richard Gould, Stephano Sanchinelli, Tim Walston, Tobias Poppe, Thomas Jaine |
Company Sound Supervision | Ben Minto, Chris Sweetman, Csaba Wagner, Samuel Justice |
SIE: Creative Arts Malaysia |
Senior Director of Malaysia | Hasnul Hadi Samsudin |
Human Resources Manager | Sueki Yap |
Senior Specialist of Government & General Affairs | Belle Ibrahim |
Specialist of HR & Administration | Suzana Abdul Muttalip |
Studio Operations Coordinator | Harman Ahmad |
Senior System Administration | Daniel Lim |
IT Support Specialists | Khairul Ashar Anuar, Faiz Samuri |
Outreach & Training Manager | Priya V Ramarao |
Senior Recruiter | Syazmeen Othman |
Finance Manager | Dzulfiqri Ayub |
SIE: Creative Arts VIsual Arts |
Senior Director of Visual Arts | Neil Ingram |
SIE: Creative Arts Visual Arts - Production - Malaysia |
Manager of Production | Abhinav Pradhan |
Senior Project Manager | Ee Jien Chan |
Project Manager | Annee Cheah |
Production Coordinator | Siew Ling Goh |
SIE: Creative Arts Visual Arts - Production - North America |
Senior Manager of Production | Harvey Burgess |
Production Manager | Garrick T. Oyama |
Lead Project Manager | Rebecca Dowd |
Project Managers | John Carlson Sr. (as John Carlson), Sheila Manansala |
Associate Project Manager | Steven Slack |
Associate Project Managers/Coordinators | Paige Dowling, Jane Kavounas, Michelle Voillot |
SIE: Creative Arts Visual Arts - Motion Capture & Scanning - North America |
Senior Manager of Motion Capture and Scanning | James Scarafone |
Senior Project Manager of Motion Capture and Scanning | Teresa L. Porter (as Teresa Porter) |
SIE: Creative Arts Visual Arts - Motion Capture - Los Angeles |
Manager of Motion Capture | Charles Ghislandi |
Motion Capture Technical Director | Derek Crosby |
Motion Capture Studio Supervisor | Bill Beemer |
Motion Capture Lead Studio Technician | Ryan Beeson |
Senior Motion Capture Studio Technicians | Emma Matos, Matthew O'Callaghan (as Matt O'Callaghan), Anthony Pintor, Jeffrey Price, Sarah Jane Welcomer, Wesley Welcomer |
Motion Capture Studio Technicians | Maki Fukumoto, Matthew Kolodziejczyk, Andrew Marroquin, Slava Popov, Austin Preciado, Keith Presswood, Andrew Rose, Charles Searight, Christopher Starwalt, Sean Sterling, Isaiah Strum, Lukas Woodbridge, Michael Yochim |
Key Set Production Assistants | Joel Agosto, Benjamin Bowen, Linsay Burnett, Allen Chodakowski, Liberace Cruzuee, Cassandra DenDanto (as Cassandra Dendanto), Chris Dore, Souhail El-Jabi, Hope Felt, Connor Fleming, Kristin Galla, Walter Gray IV (as Walt Gray), Spencer Greene, Brent Horst, Markus Jorgensen, Sergio Laff, Jason Millner, Alana Myles, Brandon Pugmire, Thomas Richmond, Loran Rose, Jackson Smith |
Motion Capture Project Manager | Khira Layton |
Motion Capture Stage Coordinator | Ivan Lopez |
Motion Capture Intern | Caitlin Colina |
Lead HMC Technician | Nikola Dupkanic |
HMC Operators | Brooks Ludwick, Paul Sun |
Video Leads | Elisha Christian, Trent Ellis, Kyle Klütz (as Kyle Klutz), John Paul Meyer |
Video Assist | Eric Kim, Elise Morris, Tom Morris |
Camera Operators | Brian Outland, Anthony Perua, Nicholas Piatnik (as Nick Piatnik), TJ Williams |
Make-Up Artists | Zenna Hodge, Betsy Kelly, Karen Mena, Abigail Smith, Megan Williams |
SIE: Creative Arts Visual Arts - Motion Capture - San Diego |
Motion Capture Studio Technicians | Andrei Booriakin, Ilya Booriakin, Michael Hash, Chad Kelco |
Senior Motion Capture Tracker | David Ibarra |
Motion Capture Tracker | Matt Fuller |
SIE: Creative Arts Visual Arts - Animation - Malaysia |
Senior Manager of Animation | Kenn McDonald |
Lead Animator | Nicholas Quek |
Senior Animator | Tengku Zainal Abidin Bin Tengku Mamat |
Animators | Kathryn Chong, Meng Yee Ling, Muhammad Nawawi Mohamad Ismail, Ng Siau Chiang, Shirley Pung, Steven Chan |
Associate Animators | Amelie Loh Min Wey, Lim Jia Qing, Lee Swee Hung, Wahyu Syawal |
SIE: Creative Arts Visual Arts - Animation - North America |
Managers of Animation | Gina Grasso, Darrell J. Robinson |
Animation Supervisor | Christopher Clyde (as Chris Clyde) |
Senior Lead Animator | Eduardo Contreras (as Eddie Contreras) |
Lead Animators | Wing Ni Ni Chung (as Wing Ni Chung), Paula Gallagher, Michael Marbery, Timothy McNulty (as Tim McNulty) |
Animators | Erin Bendle, Simon Zizan Black, Tab Burton, Ethan Chan, Richard T. Clark, Joshua DeVaughn (as Joshua Devaughn), Thierry DiDonna (as Thierry Didonna), Zachary Gillespie, Justin Gorski, Amelia Kurth, Kimberly Lambe, Amelie Le-Roche, Cody Martin, Kathleen McGovern, Khanh D. Nguyen, Paul D. Parker ("Peezie"), Kelsy Roe, Nick Rotolo, Michael Sabalvaro, Jeff Schanz, Kaelin Sierra, Nate Smith, Alejandro Torres, Aaron Traciak, Britain Vanderbush, Shendy Wu |
Lead Camera Layout Artist | Ariel Bernardo |
Camera Layout Artists | Eugene Chung, Cece Chen, Hillary Galvin, Alex Nagy |
SIE: Creative Arts Visual Arts - Art - North America |
Manager of World Art | Hudson Roy |
Art Project Coordinator | Viviana Damiano |
Senior Materials Artist | Xiaopeng Shen |
Materials Artist | Charlie Foreman |
Lighting Supervisor | Michael Kennedy |
Lead Lighting Artist | Ozgur "Oz" Ustundag |
VFX Supervisor | Slim Ghariani |
Senior VFX Artist | Dylan Sanchez |
SIE: Creative Arts Visual Arts - Engineering - Malaysia |
Senior Manager of Tech Art & Engineering | Dom Drane |
Lead Technical Artist | Bharath Metpally |
Associate Technical Artists | Nicholas Ynn Kai Tiew, Izaaq Ahmad Izham, Mohamed Shameer Ali Bin A.M Abdul Rahman, Sin Tian Woon |
SIE: Creative Arts Visual Arts - Engineering - North America |
Senior Technical Director | Christopher Mayberry |
Lead Engineers | Jesse Clemens, Dustin Jones |
Engineers | Becca Abel, Chad Goolbis, Alyssa Lo, Christopher Spears, Xinyu Zhang |
Technical Project Manager | Eric Thibeau |
QA Analyst | John Bell |
Manager of Technical Art | Milagro Feijoo (as Mila Feijoo) |
Lead Technical Artist | Amy Wong |
Senior Technical Artists | Mike Contreras, Jeffrey Herzer (as Jeff Herzer) |
Technical Artists | Frank Bonniwell, Gary Hansen, Juan Quiroz |
Technical Artist Facial Animation | Aida Cazares |
SIE: Creative Arts Visual Arts - Studio Support - Malaysia |
Senior Manager of Production Operations | Dinesh Krishnan Nair |
SIE: Creative Arts Visual Arts - Studio Support - North America |
Manager of Business Operations | Nonet Vargas |
Studio Coordinators | Trisha Manbeck Roston (as Trisha Roston), Tiffany Sanchez |
Analyst | Trisha Manbeck Roston (as Trisha Roston) |
Manager of Talent Acquisition | Alex Gombos |
Staff Recruiter | Reine Bounlutay |
Recruiter | Jade Takimoto |
Talent Sourcer | Zach Woolfork |
Recruiting Coordinators | Jonathan Friedenberg, Gabby Langley |
DZConnex On-Site | Nikki Leddo |
Special Thanks | Douglas Hagstrom (as Doug Hagstrom), Ricky Ho, Daniel Kyle, Fabio Lissi, John Meehan, Michael L. Mumbauer, Dzu Nguyen, Toby Ow, Harish Rao, Adam Shay, Orion Vang, Kevin Wang, David R. Wilkins |
SIE: Creative Arts Visual Euorpe |
Senior Creative Director | Nigal Raymond |
SIE: Creative Arts Visual Europe - Film Team |
Senior Creative Film & Video | Martin López |
Senior Video & Film Producer | Stephanie Barnett |
SIE: Creative Arts Visual Europe - Video Team |
Senior Video Designer | Helen Rathbone |
SIE: Creative Arts Visual Europe - CG & Motion Graphics |
Manager - CG & Motion Graphics | Mike Becke |
Senior Motion Graphics Producer | Santiago Schueri |
Principal Motion Graphics Designer | Matthew Akehurst |
Senior Motion Graphics Designer | Stephen Beed |
Motion Graphics Designer | John Blake |
Freelance Producer | Tom Blackham |
SIE: Creative Arts Creative |
Senior Director of Creative | Arran Green |
Senior Manager | Matthew Owca (as Matt Owca) |
Manager of Production | Laura Brothers |
Art Director | Andrew Hamilton |
Creative Directors | Brandon Akiaten, Gary Barth |
Executive Producer | Sean Thomas |
Senior Graphic Designers | Jack Mulholland, Jin Y. Kim, Myoung Chung |
Senior Motion Designer | Jared Gray |
Senior Editor | Ryan Mudd |
Senior Engineer | Ronald Ilano |
Senior Operations Specialist | Melissa Yazurlo |
Producer | Yvonne Nguyen |
Associate Motion Designer | Bach Ngo |
Graphic Designers | Helen Divas, Malik Larkin |
Video Editor | Steven Scoville (as Steve Scoville) |
Technical Artist | Tyler Gregory |
SIE: Creative Arts Operations |
Financial Planning & Analysis Manager | Ilia Dolaptchiev |
Financial Analyst | Samantha Tamura |
Business Systems Analyst | Tony Forte |
Web Developers | Laura Londo, Mike Mullen |
Executive Assistant | Mayu McKean |
SIE: Additional Special Thanks |
Lead Audio Programmer | Stepan Boev (from SMS) |
Audio Kinetic | David Crooks, Michael Cooper |
SIE: Virtual Mixing Environment Team |
General Manager | Kohei Asada |
Senior Manager | Koyuru Okimoto |
Acoustic Engineers | Toru Nakagawa, Akihito Nakai, Yasunobu Murata |
Headphone Design | Shunsuke Shiomi, Kenichi Harada, Kaoru Fukushima, Naoki Shinmen, Yuta Sato |
Software Design | Kunihiko Sakai, Ryoichi Tsukasada, Ryuto Shimabukiuro |
SIE: PlayStation Studios User Research |
Senior Director, User Research | Kristie J. Fisher |
Director, User Research | Rob Johnson |
User Research Manager | Klayton Vorlick (as Klay Vorlick) |
User Research | J. Russell Williams, Jacob Yu Villa, Joe Miszcak, Steven Wu, Bryce Mckenzie (as Bryce McKenzie) |
Accessibility Research Lead | Mark Friend |
Accessibility Research | John Dickens, Gregory Haynes |
Technical Development | Chris Lowe, Gokhan Hassan |
Project and Operations Management | Candace Rim, Laura Field |
Department Assistant | Monica Gonzales |
SIE: PlayStation Studios User Research - Special Thanks |
Accessibility Research | Tanya McDonnell |
User Research Support | Sam Sweney |
SIE: PlayStation Studios Quality Assurance |
Senior Director, PlayStation Studios QA | Ritchard Markelz |
Executive Assistant | Tracy Seifert |
Department Project Coordinator | Iona Jackson |
SIE: PlayStation Studios QA Test Services |
Director, PlayStation Studios QA Test Services | Rob Thompson |
Director, Localization QA, Translation, & Test Services Japan | Sachiko Nagasawa |
SIE: PlayStations Studios QA Test Services - Test Services America |
QA Managers | John Romero, Andrew Vecchio Moore |
Lead QA Testers | Paul Railton, Larry Barfield Jr., Carissa Winters, Robert Lopes |
Senior QA Testers | Kaede Muller, Tamara Williams |
Game Test Analysts | Johnnie Colburn, Zariah Bruce, Gabriel Zona-Moya, Christopher Anastasio, Ferrel Rodriguez, Cheyenne Parra, Wyatt Surratt, Andres Castellanos, Giovanni Jimenez ("Gio"), Nicholas Orona, Justen Benavente, Robert Panttaja, KJ Mixon, Marc Ryan de Guia, Yael Gaspar, Diego Lobato, Hunter Forcier, Chris Greenberg ("Greenie"), Gabrielle-Anne Miranda, Chris Scott ("Topher"), Aleksey Skvolygin, Nathan Winter, Kaitlin Jones, Noah Orona, Jake Russell, Lawrance Karat, Isaac Smith, Max Solovyeva, Nathan Clarke, Rosie Hughes, Andrew White II, Brian Calix, Bri Kranz, Justin Cien, Sara Peek Monteen, Gene Cayago, Moises Gibson, Josh Hokstad, Chris Parsoneault, Madison Patchett, Vincent Richmond, Hunter Wolfert, Richard Barroso, Maxwell Greenfield, Colton Whited, Nathaniel Orozco, Noah Brennan, Leela Craven, Marcellus Gibson, Jesus A. Roman Leal, Tyler Pierce, Chase Lister, Kat Montgomery |
Head of FQA | Joe Corrall |
Senior QA Project Manager | Samuel Bassett |
QA Project Managers | Joseph Hawley, Alistair Sutherland |
Lead QA Testers | Ryan Turner, Erin Holmes, Xande Gomes |
Senior QA Technicians | Takura Chindanga, William Wood |
QA Technicians | Dillon Edwards, Samantha Albone, James Walters, Gavin Barker, Simon Rouse, Connor Rea, Craig Dunne, Charlie Bishop, Stuart Young, Kyle Wallace, Olivia Clarke, Dennis Sheridan, Theo Sambus, Laurance Twells, Robert Gibbs, Matt Morris, Dominic Corrigan, Ben Sharp, Daniel Holdsworth, Harry Collis, Joseph Cain, Chris Cahill, Jamie Jarvis, Adam Elders, Tom Rae, Malik Akbavor, James Newman |
SIE: PlayStation Studios QA Test Services - Translation Services |
Manager, Translation Services | Mio Shimizu |
Associate Manager, Interpretation Team | James Dyce |
Associate Manager, Translation Team | Noriko Nemoto |
Translation Technology Specialist | Laurence Dyer |
Data Processing Assistant | Clark Ono |
Senior Translators | Takeshi Fujimaki, Sinya Lee |
Translators | Christopher Cutler, Karena Fujii, Jose Ernesto Lamazares, Joseph Leis |
Associate Translators | Andrew Cunningham-Lee, Calum Galt, Nao Kanamaru, Marie Mori, Joachim Gabriel Muntal, Benjamin Preece |
Assistant Translators | Pearl Chung, Kazuyo Green, Asuka Guy, Mieko Ueno |
SIE: PlayStation Studios QA Test Services - Live Services QA, America |
Manager, Test Services | Lannice Barrett |
Test Leads | John Walker, John Guy |
Functional Testers | William Gaede, Derek Simek, Terrance McGhee, Calvin Luk, Kyler Heggar |
SIE: PlayStation Studios QA Test Services - Localisation Test Services |
Localisation Test Leads | Katharina Gill, Alyssa Eskelsen, Roberto Rueda Galdón |
Localisation Testers | Jan Roger Henden, Paul Sullivan |
Additional Localisation Testing | Erik Hittenhausen, Gaëlle Caballero, Valentina Mollica, Jouhaina Ramy, Joan Rodon Provencio (as Joan Provencio), Thomas Gillmann, Patricia Rivera Villegas, Hannah Levene, Jefta de Cock (as Jefta De Cock), Marine Letuppe, Etienne Dumont, Sandra Malarz, Alessandro Bazzu, Klaudia Dudek, Nele Beckmann, David Ponce Sánchez, Manuel Alejandro Castro Bravo, Enrique Alabau Asensi, Carlos Freitas, Alexandre Brito, Paulina Bajer, Kacper Wolicki, Roksolana Krushenytska, Mohamad Subhi Chalan, Hashem Abunada, Miguel Á. Colin M., Álvaro Saavedra Jeno, Erika Karina de Oliveira, Giovana Salvadori, Jolt Oostra, Tiia Hakuli, Tanja Kristoffersen, Ingvild Skjoensfjell, Fred Sheng-Li Huang Støyva, Anna Winter, Wictor Koch, Christian Jensen, Stelios Leonidis, Elissavet Chatzicharalampous, Fruzsina Eszterhás, Patrik Sramkó, Eliška Šperková, Alzbeta Skupníková, Osei Owusu |
SIE: PlayStation Studios QA Test Services - Localization Test Services Asia |
Localization QA Manager | Shigekazu Tsuuchi |
Localization QA Test Leads | Go Adachi, Kohei Kado |
Localization QA Senior Tester | Akari Shimoda |
Localization QA Testers | Yurina Arai, Jun Shoji, Takumi Ujiie, Clara Davidson |
QA Manager | Naoki Hara |
QA Assistant Managers | Jae-Sang Cho (as Jaesang Cho), Byoungjoon Kim |
Localization Testers (Korean) | Bo-Mi Kim (as Bomi Kim), Da-Young Sim (as Dayoung Sim) |
QA Coordinator | Xuan-Chen Li |
Localization Lead Testers (Chinese) | Jessie Hu, Yu-Shin Chan |
Localization Testers (Chinese) | Cloud Chien, Chia-Tung Lee, Kaoru Hsu, Lily Ho, Yura Tsao |
SIE: PlayStation Studios QA Test Services - Additional Localization Testing Asia: Lionbridge Games |
Test Director Asia | Steffen Strohmann |
Senior Test Lead | Julien Humbert |
Test Lead | Fernando André Echavarría Marte |
Senior Test Engineers | Chotika Horbanluekit, Siwarin Muadmahing, Juan Park |
Localisation QA Testers | Chu Yen Ly, Albin Ngawing, Itsuki Otada, Gemma Perdhana, Benyaluck Rinya, Yusuke Saito, Audiego A. P. Sosrodarsono, Nguyen Phuc Tran |
SIE: PlayStation Studios QA Test Services - Audio Test Team |
Audio Test Manager | Chris Lewis |
Audio Test Lead | Jeric Chapman |
Audio Test Analysis | Cesar Grijalva, Dylan Hackett-Murgas, Ian Barker, Matthew Williamson |
SIE: PlayStation Studios QA Engineering, Compliance & Release Services |
Director, PlayStation Studios QA | David Parkinson |
Senior Manager, Compliance & Release Services | Daniel Giles (as Dan Giles) |
Manager, Engineering Services | Michael Davies |
Department Administrator | Samantha Lloyd |
SIE: PlayStation Studios QA - ALM Support |
Associate Manager, Engineering Services | Chris Bourgeois |
ALM Support Analysts | Ionut Bozantan, Yuki Miwa, JC Sheffield |
Associate ALM Support Analyst | Jan Holmes |
Senior Engineering Operative | Jared Mustard |
Senior ALM Support Analyst | Taishi Wada |
Lead ALM Support Analyst | Steven Weir |
SIE: PlayStation Studios QA - Build Services |
Associate Manager, Engineering Services | Rafael De Vicente López (as Rafael De Vicente) |
Senior DevOps Engineer | Andrew Briggs |
Engineering Operative | Charles Gray |
Staff Build Engineer | Ryan Halvorson |
Senior Engineering Operative | Greg Hicks |
Principal Engineering Operative | Christian Hopley |
Associate Engineering Operatives | Takashi Kodato, Christian Peña (as Christian Pena) |
Senior Build Engineer | Giovanna Pellegrino |
Build Engineer | Takahisa Suzuki |
SIE: PlayStation Studios QA - Publishing Compliance & Release Support |
Associate Manager | Rosie Jakab |
Compliance & Release Support Analysts | Simon Gibson, Akira Masunaga, Yuma Hirano |
SIE: PlayStation Studios QA - Publishing Compliance |
Manager | Steven Pajak |
Associate Managers | Josh Moore, Paul Wright |
Compliance Test Leads | Eric Kelder, Derek Argonza, Shaun Sweeney, Michael Yubane, Robert Dohring, Adam Roberts, Thomas Saunders, Marc Shannon, Naoki Morishige |
Senior Compliance Testers | Peter Abraham, Donald Shallcross (as Don Shallcross), Samuel Shutt |
Compliance Testers | Francis Dator, Jack Rahier, Michael Colburn, Shaun Distor, Jersen Gelacio, Michael Gonzalez, Heather Kohut, Alexander Sterling, Nick Thipsidakhom (as Nicky Thipsidakhom), Brian Wan, Paul Ford, Erin Knowles, Ellena Lee, Cristina Morales Bages, Lee O'Connior, Stephen Quayle, Runa Nabeshima, Yutaro Ohkushi, Yuna Nakajima, Nazuki Kimura, Yusuke Murata, Keita Kitsuhara, Matsui Kenichi |
SIE: PlayStation Studios QA - Content and Ratings |
Manager | Yuki Sato |
Senior Content and Ratings Managers | Ian Jones, Barclay James Christmas |
Release Manager | Mariko Sawada |
Associate Content and Ratings Managers | Mette Rahunen, Cengiz Ergin, Leigh Chan |
Content and Ratings Test Analysis | Mark P. Thomas |
SIE: PlayStation Studios Services - IP Preservation |
Manager, Engineering Services | Michael Bishop |
Senior Build Engineer | Garrett Fredley |
Associate Engineering Operative | Jack Howarth |
SIE: PlayStation Studios Services - Release Management |
Associate Manager | Zoe Ainscough |
Release Managers | Jarred Pellegrini, Souichirou Masuda |
Associate Release Managers | Joe Cameron, Max Benjamin |
SIE: PlayStation Studios Services - Store Publishing |
Manager | Michelle Tilley |
Senior Store Publishing Coordinators | Leaf Morgan, Jay Walsh, Izumi Harada |
Associate Store Publishing Coordinators | Ranjeet Jandu, Daniel Lopez, Tara Jafarzade |
SIE: PlayStation Studios Services - Test Engineering |
Associate Manager, Engineering Services | Jonathan Williams |
Associate Build and Test Engineer | Chelsea Soares |
SIE: PlayStation Studios Services - Tools Engineering |
Associate Manager, Engineering Services | Lisa Chao-Wilson |
Tools Engineer | Omar Brito |
Senior Tools Engineers | Michael Kennedy, Christopher Greaves (as Chris Greaves) |
Associate Tools Engineer | Benjamin Lee |
SIE: PlayStation Studios QA Support Services |
Director, PlayStation Studios QA Support Services | Davina Mackey |
SIE: PlayStation Studios Services - Business Systems & Services |
Associate Manager -Business Intelligence Analysis | Justin Hanes |
Associate Manager - Business Systems Analysis | Kamlesh Morarbhai Patel |
Business Analysts | Justin Anderson, Daniel Zuin Salmazo |
SIE: PlayStation Studios Services - Vendor & Resource Services |
Manager, Vendor & Resource Services | Natalia Craddock |
Lead Vendor and Resource Analyst | Greg Tarka |
Senior Vendor and Resource Analysts | Kunimasa Kitazawa, Thomas Garry |
Vendor and Resource Analysts | João Fasolino Menezes, Masamichi Fukutomi |
Resource Coordinators | Haruka Jindo, Taylor Longbrake, Souraya Assoumani |
SIE: PlayStation Studios Services - In QA Support |
Manager, QA Support | Anthony Gill |
Senior QA Support Analyst | Tom Nicholson-Ihara |
QA Support Analysts | Michael Priest, Andrew Cayabyab, Trevor Mardis, Gouhei Hashimoto |
Associate QA Support Analyst | Sakura Ikeda |
SIE: PlayStation Studios QA Operations & Business Finance Support |
Manager, FP&A | Erica Supat |
Senior Financial Analyst | Vicki Clarke |
SIE: Global Technology Teams - Advanced Technology Group |
Vice President, Advanced Technology Group | Nicolas Serres |
Advanced Technology Group | Benjamin Segovia, Chris Carty, Dave Fletcher, Dean Ashton, Erika Kreuter, Jonathan Adamczewski, Jose Rubio, Karl Davis, Matteo Scapuzzi, Mike Kenny, Nikola Sprljan, Owen Tao, Robert Withey (as Rob Withey), Sharwin Raghoebardayal (as Sharwin Raghoebardajal), Simon Pilgrim, Steven Tattersall, Tillmann Karras, Tim Dann, Tobias Berghoff, Tony Pyle, Vince Diesi |
SIE: Global Technology Teams - ICE Team |
Lead Programmer | David Simpson |
Programmers | Mohammad Sadeghian, Cédric Lallain (as Cedric Lallain), Yu-Te Lin, Rupert Renard, Daniel Craig |
Technical Project Manager | Paulwei Wang |
SIE: Global Technology Teams - LAMS |
Principal Programmer | Christopher Burgess |
Senior Programmer | Simon Ryan |
Junior Web Developer | Christopher Salay |
SIE: Global Technology Groups - PlayStation Studios Game Analytics |
Senior Director | Sunmee Jang |
Technical Lead | Andrew Kohlhoff |
Project Manager | Mihaela Pilsoiu |
Director, Live Service Analystics | Justin Lane |
Analysis Managers | Barish Orhon, Valentin Grand, Sheela Chaturvedi |
Game Data Analysts | Amy Quach, Maria Tzimopoulou, Jade Brun, Kseniia Taranova, Perkin di Grazia (as Perkin Di Grazia), Ethan Kim |
Senior Manager, Engineering | Paul Boocock |
Data Warehouse Engineers | Sameer Kulkarni, Jakub Klejnowski, Baptiste Brockmann |
Big Data Engineers | Tim Darby, Louis Tsiattalou, Chris Issa |
DevOps Engineer | Liam Rameswari |
SIE: Tools and Technology - Audio Team |
Director, Audio Technology | Carlo Vogelsang |
Audio Team | Joshua Breindel, Keith Charley, John Gorden, Steve Grossman, Garin Hiebert, Nicky Hind, Jaime Mahaffey, Dylan Messina, Paul Skibitzke, Jonathan Norton, Larry St. Lezin, David Mercier (as Dave Mercier) |
SIE: Tools and Technology - Debug Tools Team |
Director, Software Engineering | Simon Whittaker |
Senior Manager, Software Engineering | Mike Healey |
Debug Tools Team | Alex Boyle, Bradley Sturkie, Chris Lea, Daniel Sim, Dan Volpe, Jason Young, Jillian Moore, Scott Oom, Scott Zwerner |
SIE: Tools and TEchnology - Platform Architecture |
Platform Architecture Team | Alex Zvenigorodsky, Alan Beckus, David Dynerman, Dmitry Mikulin, Jacob Langford, Jeffrey Litz (as Jeff Litz), John Bowidowicz, Minghao Chen, Tom Madams, William Bundy |
Senior Manager, PSS Collaboration Platform | Alex Davidson |
Senior Manager, Software System Engineering | Kenny Mikami |
Collaboration Web Team | Becket Hackett, Boris Gomelsky, Gerard Horan, Herb Jellinek, Isaac Suttell, Jared Boone, Jason Rossman, John Udasco, Krishna Kamity, Sepand Assadi, Siobhan Viviers, Tod Trevillian, Will Barrueto, Adam Sas |
SIE: Tools and Technology - SIE Studio IT |
Vice President, Information Technology Infrastructure | David Hewett |
Vice President, Information Technology Global End User Core Services | Graeme Hackland |
Director, Information Technology PlayStation Studios | Sonnie Livesay |
Director, Information Technology Custom Infrastructure | Vidya Sunderamoorthy |
SIE: Tools and Technology - DTIS Custom Infrastructure Europe |
Director IT, Global Custom Infrastructure | Vidya Sunderamoorthy |
Manager, Core Technology Group | Dan Shanks |
Staff Engineers | Vinny Pereira, Robert Deere |
Senior Staff Engineer | Andrew Taylor |
Senior Engineers | Phil Cassidy, Lee Jordan |
SIE: Tools and Technology - IT Infrastructure |
Director, IT Engineering | Rob Blasé (as Rob Blase) |
Senior Staff Network Systems Engineer | Jeremy Lunsford |
Technical Network Architects | Mark Horabin, Pere Camps |
Manager Network Infrastructure | Scott Lee |
Staff Network Engineer | Michael Martin |
Associate Network Engineer | Michael Schreiber |
SIE: Tools and Technology - Studio IT, San Diego |
Senior Manager, Studio IT, San Diego | Chad J. Williams |
IT Manager, Studio IT, San Diego | Nasrallah Helewa |
Staff Systems Administrator | Chad Sousa |
Senior Staff Systems Engineer | Heath Aeria |
Systems Administrators | William Lawrence, Carlos Garcia, Kevin Heerlein |
Information Technology Support Specialists | Chris Clay, Andrew Freer, Casey Frink, Jarred Madero, John Kang |
Network Administrator | Tafowa Thom-Goulding |
SIE: Tools and Technology - Studio IT, Santa Monica |
IT Manager, Studio IT, Santa Monica | Michael Polizzotto |
Senior Systems Administrators | Greg Yip, Diamond Drew |
Information Technology Support Specialists | Cory DeBoer (as Cory Deboer), Anthony Jordan, Iran Romaldo |
Associate IT Support Specialist | Ricardo Camacho |
SIE: Tools and Technology - Studio IT, San Mateo |
IT Manager, Studio IT, San Mateo | Daniel Bradley |
Senior Information Systems Engineer | Mark Sherry |
Information System Engineer | Tom Babula |
Systems Administrators II | Ryan Browning, Ryan Smith |
IT Support Specialist I | Helen Renfro |
IT Support Specialist | Michael Fasoline |
SIE: Tools and Technology - IT Shared Services |
Manager, Information Technology | Jonathan Rad |
Senior Systems Administrators | Paul Carlson, Kevin Schatte, Mark Benavente |
Systems Administrators | Matthew Keen (as Matt Keen), Jacob Fink, Robert Larson |
Staff Storage Systems Engineer | Staci Sanders |
Senior Systems Engineer | Vaishnavi Srinivasan |
Staff Information Systems Engineer | Tim Marsh |
Senior Network Engineers | Erik Munoz, Dianne Tabonda |
Network Administrator | Tafowa Thom-Goulding |
Security Systems Administrator | Hadi Syed |
SIE: Tool and Technology - SIE Studio IT, North West |
IT Manager, North West | Kevin Georgeson |
Senior Systems Admin | Jonathan McHale |
Desktop Support Analysts | Tom Baldwin, Andrew Stocks |
Senior Desktop Support Analyst | Joseph Duffy |
Infrastructure Analyst | Marc Carney |
Network Systems Engineer | Sam Waterfield |
SIE: Tools and Technology - Technical Project Management |
Director, Technical Project Management | Chris Baldwin |
Manager, Technical Project Management | Mike Okano |
Senior Technical Project Managers | Ian Loofbourrow, Justine Calvillo |
SIE: Tools and Technology - SIE Studio IT, South East |
IT Manager, South East | Simon Miller |
Senior Desktop Support Analyst | Declan Setter |
Infrastrcture Analyst | Luke Ringrose |
Senior Desktop Support Analyst | Marco Muretto |
IT Engineers | Gobin Rai, Jack Smith |
Desktop Support Analyst | Luke Hemmings |
Network Systems Engineer | Alex Wilkins |
SIE: Platform Experience Group |
Creators of PlayStation Development Tools | SN Systems (Bristol, Dublin and San Mateo) |
Sony Interactive Entertainment, Product |
Head of Product | Asad Qizilbash |
SIE: Product Planning |
Senior Manager | Cristian Cardona |
Product Planning Manager | Mayuko Kezuka |
Associate Product Planning Manager | Kumi Yuasa |
SIE: Portfolio Strategy |
Senior Manager | Eric McCall |
Portfolio Manager | David Brown |
Strategic Planning Manager | Steve Chung |
SIE: IP Franchise Expansion |
Senior Director | Carter Swan |
Manager | Vince Cheng |
Development Coordinator | Anne-Marie Lee |
SIE: PlayStation Studios Business Management |
Head of Business Management | Nick Robinson |
Project Manager | Sarah Winsley |
SIE: PlayStation Studios Finance |
Head of Finance | Lynn Azar |
FP&A Directors | Stuart Bolar, Karen Chu, Céline Bénéfice (as Celine Benefice) |
Finance Director | Denna Paya |
Senior FP&A Manager | Kelly Farrell |
FP&A Managers | Colin Chandler, Jonathan Chay |
Senior Strategic Finance Analyst | Alex Duplessie |
Senior Financial Analyst | Yaqi Zhang |
Senior Business Analyst | Lee Hyde |
Strategic Insights Data Analyst | Erik Christensen |
Systems Accountant | Gerard Edwards |
Sony Interactive Entertainment Global Marketing |
Senior Vice President, Head of Global Marketing, Sales and Business Operations | Eric Lempel |
Vice President, Global Marketing | Andrea Perez |
Vice President, Global Consumer Experience | Catherine Jensen |
Vice President, Global Games Marketing | Craig Malanka |
Vice President, Network Advertising, Loyalty & Licensing Merchandise | Grace Chen |
Vice President, Global Creative Services | Jessica Cipolla-Tario |
Vice President, Global Creative | Joby Hirschfeld |
Executive Assistant | Nicole Vanegas |
Senior Director, Global Store and Services | Gareth Barker |
Senior DIrector, PSVR, Peripherals Marketing & Licensing | Isabelle Tomatis |
Senior Director, Media, Analystics and Marketing Technology | Jaap O. Tuinman (as Jaap Tuinman) |
Senior Director, Marketing Partnerships, Activations & Events | Jill Erb |
Senior Director, Market Liaison/Opportunity Market West | Jon Budden |
Senior Director, Integrated Marketing, Special Projects and OM | Nancy Kim |
Senior Director, Product Marketing Brand | Erika Kathryn Peterson |
Senior Director, Consumer Insights and Marketing Analytics | Peter Summersgill |
Director, Strategic Planning and Business Operations | Christina Hsu |
SIE: Consumer Insights & Marketing Analytics |
Senior Director, Consumer Insights, Consumer Insights & Marketing Analytics | Evan Stern |
Senior Manager, Primary Research, Consumer Insights | Nicholas Johnson |
Consumer Insights, Syndicated & Tracking Lead | Nicholas Sorensen |
Manager, Decision Science & Forecasting | Amey Nirpase |
Software Research Lead, Software, Store & Services Research | Tim McGrew |
Player Behavior Senior Scientist | Anna Novikova |
SIE: Creative Services |
Manager, Video Production | Carl Smolka |
Manager, Design, Graphic Design | Adrian Janowicz |
Senior Integrated Project Manager | Ayinde Benn |
Senior Staff Video Producer, Video Production | Alex Charlow |
Senior Copywriter | Dominic Wiggan (as Dominic WIggan) |
Senior Designer - Digital Design | Umesh Mistry |
Designer, Digital Design | Scott Handyside |
Senior Account Manager | Anna Melody |
SIE: Consumer Engagement |
Senior Director, Consumer Engagement Marketing, Consumer Engagement Marketing | Barbara Wilson |
Senior Manager, Campaign & Audience Strategy (SW, HW, Brand) | Danielle Rose |
Manager, Campaign & Audience Strategy | Cedric Efoma |
Manager, Lifecycle Strategy and Automation | Sam Cooper |
Campaign Specialist | Brittney Doutt |
CRM Leads | Rehana Begum, Grant Ward, Roxanne Huxter, Melissa Mayer, Michael Cheng |
SIE: Marketing Partnerships, Activation & Events |
Director, Global Events | Mary Thomas |
Manager, Brand Partnerships | Meah Benage |
Senior Partnerships Brand Managers | Sophie Price, Alexa Parker |
Parnerships Brand Manager | Calum Watkins |
Senior Brand Manager | Tala Rodriguez-Idencio (as Tala Rodriguez) |
Senior Manager, Partnerships | James Olivier |
Senior Manager, Events NA | Alex Belfield |
Senior Manager, Events EU | Isabelle Richards |
Senior Event Planners | Chasty Ayson, Hayley Rosenthal |
Event Specialist | Jessica Furmanski (as Jess Furmanski) |
Event Planner | John Viegas |
Partnerships Brand Specialist | Michelle Lansford |
Brand Partnerships Specialist | Calvin Nguyen |
Director, Influencer Partnerships | Kosi Egbuta |
SIE: Global Games Marketing |
Director, Brand Marketing | Jayme Figueroa |
Senior Brand Managers | Katie Swindlehurst, David Shochat |
Marketing Specialist, US Marketing | John Prince |
Brand Specialists | Lya Ortega, Myles Earle |
GBO Analyst Strategy - LTV Analytics & Insights | Jayne Murphy |
SIE: Integrated Marketing & Marketing Liaison |
Director, EMEA Liaison | Chris Weatherhead |
Group Manager, Integrated Marketing and Special Projects | Carrie Surtees |
Group Manager, Release & Campaign Management | Robert Walker |
Group Manager, Americas Liaison | Juan Jimenez |
Manager (JP), Chief, Marketing Communications | Ryo Fukami |
Program Manager Integrated Marketing and Special Projects | Stanislas Robert |
EMEA Liaison Senior Account Manager | Sian Anderton |
Americas Liaison Senior Account Manager | Anna Golovnya |
Senior Staff Project Manager, Integrated Marketing and Special Projects | Kristi Fernandez |
Senior Staff APAC Liaison | Brian Dunn |
Executive Assistant | Leanne Alcantarilla-Howard |
Creative Agency, Localization Management | Renee Holt |
SIE: Web and Omnichannel Platform |
Group Manager, Web & Omnichannel Marketing Platform Engineering | Nazeer Pasha |
UX Designer, Web & Omnichannel Marketing Platform | Brett Callaghan |
Senior Product Designer, Web & Omnichannel Marketing Platform | Garrett Scafani |
Manager, Front-End Web Development, Web & Omnichannel Marketing Platform | Kristy Carrion |
Senior Front End Web Developer, Web & Omnichannel Marketing Platform | Jitender SIngh |
Web Product Manager | Jeffrey Le (as Jeff Le) |
Lead Web Developer, Web & Omnichannel Marketing Platform Engineering | Ravi Pampana |
SIE: Omnichannel Tokyo |
Director, Omnichannel Marketing (Global) | Takehiro Akiba |
Senior Manager, Eastern CRM & Web | Yuto Fukushima |
Senior Eastern Project Specialist | Mayumi Era |
Senior Japan Editorial Lead | Yumi Saito |
Senior Manager, Business Process Reengineering | Takanobu Iwai |
Data Analytics and Martech lead | Fuminori Sato |
Data analytics Lead | Junko Saito |
Web Operation Manager | Ayako Tetsuka |
Web Operation Specialists, TCI | Mio Irie, Haruka Maedo |
Web Operation Specialist | Machi Suzuki |
CRM Operation Specialists | Tatsuhide Tamayose, Sakura Miyahara |
SIE: Marketing Technology |
Director, Marketing Technology | Ben Couillard |
Senior Manager, Audience Marketing | Jeffrey Huynh |
Senior Program Manager (Martech & Automation) | Ed Dawson |
Senior Program Manager (Agile Marketing) | Emily Figueiredo |
Senior Program Manager (Data Strategy) | Gabriel Owusu |
Paid Media Analysts | Jake Girouard, Jesse Pham |
BI Developer | Pranjal Kaustubh |
Staff Growth Marketing Manager | Richard Park |
Email Marketing Analyst | Priyanka Penchalapati |
Marketing Visualization Developer | Justin Daly |
Audience Marketing Analysts | Beth Nicholson, Nikki Peruvemba |
Senior Program Manager (Growth Marketing) | Brian Chen |
Audience Business Analyst | Muskaan Mulchandani |
Program Manager (Audience Marketing) | Ted Maldonado |
Marketing Data Engineer, Marketing Technology | Victoria Wong |
SIE: Media, Analytics and Marketing Technology |
Director, Global Media Strategy | Sam Blake |
Director, Media Planning & Activation | Amanda Thompson |
Manager, Global Media Planning | Alex Velasco |
Group Manager, Global Media Planning | Amanda Densk |
Senior Manager, Media Strategy (Exclusive Games) | Jennifer Stalley |
SIE: Marketing Strategy and Business Operations |
Manager, PMO | Morgan Haro |
SIE: Global Store and Services - |
Senior Manager, Editorial & Production | Fred Dutton |
Manager, Web Production | Monica Ha |
Manager, Web Operations | Sara Hayes |
Technical Web Operations Lead | Martina Capodanno |
Territory Web Operations Lead | Mark Facto |
SIE: Global Store and Services - Global Communications |
Senior Vice President, Communications | Jennifer Clark |
Executive Assistant, Corporate Communications | Adrian Rowe |
Vice President, Software, IP Engagement & Expansion | Alyssa Casella |
Vice President, Brand & Consumer Engagement | Al De Leon (as Al Deleon) |
Senior Director, Corporate Communications | Karen Auby |
Senior Director, Content Communications | Sid Shuman |
Director, Global Communications Strategy | Genevieve Waldman |
Director, Corporate Communications | Yumi Takahashi |
Senior Manager, Global Communications Strategy | Luke Jackson-Smart |
Senior Managers, Corporate Communications | Joseph Taraborrelli, Cathy Liu |
Senior Managers, Public Relations | Aram Jabbari, Jennifer Hallett, Brian Keltner, Mary Taing, Andrew Kelly, Ken Zhang |
Managers, Public Relations | Joelle Messianu, Amy Constable, Christine Le |
Senior Manager, Social Media | Brett Elston |
Managers, Social Media | Leah Sanchez, Tim Turi |
Manager, Corporate Communications | Ross Townsend |
Managers, Content Communications | Eric Whelan, Jim Eldin |
Program Manager, Content Communications | Colleen Chew |
Senior Specialists, Content Communications | Gillen McAllister, Kristen Zitani |
Senior Specialist, Social Media | Laura Townsend |
Junior Manager, Public Relations | Liv Buckley |
Senior Specialists, Public Relations | Alyssa Martinez, Beca Truong |
Specialist, Content Communications | Clara Hertzog |
Communications Coordinator | Anna Cole |
SIE: Global Store and Services - Global Sales & Business Operations |
Senior Vice President, Global Operations & FP&A | Rebecca McCormack |
Senior Vice President, Global Channel Sales | Stephen Turvey |
Senior Vice President, Direct to Consumer | Ben King |
Vice President, Global Sales & Business Operations Strategy | Monica Knight |
Vice President, Global Services | Nick Maguire |
SIE: Channels Sales - Commercials Management |
Vice President, Commercial Management | Alex Coultate |
Director, Global Forecasting | Michael Kiss |
Senior Software Analysts | Cam Keefe, Rafael Fernandez |
Senior Creative Designer | Alex Nardi |
SIE: Channel Sales - Channel Digital Sales |
Vice President, Channel Digital Sales | Brad Chester |
SIE: Channel Sales - Channel Digital Sales: Americas |
Vice President, Americas | Ryan Hassan |
Marketing Director, LATAM | Rafael Oliveira Stival |
Director, Marketing & Public Relations, Canada | Kristine Young |
Manager, Brand & Campaign Marketing LATAM | Danilo Nannini |
Campaign Marketing Manager, Mexico | Alejandro Barrera |
Campaign Marketing Manager, Canada | Nader Iskander |
Product Manager, US | Brent Jarin Gutierrez (as Brent Gutierrez) |
Brand Marketing Manager, US | Chuck Lacson |
Manager, Communications, Community & Cultural Activation, Latin America | Gladys De Paula |
Senior Manager, Community & Cultural Activation, Canada | Kim Powell |
SIE: Channel Sales - Channel Digital Sales: APAC |
VIce President, APAC | Warwick Light |
Marketing Director, Australia & New Zealand | Patrick Lagana |
Senior Manager, Marketing Lead NZ | Krister Robinson |
Senior Marketing Director, Asia | Jacqueline Chiu |
Senior Manager, Brand & Campaign Marketing Australia | Gary Russell |
Campaign Marketing & Communication Manager | Ceri Clement |
Campaign Marketing Manager, Asia | Clive Chan |
Senior Marketing Manager, Asia | Jessie Chan |
Senior Manager, Communications, Australia | Kathryn Browne |
Senior Manager, Communications, Community & Cultural Activation, Singapore | Janice Yang |
Manager, PR & Media Relations, Singapore | Ian Purnomo |
SIE: Channel Sales - Channel Digital Sales: EMEA |
Vice President, EMEA | Liliana Laporte |
Vice President, Middle East, Africa, Turkey & India | Robert Fisser |
Marketing Director, Italy | Raffaele Zeppieri |
Marketing Director, France | Nathalie Dacquin |
Marketing Director, Central & Eastern Europe | Vera Mann |
Marketing Director, Benelux | Ronny Hoekman |
Marketing Director, UK & Ireland | Tom Whitaker |
Territory Lead, Iberia | Jorge Huguet |
Head of Communications, UK | Jessica Benson |
Manager, PR Event Social Media & Community, Italy | Tiziana Grasso |
Manager, PR, Iberia | Roberto López-Yeste (as Roberto Yeste) |
Senior Manager, Campaign Marketing & Internal Comms, Spain | Cristina Infante Grillon |
Campaign Marketing Manager, Germany, Switzerland & Austria | Robin Melsheimer |
Campaign Marketing Manager, MEATI | Junaid Sayeed |
Campaign Marketing Manager, UK | Nick Jones |
Campaign Marketing Manager, Italy | Serena Retico |
Senior Campaign Marketing Manager, Poland | Pamela Gintowt Juchniewicz |
Marketing Campaign & Communications Manager, Portugal | Nuno Casaca |
Marketing Manager, Greece & Adriatic | Nikolaos Zarampoukas |
Marketing Manager, Nordics | Michael Luth |
PR & Event Specialist, Eastern Europe | Lukáš Hruška |
Campaign Manager, Balkans | Daniela Ghimpeteanu |
Digital Marketing Specialist, Adriatic | Katarina Koletic |
Campaign Marketing Manager, Spain | Carlos Villasante |
Marketing Director | Marea Gray |
Campaign Marketing Manager, Benelux | Nick Broeckx |
Marketing Director, Nordics | Peter Litrup |
Marketing Director, MEATI | May Elhusseiny |
Software Group Manager, France | Jérôme Blazy (as Jerome Blazy) |
SIE: Channel Sales - Channel Digital Sales: Japan |
Vice President, Japan & VP (JP), Sales Planning Dept | Tetsuro Tokoro |
Vice President (JP), Sales Planning | Kei Honma |
Vice President (JP), Sales Dept | Kei Matsumoto |
Vice President (JP), Content Operations | Takahiro Hosoi |
Brand Manager, Japan | Ryo Furuya |
Marketing Director, Japan | Keita Hayashi |
SIE: Direct to Consumer |
Senior Business Manager | Nick Bartlett |
SIE: Direct to Consumer: PlayStation Store & Platforms |
Vice President, Global Store | Helen Gourley |
Vice Presidents (JP), Content Operations | Keiko Kamada, Shiho Miyazaki |
Senior Director, Store Conversion and Optimization | Melissa Allwork |
Director, Content Operations | Chuck McFadden |
Director, CRO Content Optimization | William Paton |
Manager, Services Optimization | Ana Fanuul |
Senior Manager, Games Optimization | Helena Kwong |
Games Optimization Specialists | Gabriela Peycheva, George Phipps, Kevin Huynh |
Manager, Store Editorial | Andy Yen |
Store Editorial Specialist | Chaz Conopo |
Manager, Quality Assurance and Incident Operations | Tina Barnes |
Manager, Service Operations | Charlie Mountney |
Senior Content Operators | Rob Allen, Ovie Eruero, Matt Gibson |
Content Operator | Kye Sheets |
Associate Content Operator | Danny Kuang |
Senior Manager, Planning & Build | Chiara Stroppiana |
Manager, Platform Build | Rich Poulten |
SIE: Direct to Consumer - Global Payments, Fraud & Decision Science |
Vice President, Global Payments and Fraud Management | Bernard McManus |
SIE: Direct to Consumer - Digital Games Sales |
Senior Director, Digital Game Sales | Craig Ohlmeyer |
Director, Content Lifecycle | Phil Sinnott |
Director, Games Proposition | Neil Martin |
Director, Digital Game Sales Promotions | Will Cox |
Senior Manager, Content Lifecycle | Hannah Kozlowski |
Senior Manager, Digital Supply Chain | Mart Gervacio |
Associate Manager, Content Lifecycle | Paul McElhone |
Manager, Content Lifecycle | Toru Mizukami |
Manager, Digital Supply Chain | Norma Green |
Supervisors, Content Management | Justin Amoyen, Sabine Dumast |
Senior Content Managers | Madeleine Tomlin, Hannah Moeller |
Content Managers | Michael Leung, Vincent Chan, Shiva Allari, Clare Ellis, Emma Morris, Kye Connolly, Krystal Galley, Ezra Zadkiel, Rudy Urroz, Eric Brummel |
Associate Content Lifecycle Planning Managers | Jesse Graffam, Ron Daniel, Mars Satori |
Associate Digital Game Planning Manager | Wesline Louis |
Content Lifecycle Planning Specialist | Mike James |
SIE: Direct to Consumer - PlayStation Direct |
Vice President, PlayStation Direct | Alicia Finger |
Senior Director, Commercial Management | Christopher Chick |
Director, E-Commerce | Pierre Gravereau |
Director, Commercial Management & Geo-Expansion | James Berkeley |
Senior Manager, E-Commerce | Robert Reid |
Digital Operations & Readiness Manager | Symren Chandarana |
Senior Business Analysts | Nguyen Tran, Steve Phillips |
Manager, E-Commerce | Lillian Nguyen |
Manager, E-Commerce Commercial | Sung Jib Choi |
Manager, Commercial | Sean McCrann |
Associate E-Commerce Manager | Alana Sherrill |
Associate Commercial Manager | Ali Dharas |
SIE: FInancial Planning & Analysis |
Manager, Content Planning | Kieran Hutchings |
Senior Manager, Business Planning | Dipesh Patel |
SIE: Operations |
Vice President, Operations | Lee Ponting |
Vice President, Global Operations | Mark Duller |
Vice President (JP), Customer Service | Yasuhiro Orimoto |
SIE: Strategy |
Senior Director, CLV Predictive Analytics & Insights | Owen Griffith |
Senior Manager, Analytics & Reporting | Marc Whitehead |
SIE: Legal and Public Policy, Americas |
Senior Vice President & General Counsel | Stephanie Burns |
Vice President, Deputy General Counsel | Anthony J. Justman (as Anthony Justman) |
Senior Director, Legal - Marketing and ADvertising | Helen Wu |
Senior Director, Legal - PlayStation Studios | Jana MacDougall |
Senior Corporate Counsel, PlayStation Studios | Vicki Loughery |
Director, Legal - Privacy and Data | Ariel Brio |
Corporate Counsel, PlayStation Studios | Jason Swan |
Associate Corporate Counsel, Legal - Privacy and Data | Jessica Gross |
Senior Manager, Legal - PlayStation Studios | Christine DeNezza (as Christine Denezza) |
Senior Paralegal, PlayStation Studios | Mimelanie Parayno (as Mimi Parayno), Samantha Vu |
Associate Paralegal, PlayStation Studios | Rachel Prendergast, Samantha Manjorin |
Legal Support | Lauren Oelze |
Senior Paralegal, PlayStation Studios | Marla A. Dressen |
Senior Associate Paralegal, PlayStation Studios | Lesley Beltran |
SIE: Legal & Public Policy, EMEA |
Vice President & Deputy General Counsel | Eric Grouse |
Director, Legal & Business Affairs | Kevin Reilly |
Corporate Counsel | George Apaya, Ivo Stormonth-Darling (as Ivo Stormonth Darling), Rikul Sudra |
Senior Associate Paralegal | Michaela Foster |
Associate Paralegal | Sarah Conway |
SIE: Legal & Public Policy, Japan |
Senior Director | Manabu Kinoshita |
Senior Corporate Counsel, PlayStation Studios | Miho Kunimoto |
Corporate Counsel, PlayStation Studios | Tomoki Saito |
Associate Corporate Counsel, PlayStation Studios | Narumi Tajima |
SIE: Special Thanks |
Special Thanks | Scott Rohde |
Marvel Games |
Executive Vice President | Jay Ong |
Senior Vice President, Business Development & Portfolio Strategy | Haluk Mentes |
Vice President, Product & Creative | Tim M. Hernandez |
Vice President, Creative Director | Bill Rosemann |
Executive Director, Product Development | Tim Tsang |
Senior Director, Product & Franchise Development & Project Lead | Eric Monacelli |
Manager, Product Development & Project Lead | Laura Hathaway |
Senior Director, Product Development | Danny Koo |
Director, Product Development | Christine Thompson |
Senior Managers, Product Development | Peter Rosas, Tom Tao |
Manager, Product Development | Michael Francisco |
Associate Managers, Product Development | Damian Patrinostro, Brian Marquez, Christopher Williams |
Art Directors | Joshua Singh, Dan Laduca |
Senior Artist | Jaki Martinez |
Senior Manager, Creative Development | Isabel Hsu |
Associate Manager, Creative | Dakota Maysonet |
Executive Director, Business Development & Product Strategy | Gary Clubb |
Manager, Integrated Planning | Amanda Avila |
Department Coordinator | Paige Stockwell |
Marvel Legal |
Assistant Chief Council | Michael Sapherstein |
Associate Principal Council | Eric Gerson |
Council | Hunter Vanaria, William Ognibene |
Paralegal | Connie Liu |
Marvel Entertainment |
President | Dan Buckley |
Co-President | Robert Steffens (as Rob Steffens) |
Executive Vice President, Creative Services | Chris Fondacaro |
Director, Brand Communications and Operations | Darren Montalbano |
Marvel: Additional Thanks |
Additional Thanks | Abigail Baticulon, Adam Davis, Adam Del Re, Adri Cowan, Akio Tsunoda, Alana Herrnson, Alex Lopez, Alexandra H. Yee, Alfonso Cortina, Alice Rosenthal, Allison Citino, Amber Galvin, Angélique Roché, Annie Mescall, Anson Chan, Ariel Shasteen, Asad Ayaz, Ashley Matsunami, Becka McIntosh, Ben Whitmore, Billy Fotopoulos, Bo Lu, Brandon Ancil, Brendon Bigley, Brian Crosby, Brian Michael Bendis, Brian Overton, Brian Siegel, C. B. Cebulski, Camille Cowin, Carli Villagonzalo, Cassandra Daniels, Cathleen Taff, Chris Murphy, Christine Dinh, CJ Cervantes (as CJ Cervantez), Dan Slott, Dani Markman, Daniel Fink, Daniel Polanco, Daniel Schoenfeld, Danny Kim, Darcy Clark, Darrell Morrison (as Darrel Morrison), Dashaun Gasque, David Althoff (as Dave Althoff), David Bushore (as Dave Bushore), Dave Cockrum, David Bodinger, David Bogart, David Engel, David Michelinie, Diane S. Hong, Dylan Quintero, Eli Holmes, Ellen Clark, Emily A. Shields, Erik Larsen, Evan Siegel, Faith D'Isa, Frankie Perez, Gil Kane, Glenn Magala, Haley Conaster, Hayley Gazdik, Heather Trail, Hyunjung Choi, Ian Felchlin, Jack Kirby, James Wright, Jason Quintanar, Jay Bowen, Je Alipio, Jeff Youngquist, Jen Grunwald, Jennifer Chern, Jennifer Manel, Jenny Brady, Jesse Falcon, Jesse Liley, Jessica Intihar, Jessica Malloy Salins, Jillian Barayang, Jim Nausedas, Joann McLaughlin, Jodie Moore, Joe M. Sullivan, Joe Quesada, John Fiscella, John Romita Jr., John V. Romita Sr., Jon Farber, Jon-Michael Ennis, Jonathan Silva, Jose Hernandez, Josh Saleh, Josh Tan, Judy Bu, Judy Stephens, Julio Palacol, Justin Demers, Justin McElwee, Kat Carson, Kathy Stoll, Keilah Jordan, Keith Pollard, Kelly Bigler, Kevin Wright, Kiran Hefa, Kyle Dodel, Langston Belton, Larissa Rosen, Lauren O'Donnell, Lindsay Dragin, Lindsay Stauffer, Lisa Ainge, Loni Clark, Lorraine Cink, Marika Hashimoto, Marisol Garcia, Mark Basso, Marv Wolfman, Mary Stevens, Matthew Melford (as Matt Melford), Megan Hatch, Megan Van Wolvelaerd, Megan Vincenti, Melissa Bolton, Michael Imperato, Mike Jones, Michael Pasciullo (as Mike Pasciullo), Mike Zeck, Mikey Trujillo, Mindy Hamilton, Mitch Montgomery, Nana Gadd, Nanika McDonald, Neil Middleton, Nick Lowe, Nick Tormey, Nikki Montes, Olivia Nitti, Pablo Carrera Calero, Patricia Carnevale, Patrick Morris, Paul Gitter, Paula Poveda, Paulo DaCosta, Phil Jimenez, Qi Li, Rachel Paige, Ray Chankasingh, Rebecca Armour, Rich Milbouier, Richie Waite, Rickey Purdin, Rob Fuller, Rob Grosser, Rob Patrignani, Rob Souriall, Robert Disalvatore, Rochelle Dick, Roger Stern, Ron Frenz, Ron Richards, Roy Thomas, Ryan M. Gamsby, Ryan Penagos, Samantha Voorhees, Sana Amanat, Sara Pichelli, Sarah Beers, Sean Haran, Sean Jennings, Sean Shoptaw, Sofia Finamore, Stan Lee, Stephanie Gore, Steve Ditko, Susan Fields, Susan Friday, Sven Larsen, The Walt Disney Company Regional Teams, The Walt Disney Consumer Products Team, Tim Cheng, Tim Dillon, Tim Pennoyer, Tina Goss, Todd McFarlane, Tom DeFalco, Trent Bielen, Vit DeBellis (as Vit Debellis), Vitoria Lee, Weiyi Xu, Yuk Ng, Yury Veynblat |
External Development: 1518 |
CEO | Kasturi Rangan, Michael J. Casalino (as Michael Casalino) |
Co-Founder | Michael J. Casalino (as Michael Casalino) |
Chairman | Deborah Kirkham |
SVP, Head of Art | Maxim Miheyenko |
Senior Producer | Elvina Antonova |
Lead PM | Alexey Lysikov |
Art Outsource Coordinator | Olga Doronina |
Senior PM | Olga Koshkina, Pavel Malakhov, Victor Kudriavtsev |
3D Lead Character Artist | Andrey Baranovsky |
3D Lead Environment Artists | Mikhail Popov, Alexander Scherbinin, Pavel Gershunov, Valeriy Kuchkov |
3D Prop/Environment Artists | Aleksey Kasko, Alexander Borisov, Anatoly Chemodurov, Andrey Makhovykh, Evgeny Grigorenko, Evgeniy Zaitsev, Igor Ermakov, James Foxerq, Juliana Griganskaya, Ksenia Khapilova, Elizaveta Popova, Nail Valiulin, Oleg Gapon, Oleg Demchenko, Sergey Piterskiy, Sergey Stepanchikov, Slava Kireev, Tamerlan Yusupov, Vasiliy Antipkin, Vladislav Shintukov, Daniel Hrihorovych, Denis Akhmatov, Lyaka Musipov, Yan Chebakov |
3D Character Artists | Dmitry Sizov, Anton Dmitriev, Vadim Kudrin, Victoria Zemceva, Kirill Lazutin, Maxim Koval, Valetnina Yudina, Valeriya Garuda, Alexey Kudryavtsev, Yana Slavkina, Vladimir Voronov, Ivan Frolov, Valery Panasenko, Slava Klimov, Sergey Bezgin, Nikolay Jeshev, Nikita Astafev, Anthony Pasynkov, Denis Korystin, Olga Sannikova, Karina Fomina, Polina Belyaeva, Anton Hozyaenko |
QA | Alexey Nazarov |
Extra QA | Alex Stepanchikov, Dmitry Smirnov |
PM | Nadezhda Tarasova |
Assistant PM | Evgeniy Kim, Svetlana Roshchina, Georgy Gorgiladze |
Talent Acquisition Specialist | Ivan Burba |
Lead IT Support | Roland Lansbergen |
IT Tech | Oleg Sparber |
Special Thanks | Maksim Spring-Nimand, Natali Krasnogorskaya |
External Development: 3Lateral |
VP, Digital Humans Technology | Vladimir Mastilović (as Vladimir Mastilovic) |
Business Development Lead | Uroš Sikimić |
Solutions Specialists | Igor Levaja, Adam Kovač |
Lead Producer | Bojana Tejić |
Producer | Vesna Stefani Branković |
Lead Tech Producer | Sonja Marković Rajković |
Tech Producers | Milos Milosavljevic, Pavel Kovac |
Director of Engineering | Nikola Kudus |
Lead Pipeline Programmer | Marua Vik |
Programmers | Jovan Mijatov, Nemanja Krža, Relja Ljubobratović, Violeta Vukobrat, Filip Mićić (as Filip Micic), Andrean Franc, Snezana Popovic, Nikola Glavic |
Engine Programmers | Bojan Brankov, Damir Jugović, Dragan Jerosimovic |
Lead Character Rigger | Nikola Višnjić (as Nikola Visnjic) |
Senior Character Rigger | Aleksandar Nikolic |
Supervisor Character Riggers | Vlada Janjatović, Igor Budai |
Character Riggers | Bojan Borenović, Silvester Tot, Ivana Brzak Damjanov |
Art Director | Aleksandar Popov |
Lead Character Modeler | Biljana Zlatković |
Senior Character Artist | Goran Mamić (as Goran Mamic) |
Character Modelers | Aleksandra Letic, Marko Šašić (as Marko Sasic) |
Lead Character Blendshape Artist | Lazar Damjanov |
Senior Character Blendshape Artist | Dragutin Šuković (as Dragutin Sukovic) |
Character Blendshape Artists | Vladimir Kuzevski, Nikola Stosic |
Lead Character Texture Artist | Luka Lakić |
Concept Artist | Aleksa Bračić |
Supervisor Character Modeler | Igor Erić (as Igor Eric) |
Character Artists | Dragan Marić, Tina Popadić (as Tina Popadic), Aron Vajda |
Character Texture Artist | Vojislav Vukadin |
Technical Artist | Gordana Gogić Aleksić (as Gordana Gogic Aleksic) |
Supervisor Technical Modelers | Saša Kočiš, Čaba Mesaroš |
Technical Modelers | Nikola Banjac, Stefan Todorovic, Vanja Ilić, Endre Horgász, Miljana Tomčić, Jelena Bekvalac, Dejan Vukša, Filip Petronijevic, Rastko Blagojevic, Robert Erdelji, Miroslav Radmanovic |
Lead Technical Animator | Marko Brkovic |
Senior Animator | Liliana Antonovic |
Technical Animators | Arnold Mesaroš, Natasa Vidakovic, Aleksandra Kalaj, Jelena Kuzmic |
Photogrammetry Scanning Lead | Milica Mastilović |
Photogrammetry Scanning Researcher | Vuk Rajković (as Vuk Rajkovic) |
Photogrammetry Scanning Specialists | Igor Tejic, Boris Ćetković (as Boris Cetkovic), Dejan Dragojlov, Jovan Šuščević (as Jovan Suscevic) |
Scanning Technician | Jovana Milovanović |
Lead System Engineer | Milan Kljajic |
System Engineer | Miroslav Milosevic |
Studio IT Support Admin | Dalibor Joksimović, Dušan Škrbić (as Dusan Skrbic) |
External Development: Art Bully Productions |
Project Directors | Marcus Dublin, Sanket Gupta, Ivan Janković (as Ivan Jankovic) |
Animation Director | Andrew Boetsma |
Production Management | Sivakumar Annamalai, Janine Recio, Jasvinder Singh, Vishal Jain |
Lead Animator | Aksh Malik |
Animators | Hohit Balyan, Saumik Banerjee, Eric Drobile, Jaden Hill, Karim Kamel, Adrian Lim, Deepak Verma, Sankeerna Yaduguru |
External Development: Atomhawk |
Managing Director | Tim Wilson |
Studio Director | Darren Yeomans |
Operations Director | Becky Jackson |
Production Manager | Adam Mooney |
Principal Producer | George McGhee |
Senior Producer | Rebecca Wooding |
Producer | Doris Lechner |
Associate Art Manager | Will Lake |
Associate Art Director | Dario Jelusic |
Environment Discipline Lead | Artur Zima |
Senior Storyboard Artist | Mack Chater |
Storyboard Artist | Meabh Deloughry |
Concept Artist | Jean Chevillard |
External Development: BOSi Art Studios |
CEO | Hui Wang |
President | Sunny Yang |
Director of Sales | Joe Santos |
Director of Business Development | David Cohen |
3D Artists | Yanjun Li, Yinjie Chen |
Project Manager | Vincy Chan |
External Development: Faceware |
Facial Animation Producer | Max Murray |
Technical Account Manager | Chris Barton |
Tracking Service Manager | Brian Genna |
Tracking Service Operator | Jonathan Humphries |
Business Development Coordinator | Kenley Hoover |
External Development: ForwardXP |
CEO | Steve Nix |
CTO | Jah Raphael |
Director of Production | Michael Crassweller |
Senior Producer | John Joy |
Director of Engineering | David Koenig |
Senior Software Engineers | Robbin Marcus, Tyler George, Sam Tuggle |
Software Engineer | John Wilson |
Studio Art Director | Justin Thomas |
Lead Artist | Aaron Hausmann |
Senior Artist | Alan Flores |
Design Director | Ronn Harbin |
Narrative Designer | Caroline Kilgore (credited as Caro Kilgore) |
QA Manager | Joshua Spigener (as Josh Spigener) |
QA Analysts | Travis Dickerson, Nicholas Thurmer |
Director, People & Culture | Lauren Fedak |
Officer Coordinator | Sally Haden |
IT Administrator | Tommy Doyle |
Special Thanks | Jenn King |
External Development: Indy+Photo |
Storyboard Artists | Adam Van Wyk, Guy Perez |
Photographer | Paul O'Reilly |
External Development: Lemon Sky Studios |
Art Director | Sam Tan Yeou Sheng (as Tan Yeou Sheng) |
3D Lead Artist | Ken Goh Jyh Shyong |
Executive Producers | Wong Cheng Fei (as Cheng-Fei Wong), Ken Foong Ka King (as Ken Foong) |
Studio Manager | Eng Tzy Ling |
Head of Production, Games Division | Kevin Lai Han Wen |
Senior Producer | Stella Hiew Yun Li (as Stella Hiew) |
Senior Production Manager | Edaline Audrey Spykerman |
Project Managers | Aisyah Kamilah Binti Ambok Chening, Chew Chia Hwee |
Project Coordinator | Ean Lee Haw Hua (as Ean Lee) |
External Development: Liquid Development |
Studio Director | Darren Bartlett |
Production Director | Chuck Byas |
Business Manager | Heather Dyer |
IT Coordinator | Tony Brinlee |
Animation Director | Jason C. Baskett (as Jason Baskett) |
Animation Manager | Cydoni Reyes |
Project Manager | Kathryn Moseley |
Asset Coordinator | Maria Fernanda Rodríguez Lemus |
Lead Technical Animator | Sergei Gourski |
3D Animators | Russ Bernice, Nathaniel Wagner, Norberto Aguilera |
External Development: Mindwalk Studios |
Animation Lead | Song Shihao |
Animators | Duan Yongbin, Chi Juan, Tian Ye, Fan Yanping, Chong Feipu, Fan Junhua, Shengxu Shi (as Shi Shengxu), Gao Enxing, Lanting Ji (as Ji Lanting), Li Mingzhe |
Project Managers | Fiona Chen, Betty Du |
Translation | Betty Du |
Studio Animation Head | Liu Dechen |
Technical Director | Joshua Lee Pierson |
Technical Artist | Wei Zihan |
IT Support Manager | Merlin Palmer |
Studio Head | Zhang Jie |
Account Manager | Wang Qi |
External Development: MOOD Visuals |
Co-Founders | Jonas Springborg, Christopher Marc Rabenhorst (as Christopher Rabenhorst), Rasmus Berggreen |
Managing Director | Frederik Fusager |
Production Manager | Olga Alvarez |
Creative Director | Jesper Sølling Andersen |
Art Director | Silas Amdi |
Senior Concept Artists | Simon Fetscher, Jesper Friis, Christopher Whelan |
Concept Artists | Sebastiaan van Breukelen (as Sebastiaan Van Breukelen), Oliver Fetscher |
External Development: MYND Workshop |
CEO/Co-Founder | Michael Robinson |
Owner/CTO | Dallas Bennett |
External Development: Nightjar |
Partner, Art & Animation Director | Felix Mack |
Partner, Production Director | Julian Mack |
Artists | Plek One, Corby Ortmann, Lauren Marshall |
External Development: Original Force |
Global Business Director | Shirley Tang |
Character Project Manager | Sue Duan |
Environment and Lighting Project Manager | Ruby Pei |
Animation Project Manager | Vicky Pan |
VFX Producer | Chris Gu |
VFX Project Manager | Hui Wang |
Technical Directors | Di Yang, Quan Gu |
IT | Jinming Wu |
Quality Check | Jun Zhou, Luo Chang, Yujie Yang, Wen Jiang, Wang Xiaoyifan, Wenting Mao |
Quality Assurance | Xiujuan Kong, Ziwei Lv, Hanlin Dong, Lumei Wang |
Concept Director | Wu Yifan |
Concept Leads | Zhang Shubo (as Shubo Zhang), He Huang, Zhenlang Luo, Shi Yejia, Kaiwei Li, Lei Wu, Xiao Jinyu |
Concept Artists | Chen Yifan, Yunying Tian, Wenlu Liu, Siwen Tang, Xixuan Liu, Yi Wan, Ziheng Dong, Cheng Qian, Chenyu Feng, Liu Yi, Li Hao, Xu Xiaoyue (as Xu Xiaoyue), Chen Ran, Chen Peihuan, Wang Yuecan, Hu Ran, Li Zihan |
Character Art Director | Haibo Zhang |
Character Art Leads | Jinbo Tang, Jinlin Li, Gao Yi, Hao Li |
Character Artists | Yukun Qian, Yanxun Chen, Yangzhou Tang, Zhigang Wang, Shuaishan Zhong, Junwen Tan, Yi Wang, Luyao Peng, Quantong Zhu, Liang Wei, Zhong Wenao, Li Xiang, Ying Dai, Xinyi Li, Xiangyu Meng, Yujie Cao, Yuanping Liao, Yali Chen, Shuang Tao, Shuxian Gong, Jing Yu, Jiarui Xu, Xueshuang Chen, Na Ran, Hancheng Zhou, Li Xiong, Min Yang, Xinglin Shen, Libing Li, Wei Yan, Yan Chongyang (as Chongyang Yan), Shengzhi Zhou, Qichao Shi, Yang Wu, Xue Yang, Xiaoxiao Peng, Shenglan Zhang, Chen Ziyang (as Ziyang Chen), Fang Yangqing |
Hair Art Director | Jinchao Feng |
Hair Art Lead | Zhongwen Huang |
Hair Artists | Jiayu Zhang, Jiali Zong, Bingda Sun |
Rig Art Director | Zongxiang Zhao |
Rig Art Lead | Hu Feng |
Rig Artists | Songmei Zhuang, Kunlin He, Tengxuan Fu, Cai Pingping (as Pingping Cai), Naili Wang |
Environment Director | Wendong Wu |
Environment Art Lead | Liang Li |
Environment Artists | Liu Yifei, Chuanzhi Yuan, Weidong Yao, Keqing Li, Pengcheng Liu, Qian Zhang, Xinyuan Zhang, Li Yan, Kaicheng Huang, He Gong, Nuo Yang, Chang Shu, Xin Wang, Hanqing Yang, Jian Peng, Chang Liu |
Animation Director | Zheng Qian |
Lead Animators | Du Ning (as Ning Du), Xiaobing Cheng |
Animators | Ruixiang Hu, Lu Yang, Zhiqun Ge, Xu Zhang, Guandie Wu, Changhan Wang, Zhanpeng Li, Xiaoyun Xu, Chongshan Luo, Ma Guangtong, Youwen Wang (as Youwen Wan), Jianhua Ma, Yishan Chen, Ren Ruoyang, Huiya Li |
Lighting Director | Chen Dong |
Lighting Leads | Lei Wu, Shentao Yuan |
Lighting Artists | Peng Wang, Zhouyang Zheng, Xiaocan Xu, Zhi Qiang, Jiaxiao Yu, Yubo Wang, Xiaohai Yuan |
Houdini Lead | Rating He |
Houdini Artists | Haoyang Cai, Hongbo Tang, Jie Huang, Jingcheng Cai, Qi Liu, Shichao Wu, Xiang Li, Zhian Zhang, Zida Wang |
VFX Lead | Boyu Tian |
VFX Artists | Wang Wei, Du Tang, Hui Zhang, Jianfei Yue, Qinjing Liu, Qixing Wang, Ran Wei, Shichang Chen, Wei Song |
External Development: Passion Republic |
Lead Artist | Kok Yip Sun |
Material Artist | Ian Yong Xian An |
President | Aik Sern Ng (as Ng Aik Sern) |
Finance Manager | Cathy Kyo Voon Jet |
Studio Art Director | Mel Law Sheng Li |
IT Engineer | Wong Wai Loon |
Studio Coordinators | Tai Lu Yian, Nur Alia Asikin Binti Amat Yunos (as Alia Asikin) |
External Development: Realtime UK |
Executive Producer | David Cullinane (as Dave Cullinane) |
Animator | John Seldon |
Lead Animator | Nico Seck |
External Development: RedHotCGH |
Studio Head | Daniel Johnson Staton |
Studio Operations Director | Leo Ling |
Producer | Alex You |
Art Director | Scott Zhao |
Team Leads | Gen Ling, Hai Penghong |
Artists | Hanze Liu, Kang Huang, Mingyue Wang, Shengzhe Di, Xinpeng Wang, Yichen Liu, Zongliang Wang |
External Development: Ryzin Art |
Art Director | Alan Van Ryzin |
Production Director | Ben Behr |
Senior Artists | Taylor Kirkham, Henrik Larsen |
3D Artists | Jonathan Choi, Mark Gomez, Zachary Shertz, Jason Norman, Diego Ross, Artyom Shiryaev |
External Development: Steamroller |
Producers | Jalil Sadool, Aaron Gilman, Skyler Slater |
Animation Supervisor | Amanda Renfroe |
Lead Animator | Chad Moffit |
Animators | Brent Kennedy, Aiden Lee, Jim Kachelries, Bob Charles, Harry Sanchez |
Production Coordinator | Mikayla Mummaw |
Head of Operations | Mark Cleaver |
Operation Support | Anna Matheny |
External Development: Sumo Digital |
VP - UK Studios | Tim Wilson |
Studio Director | Darren Yeomans |
Operations Director | Becky Jackson |
Production Manager | Adam Mooney |
Principal Producer | George McGhee |
Senior Producer | Rebecca Wooding |
Producer | Doris Lechner |
Associate Art Manager | Will Lake |
Associate Art Director | Dario Jelusic |
Environment Lead | Artur Zima |
Senior Storyboard Artist | Mack Chater |
Storyboard Artist | Méabh Deloughry |
Concept Artist | Jean Chevillard |
External Development: Virtuos |
Chief Executive Officer | Gilles Langourieux |
Chief Revenue Officer | Jake Digennard |
Head of Art | Chee Kin Chan |
Director of Business Development | Alex Heise |
Account Manager | George Ng |
External Development: Virtuos - Sparx |
Studio General Manager | Samuel Stevenin |
Planning Manager | Pham Thi Giang |
Production Managers | Dinh Thi Xuan Huong, Thuong Le Thi Hoai |
Senior Line Art Director | Ron Mayland |
Studio Technical Director | Fernando Castillo |
Associate Art Director | Cao Au Nhat Hoang Huan |
Art Producer | Do Minh Tam |
Associate Art Producers | Truong Phung Tuong, Samantha Tran, Nguyen Thi My Dung, Nguyen Thien Hong An |
Production Coordinator | Nguyen Thi Thu An |
Environment Teamleads | Nguyen Thi Cam Nhung, Nguyen Duc Hung |
Environment Artist | Nguyen Quoc Anh, Ha Thai Bad, Le Minh Nhat Duy, Vo Thi Ngoc Han, Mai Nguyen Anh Khoa, Diep Hue Linh, Pham Viet Long, Pham Tran Thanh Nam, Nguyen Trung Nguyen, Trinh Hoang Nguyen, Do Minh Quan, Van Dinh Sang, Huynh Chanh Thien, Huynh Thi Tuyet Van, Nguyen Kieu My Yen, Nguyen Giang Vy, Nguyen Van Thinh, Kim Hai Au, Nguyen Duy Nhon, Nguyen Hai Thanh, Ho Ngoc Anh Thu, Vu Hoang Tuan, Nguyen Hoang Bao, Nguyen Thi Thanh Tam, Phan Le Minh Tan, To Thanh Thuan, Nguyen Xuan Dung, Tran Quoc Hieu, Nguyen Truong Loc, Bui Thai Nhut Thanh, Nguyten Hoang Phuc, Nguyen Van Tuan, Dang Tran Anh Tuan, Tran Thien Bao |
Lighting Art Director | Ahmad Turki |
Lighting Artists | Tran Van Trac, Nguyen Tran Tan Duong, Nguyen Thuy Phuong Uyen, Bui Dang Thanh Hung, Nguyen Hai Nam, Dang Hoang Nam, Giang Tu Nhut Khang, Huynh Phu Loc, Nguyen Quoc Thanh, Tran Ngoc Lan Thanh, Phan Thi Bich Ngoc |
Senior FX Art Director | Jerome Hereng |
FX Art Director | Nguyen Minh Nhat |
Senior Art Producer | Dinh Thi Chan Tu |
Art Producer | Phan Thanh Huong |
FX Artists | Nguyen Trong Quy, Nguyen Vu Quoc An, Nguyent Thi Thao Nguyen, Truong Thi Duyen Anh, Le Huu Luan, Tran Minh Sang, Nguyen Huu Nghia, Keagan Williams, Elsha Hong, Bui Minh Nguyen, Le Minh Hoang Tram, Le Thi Nguyet Anh, Nguyen Hoang Nhu Thao, Nguyen Tan Thong, Nguyen Huu Tho |
Rigging Director | Mauricio Revuelta Cuauthli |
Riggers | Vo Long Thanh, Ngo Ngoc Tung, Do Quoc Thao, Jordan, Chanel Maria Novela |
Lead Technical Artist | Do Phung Nhan Ban |
Technical Artists | Nguyen Thao Duong, Hoang Quoc Thinh, Nguyen Thanh Hung |
Lead Network Admin | Tran Minh Thanh |
Lead System Admin | Nguyen Van Hoa |
External Development: Virtuos - Shanghai |
Studio General Manager | Wang Weiwei |
Production Director | Zhiyong Xu |
Art Director | Zhuang Yucong |
Technical Art Director | Oleksii Moskovchenko |
Producer | Lu Xiaming |
Assistnat Producer | Chen Zeyu |
Team Lead | Wang Ying |
Character Artists | Chen Jie, Li Zhaoxuan, Wu Jie |
Technical Artist | Yuxin Lu |
IT Director | Shen Zhiyuan |
IT Partner | Qin Yingzhen |
External Development: Virtuos - Montreal |
Studio General Manager | David J. Y. Cheung |
Art Producer | Pashka Paskulin |
Production Coordinator | Jennifer Lee |
Lead Concept Artist | Quentin Gautier |
Concept Artists | Guillem Ferrer, Jordan Thomas |
External Development: Virtuos - Glass Egg |
Head of Production | Le Hoang Nguyen Thuy |
Chief Technical Officer | Nguyen Dang Quy |
Art Director | Vo Xuan Tung |
Art Manager | Nguyen Abu Thang |
Art Supervisor | Truong Tama Dung |
Art Lead | Lam Khanh Duy |
Technical Manager | Hoang Xuan Vuong |
Technical Supervisor | Tran Minh Canh |
Producers | Nguyen Eric Hai, Nguyen Anh Thu |
3D Artists | Luu Quang Sang, Doan Nguyen Thanh Cong, Nguyen Bao Dai, Tran Trong Hieu, Ly Quoc Hung, Vo Xuan Trong, Ho Dang Khoa, Nguyen Thanh Long, Tang Hoang Long, Tran Thang Minh, Phan Hong Thai, Huynh Tat Nhat Thien, Nguyen Le Tung, Nguyen Thy Vinh, Huynh Cong Chien, Lieu Hoang Phuc, Ngo Van Ho |
External Development: Volta |
Founder & CEO | Claude Bordeleau |
Business Development | Elliot Stevens |
Project Manager | Jean Chritophe Drolet |
Art Director | Bogdan Marica |
Lead Artist | Miguel Membreno |
Artists | Rodrigo Ramos, Tiago Sousa, Anik Sikder |
Copyrights |
Powered by | Wwise© 2006-2023 Qudiokinetic Inc. All rights reserved. |
XenoVox® dialogue production tool from | Outspoken Audio. |
Uses Bink Video. Copyright© 1997-2023 by | Epic Games Tools, LLC. |
Portions of this software utilize | SpeedTree Technology. ©2002-2023 Interactive Data Visualization, Inc. All rights reserved. |
Havok software is | ©2023 Microsoft. All rights reserved. |
MongoDB v.3.0.3 | Copyright ©2015 MongoDB, Inc. |
MongoDB mongo-c-driver v.1.1.6 | Copyright ©2015 MongoDB, Inc. |
Recast nav | Copyright (c) 2009 Mikko Mononen [email protected] |
ACES | Copyright ©2015 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (A.M.P.A.S.). |
Cityhash | Copyright ©2011 Google, Inc. |
Newtonsoft - The MIT License: Copyright ©2007 | James Newton-King |
ShaderFastLibs - The MIT License: Copyright© 2014 | Michael Drobot |
Simplex noise - Copyright ©2011 by | Ashima Arts (Simplex noise) |
Simplex noise - Copyright ©2011-2016 by | Stefan Gustavso (Classic noise and others) |
Mongoose 3.B - The MIT License Copyright ©2004-2013 | Sergey Lyubka |
RapidXml - The MIT License: Copyright ©2006, 2007 | Marcin Kaliciński |
V8 Copyright 2006-2011, | the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. |
GoogleTest Copyright 2008, | Google Inc. All rights reserved. |
URIParser Copyright ©2007 | Weija Song, Sebastian Pipping, All rights reserved |
Minhook - The Minimalistic API Hooking Library for x64/x86 Copyright (C) 2009-2017 | Tsuda Kageyu, All rights reserved |
Curl Copyright ©1996-2023 | Daniel Stenberg ([email protected]), and many contributors, see the THANKS file All rights reserved. |
TinyXML | This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:, 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required., 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software., 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. |
LMDB Copyright 2011-2015 | Howard Chu, Symas Corp. All rights reserved |
OpenLDAP is a registered trademark of | the OpenLDAP Foundation. Copyright 1999-2003 The OpenLDAP Foundation, Redwood City, California, USA. All Rights Reserved. Permission to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document is granted. |
Eigen | License information for Eigen 3.2.8 (, Eigen is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v.2.0, available at |
ZeroMQ | Copyright ©2018 iMatix Corporation |
Qt | Copyright ©2018 The Qt Company Ltd. |
Stock Images: Adobe |
CGI Moon Kit | NASA: |
NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio - Lead Visualizer | Ernie Wright (USRA) |
NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio - Scientist | Noah Petro (NASA/GSFC) |
Charlie Parker saxophone 3D model provided courtesy of | the Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture. |
Genderqueer and non-binary pride flag © | Marilyn Roxie, is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution0NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License |
Thanks to (for contributing her likeness to the Black Lives Matter mural in the game) | Aliya Will |
Rubik's Cube™ used courtesy of | Spin Master |
"Progress" Pride Flag© | Daniel Quasar, is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License |
The Empire State Building image® is a registered trademark of | ESRT Empire State Building, LLC. and is used with permission. |
The name and image of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum are trademarks of | The Solom R. Guggenheim Foundation. Used with permission. |
The image and/or appearance of the FLATIRON BUILDING is a trademark | used under limited license. |
Special thanks to | The Madison Square Garden Company. |
Madison Square Garden, Radio City and Radio City Music Hall are registered trademarks of | MSG Sports & Entertainment, LLC or its affiliates. |
Images of Lincoln Center courtesy of | Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. |
Caution Sign Wear Eye Protection on white background | Seetwo/ |
Corrosive warning sign, warning symbol, stock photo | Alexandernative/ |
3d rendering of six striped pop corn tubs hanging on white background | Aleksandr Elesin (credited as Gearstd/ |
Abstract neon lights Sci-Fi futuristic Hi Tech virtual reality tunnel, Futuristic motion graphic, Ultra violet neon light glow, 3D rendering | Quardia Inc./ |
Abstract sphere background with plexus effect. 3D surface. | Alex/ |
Ancient picture. Church in village. | dred2010/ |
An ear of corn isolated on a white background. | Atoss/ |
A set of cute robots in the style of cartoon to design posters, invitations to children's parties, posters for events, game certificates. Vector illustration of the concept of robots in science. | Alisa Rut (credited as |
Astronaut in the outer space over the planet earth. | Dimazel/ |
Atom icon in flat design. Gray molecule symbol or atom symbol isolated. Vector illustration. | Daria Chekman (credited as dariachekman/ |
Back to school education study season posters. | Vector Tradition/ |
Basketball sport ball, winner cup and basket hoop. | Vector Tradition/ |
Tartan Plaid Textile Design. | mushan/ |
Bouquet of flowers (poppies, ears of wheat and cornflowers) brown tones. Ukrainian embroidery elements. Hand made. Border pattern. | yik2007/ |
Color bouquet of flowers (poppies and pansies) using traditional Ukrainian embroidery elements. Border pattern. | yik2007/ |
brown bear standing on rock cliff - watercolor painting of wild animal with paper texture. | Cattalina/ |
Carpet Python Ascending. | Michael B. Kowalski (credited as Michael B. Kowalski/ |
Cartoon Captain Shrimp. | Memo Angeles (credited as |
cartoon funny dinosaur illustration graphic design. | hayr pictures/ |
Cartoon smiling striped tiger in superhero costume isolated on white background. Cute funny joyful wild cat. Holiday standing cheerful animal character super hero in red mantle vector illustration. | Julia Kirioglo (credited as julkirio/ |
Chinese frames. Asian new ear decorative square borders, red traditional oriental graphic patterns vintage art vector set | Olga Kurbatova (credited as YummyBuum/ |
chocolate cookies on white | Maris Kiselov (credited as Maris Kiselov/ |
Cinema set of posters. | DGIM studio/ |
Close up of Asian female Eyes look. Black and white Manga style. Japanese cartoon Comic concept. Anime characters. Hand drawn trendy Vector Seamless pattern. Background, Wallpaper | Dariia/ |
close up of dandelion on the blue background. | Iuni Kachkovskyl (credited as Iuni Kachkovskyl/ |
Collage contemporary floral seamless pattern. Modern exotic jungle fruits and plants illustration in vector. | Angelia Bambina (credited as Angelina Bambina/ |
Colorful chrysanthemum flower macro shot. Chrysanthemum flower background. | Tryfonov/ |
Colorful Periodic Table of the Elements - shows atomic number, symbol, name, atomic weight, electrons per shell, state of matter and element category. | Humdan/ |
Coloful up hands. Volunteers. Vector illustration, an association, unity, partners, company, friendship, friends party background. Vector illustration. | Lisa Kolbasa (credited as lisakolbasa/ |
continuous line drawing of jazz music. | Ahmad Safarudin (credited as Ngupakarti/ |
Continuous line music theme of person playing classical guitar acoustic instrument. Minimalism style of single hand drawn simplicity style design. | Ahmad Safarudin (credited as Ngupakarti/ |
Corn dogs set. Hand drawn sketch style illustrations of street fast food. Whole and half-eaten with ketchup, mayonnaise or mustard. Wooden stick. | Alexandr Plesco (credited as Sketch Master/ |
Corn dog traditional American corndog street junk food deep friend hot dog meat sausage with mustard snack treat coated in a layer of cornmeal batter on stick unhealthy eating on rustic wooden desk. | GreenArt/ |
Corn Flakes. | Okea/ |
Creative Infographic collection Of Colorful Models Showing Electric And Magnetic Fields On White Background. | studioworkstock/ |
Diagram showing different planets in the solar system. | |
E.Coli Bacteria Cells 3D Illustration. | Ezume Images/ |
Education Characters Run Back to School Background. | Muchmania/ |
Education online covers. Posters or ads flyer template with educational concept teachers fro internet training courses vector design. Language course poster ad, e-learning resourse illustration. | ONYXprj/ |
Falling potato chips isolated on white background. | Xamtlw/ |
Farm fresh vegetables Vector banner. Store shop grocery detailed illustrations posters. | Castecodesign/ |
Farm set. | Wichittra Srisunon (credited as Wichittra Srisunon/ |
Fast food vector hand drawn menu. Blackboard junk food stripe illustration. Soda, hot dog, pizza, burger and french fries drawing. | Julia/ |
Fields landscape. Scenic green hills nature sky horizon meadow grass field rural land agriculture grassland. | Olga Kurbatova (credited as YummyBuum/ |
Fishing Boat. | bbdesign1/ |
Football Player. | Beta_Chagas/ |
Fresh Fish and Seafood. | Alexander Raths (credited as alexander raths/ |
Fresh fish and seafood on ice, closeup. | New Africa/ |
Funnel cake / Carnival food, selective focus. | Vm2002/ |
funnel cake w/strawberries. | Steve/ |
Giraffes in the African savannah. Serengeti National Park. Africa. Tanzania. | Delbars/ |
Golden tuba isolated. | Maria/ |
Green Blackboard Mathematical with Thin Line Shapes and Inscriptions. | bigmouse108/ |
Hand drawn lettering Book club inscription for invitation and greeting card, promo, prints, flyer, cover, and posters. Vector vintage illustration with open books. | Tanyasun/ |
Happy and smiling farmer with a pitchfork in his hands, against the background of an agricultural landscape. | Rustic/ |
Happy World Pi Day! Celebrate Pi Day. March 14th (3/14). Mathematical constant. The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diamter. Constant number Pi. Greek letter. | Tatsiana Tsyhanova (credited as Tatsiana Tsyhanova/ |
Healthy Diet of Seafood on Ice. | olesyash/ |
Hearts funny cartoon characters. Valentines day vector illustrations in trendy retro cartoon style. Love concept. | Maria Mashkova (credited as Martyshova/ |
Honey bee icon. | dzm1try/ |
How to wash your hands. | elenabsl/ |
Human Internal Organs Infographic Poster. | macrovector/ |
Hunting game and figs. | Anneke/ |
Illustration of mammals. | ruskpp/ |
Illustration of mammals, elephants. | ruskpp/ |
Illustration of mammals. | ruskpp/, ruskpp/ |
Ink sketch of desserts. | Natalia Golovanova (credited as Alhontess/ |
Italian chef with pizza. | studiostoks/ |
janitor | Yael Weiss (credited as Yael Weiss/ |
Javan leopard close up. | Vaclav Zilvar (credited as Vaclav Zilvar/ |
Jazz band people set on white background. | Cinpies Design/ |
Labels with seafood and fishes. Set templates price tags for shops and markets of organic food. Vector illustration art. Vintage. Hand drawn nature objects. | Lubov Chipurko (credited as lubovchipurko/ |
lavender flowers. | Mira Drozdowski (credited as Mira Drozdowski/ |
Lilac painting. | World of painting/ |
Logos of green leaf ecology nature element vector icon. | green2/ |
Macro leaves background. | Valentina R./ |
Map of Manhattan with Typography Logo. | netsign/ |
Math linear mathematics education circle background with geometrical plots, seamless background doodle vector. | pakpong pongatichat/ |
meerkat portrait looking over shoulder. | Ryan McGehee (credited as Ryan McGehee/ |
Mendeleev's Periodic Table of the Elements. | andriano_cz/ |
Mission to Mars - poster in retro vintage style with rocket taking off. Worn texture on a separate layer. | Agor2012 (credited as Agor2012/ |
Mother and baby elephant walk together. | Tanjaistudio/ |
Music festival. Jazz concert, musical instruments poster design. Guitar and piano, saxophone background. Vector open air song event flyers. Illustration banner, musical guitar and piano instrument. | MicroOne/ |
New York old map. | nickolae/ |
oil painting - balcony near the sea. | Fresh stock/ |
Oil painting Daisy flowers. | serge-b/ |
Oil painting. Hunter on a horse with dogs. Autumn hunting drawing. | victoria/ |
Oil painting landscape - autumn forest near the river, orange leaves. | Fresh stock/ |
oil painting landscape, oriental cherry tree, sakura on the lake. | Fresh stock/ |
Oil Painting - stone embankment, filled with flowers near the sea. | Fresh stock/ |
Oil Painting on canvas. Beautiful church, lit by the sun on a frosty winter night. Clear blue sky and sparkling snow. Procession. | Victor Chaika (credited as Victor Chaika/ |
oil painting, portrait, handmade. | vadim_fl/ |
Oil painting portrait with Portrait of the old grandmother in pastel tones On Canvas. | Slava Samoilenko (credited as slava_samoilenko/ |
Panorama of two lionesses lying with cubs. | Nick Dale (credited as Nick Dale/ |
Part of a flower biological diagram, vector illustration drawing with educational scheme. | VectorMine/ |
patient discussing with female doctor in tablet screen chat bubble communication online consultation. | mast3r/ |
Science Research Creative Word OVer Abstract Geometric Shapes Background Web Banner Vector Illustration. | mast3r/ |
Realistic planet render, deep space visualisation. Elements of this image furnished by NASA | Vadim Sadovski (credited as Vadimsadovski/ |
Restricted Area Sign Vector Template Illustration Design. | soponyono/ |
Rotating orange basketball ball on a finger. Basketball themed illustration template for poster or flyer or sticker. Vintage styled vector illustration. | Paul Craft (credited as paul_craft/ |
Salmon Fish Illustration. | moloko888/ |
School Jusepe Ribera de la Spagnoletta: St. Matthias. | zatletic/ |
Science Camp Invitation Poster Vector illustration. Science elements, Rocket with Physics mathematics on chalkboard background. | Farosofa/ |
Seafood vector illustrations. Hand drawn line sea fishes, oysters, lobster, squid, octopus, crabs, prawns, fish fillet. Laminaria and wakame seaweeds. Healthy food natural set. | Airmel/ |
Set fantasy rpg game heroes villains minions character vector icons flat design vector illustration | alestraza/ |
Set isolated on White Background Silhouettes Spring and Summer Plants, Trees and Bushes, Magnolia, Maple, Lilac, Castor, Acacia, Fire, Pine, Chestnut, Maple, Oak and Grass. | Oksanaok/ |
Set of Logo Badge Meat Store in Vintage Design. | Illusletra/ |
set of reptiles isolated. | JackF/ |
Silhouette of business people work together in office. Concept of teamwork and partnership, double exposure with network effects. | alphaspirit/ |
Silhouette of businessperson in office with network effect. concept of partnership and teamwork. | alphaspirit/ |
Silhouettes of Business People Over Cityscape Background. Corporate Lifestyle. Universal Wallpaper Concept. | Funtap/ |
Solar system planets set, vector realistic illustration. | Siberian Art/ |
Space mission posters, banners, flyers. Vector illustration Concept for shirt, print, stamp. Vintage typography design with space rocket, mars rover and ufo flying spaceship silhouette. | Igor Serdiuk (credited as sivvector/ |
States capitals and major cities of the United States of America. Beautiful modern graphic vector USA map. Alaska and Hawai'i. Pastel tones. | Albachiaraa/ |
Still life vase with rose flowers. Oil painting picture. | Kirill Semenov (credited as Kirill Semenov/ |
Still life, watercolor drawing. | Kolodochka/ |
Summer Colorful Art and Music Festival Poster and Cover Template for Event, Magazine, and Web Banner. | Yahya Rifandaru (credited as yahya/ |
Summer landscape and country road on canvas hand drawn. | Svetlana Malysheva (credited as Svetlana/ |
Sweet food. Cake, cupcake, cotton candy, ice cream, strawberry yogurt, donut. Pink glaze seamless pattern. 3d realistic vector set. | Natis/ |
team of medical professionals mix race doctors in uniform standing together medicine healthcare concept horizontal full length vector illustration. | mast3r/ |
Trendy floral branch and minimalist flowers for logo or decorations. Hand drawn line wedding herb, elegant leaves for invitation save the date card. Botanical rustic trendy greenery. | Merfin/ |
Tyrannosaurus from the Cretaceous era 3D illustration. | Mark Turner (credited as warpaintcobra/ |
uncooked black bean in the wooden bowl, isolated on white. | Amy Lv/ |
Vector design circuit board. Illustration Abstract modern futuristic, engineering, science, technology background. | nongkran_ch/ |
Vector engraved style illustrations for posters, decoration and logo. Hand drawn sketch of skull, heart and brain in monochrome isolated on white background. Detailed vintage woodcut style drawing. | Akim Akimov (credited as AkimD/ |
Vector illustration of a beautiful landscape in a modern style. Mill and field of wheat. Cows in the pasture. Village, Farm. | avoridana/ |
Vector Illustration of farm land, pasture, cows, agricultural buildings, irrigation tractor spraying on field. Design for farming, livestock company. | Olga Strelnikova (credited as OlgaStrelnikova/ |
vintage cartoon illustration of a walking sausage. | Dietmar Höpfl (credited as |
Vintage engrave isolated lion set illustration ink sketch. Wild cat background leo art. | Turaev/ |
Vintage oil painting of flowers in vase. | VIS Fine Arts/ |
Washing Cleaner Creative Company Logo Set Vector. Super Wash And Perfect White, Pro Clean, Crystal Freshness And Power Fresh Collection Different Logo. Logotypes Concept Template Illustrations. | PikePicture/ |
Watercolor Cow with a Daisy Flower in its mouth Farm Animal Portrait Hand Painted Illustration. | Cmwatercolors/ |
Watercolor painting of Portrait of majestic red deer stag in Autumn Fall. | veneration/ |
White Rhino. | Michael Robbins (credited as Michael Robbins/ |
Romantic smiling mature healthy romantic middle-aged couple. | Amos Struck (credited as Amos Struck/ |
Romantic mature couple with woman pointing out in holidays. | Amos Struck (credited as Amos Struck/ |
Wooden small boat with paddles vector design illustration isolated on white background. | Emil/ |
World Map - highly detailed vector illustration. | Porcupen/ |
Caution Hazardous Chemicals Symbol Sign, Vector Illustration, Isolate On White Background Label. | Yongyut Chanthaboot (credited as Yongyut Chanthaboot/ |
Industry health and safety protection equipment icons. Vector set of equipment for protection equipment icons. Vector set of equipment for protection health, illustration equipment for industry construction. | merly69/ |
NFPA Diamond 2-4-0, Chemical safety sign vector, NFPA Diamonds sign. | Hasheb Anzar (credited as Hasheb Anzar/ |
hunter in the forest. | Dusan Kostic (credited as Dusan Kostic/ |
Tropical palm trees blowing in the breeze at sunset. | Nathanael Kiefer (credited as kieferpix/ |
Bigeye Tuna | Nikolay Nachkov (credited as nikolaynachkov/ |
Stock Images: Getty Images |
Financial Market, supplied by | erhul1979, DigitalVision Vectors via Getty Images |
People sharing takeaway pizza, supplied by | Image Source/Image Source |
Beautiful woman with stylish hairstyle supplied by | CoffeeAndMilk, E+ via Getty Images |
High school girl studying model molecult in science class supplied by | SDI Productions, E+ via Getty Images |
High school girls work on robot for education, engineering science project supplied by | fstop123, E+ via Getty Images |
Teenage boy enjoys building a robot at school supplied by | SDI Productions, E+ via Getty Images |
Confident mature businesswoman with arms crossed supplied by | Morsa Images, DigitalVision via Getty Images |
Portrait confident, happy senior businesswoman on rooftop supplied by | RUNSTUDIO, The Image Bank via Getty Images |
Smiling portrait of a beautiful woman standing in office suppled by | Luis Alvarez, DigitalVision via Getty Images |
Push yourself pass your limits supplied by | Marco VDM, E+ via Getty Images |
Woman jumping in air in urban studio supplied by | Tara Moore, Stone via Getty Images |
Aerial Shot of Rooftop Garden - stock photo supplied by | Lim Weixiang (Zeitgeist Photos), E+ via Getty Images |
Close up of an e-bike in the sunshine supplied by | AscentXmedia, E+ via Getty Images |
Close-up of bee on yellow flower,Lago Patria,Metropolitan City of Naples,Italy. supplied by | Jaka Ažman (credited as AzmanJaka), E+ via Getty Images, John Kimbler, 500px Prime via Getty Images |
Close-up of bee pollinating on purple flower. supplied by | Niklas Weidner (credited as Niklas_Weidner), 500px via Getty Images |
Lot of electric bicycles on street. supplied by | Sergey Mironov, Moment via Getty Images |
Poco da Ribeira do Ferrelro waterfalls on Flores Island, Azores. Awesome forest and falls. supplied by | Francesco Riccardo Iacomino, Moment via Getty Images |
Tropical honey bee with morning glory. supplied by | Peiling Lee (credited as Twomeows), Moment via Getty Images |
Coffee beans on a beautiful dark blue-green concrete background supplied by | Ekaterina Goncharova, Moment via Getty Images |
Woman blue eyes. supplied by | stock_colors, E+ via Getty Images |
Fluid Art. Metallics Green And Blue Abstract Waves. supplied by | Elena Nazarova, EyeEm via Getty Images |
Portrait of a fresh and lovely woman - stock photo supplied by | CoffeeAndMilk, E+ via Getty Images |
Collage with female portrait and plaster head model (mass produced replica of Head of an Amazon) supplied by | lambada, E+ via Getty Images |
Collage with female portrait and plaster head model (mass produced replica of Head of Aphrodite of Knidos) supplied by | lambada, E+ via Getty Images |
SLO MO Burning flame - stock video supplied by | Simon Škafar (credited as SimonSkafar), Creates Video via Getty Images |
A stone statue, Egypt, Low Angle View supplied by | DAJ, amana Images via Getty Images |
Close-up of a bronze colored Nefertiti bust, made with plaster. supplied by | Instants, E+ via Getty Images |
Golden death mask of Tutankhamun supplied by | Rosemary Calvert, Stone via Getty Images |
Entrance to Temple at Abu Simbel supplied by | Jeremy Woodhouse, Photodisc via Getty Images |
Egyptian God and Hieroglyphics on the wall supplied by | nomadnes, Moment via Getty Images |
Monitor showing chart on stock exchange. supplied by | Sino Images, 500px Asia via Getty Images |
A young woman wearing comfortable clothes sitting in front of yellow background supplied by | Phamai Techaphan, Moment via Getty Images |
Portrait of a fresh and lovely woman. supplied by | CoffeeAndMilk, E+ via Getty Images |
Stock Images: Courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc., Used by Permission. |
Rope Knots Borders Black Thin Line Icon Set Web Design Element Different Types. Vector illustration of Knot Border | BigMouse |
industrial drawing detail and several drawing tools | Scorpp |
Modern abstract high-speed movement. Dynamic motion light trails on dark blue background. Futuristic, technology pattern for banner or poster design background concept. | Donglpix |
Sea knots and loops set. Marine rope and nautical knot, cord borders, nautical loop vector illustration isolated. | ideyweb |
Two grey arrows | Naypong Studio |
Hang glider | Galyna Andrushko |
Stack of Blank vintage photos | azure 1 |
a slice of cheesy stuffed crust pizza in females hands. females hands taking a slice of stuffed crust pizza close-up. | Katerina Parameyeva |
Flying spider | Alexey Nikolaevich (credited as Ademortuus) |
High school students with a digital tablet conducting a scientific experiment with their chemistry teacher guiding them. | Juice Flair |
Traveling / different modes of transport / car, plane, ship. Concept of online tour booking. | SvetaZi |
3D illustration of mental self-awareness of the inner true essence of man | Space Wind |
business man writing process flowchart diagram on whiteboard on black background | Vlad Bashutskyy (credited as Bashutskyy) |
Silhouettes of a gymnastic girl. Vector illustrations set on white background | Peregrina |
Air acrobat in the circus. | David Tadevosian |
Alien Like Black and Yellow Garden Spider belongs to the genus Arglope family Araneidea | HotFlash |
External Anatomy of a Spider on white background illustration | BlueRingMedia |
Education Chart of Physics for Simple Pendulum Diagram. Vector illustration | Vecton |
Pendulum movement, energy. Three forces work directly on the pendulum, the mass of the bob, gravity and the tension in the string. Pendulum Motion. Pendulum bob. Physical education vector | grayjay |
Funny pun card. "Don't you CARROT at all for me?" | Vanessa Dualib |
Silhouette of a man on the background of the prison bars, the sky and birds flying away as a symbol of freedom. Concept on the topic of psychology, psychiatry, religion, freedom, prisoner. | Triff |
Theorem in Differential and Integral Calculus | Peyker |
Boiling glass black teapot with blue backlight on a black background. Boiling water. Hot water is seething. Bubbles of air in the water. | Serhii Opikanets |
modern materials with high quality and versatility. | |
I want you - I choose you - we want you pointing finger | Sucharas Wongpeth |
Abstract Science elements with fundamental Quantum Mechanics formulas. Curvature of spacetime in a gravitational field, black hole, elements from theoretical physics.Vector collection elements | Sergey Bitos (credited as SergeyBitos) |
Tasty pepperoni pizza and cooking ingredients tomatoes basil on black concrete background. Top view of hot pepperoni pizza. With copy space for text. Flay lay. Banner | Vasiliy Budarin (credited as VasiliyBudarin) |
Young man with question mark sign on light blue background | New Africa |
Set of 3 Wrenches on a Dark Textured Background | Alexander Gustav |
Black wall with many tools in workshop | Amy Johansson |
School and office supplies frame, on white background, back to school | Kozini |
Abstract scientific background with fundamental Quantum Mechanics formulas: Schrodinger (Schroedinger) equation, etc. Blackboard with formulas, graph of a function, 3d klein bottle and torus. | cybermagician |
Birds - vintage engraved illustration - "Cent récits d'histoire naturelle" by C. Delon published in 1889 France | lynea |
Set of editable vector silhouettes of a man doing parkour | Robert Adrian Hillman |
Young Asian woman volleyball player in red uniform takes ball | Max4e |
Bullied female student reading embarassing news social networks by smartphone | motortion |
New York City (NYC, NY) map. Light poster with map of New York City (New York, United States). Highly detailed map of The "Big Apple" with water objects, roads, railways, etc. Printable poster. | Anton Shahrai |
Portrait of a beautiful young girl with natural make-up and well-groomed hair on a white background in the studio. fashion, beauty, makeup, cosmetics, beauty salon, style, personal care, posture, hair. | Ekaterina Jurkova |
Beauty portrait of African-American woman with clean healthy skin on beige background. Smiling dreamy beautiful afro girl. Curly black hair | Sofia Zhuravetc |
Western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) male silverback native to tropical rain forest in Central Africa | Philippe Clement |
saker falcon portrait, majestic saker falcon, beautiful falcon close up | Dagmara Ksandrova |
set of various reptiles isolated on white | Iakov Filimonov (credited as BearFotos) |
Man drinking a cup of coffee in the café | wavebreakmedia |
Fashion asian female model in red suit, white boots and sunglasses. Asian fashion | Max Frost (credited as MaxFrost) |
Multicultural young women in evening dresses eating pizza at party sitting on floor indoors. Blonde, brunette and redhead are relaxing together. Holidays, celebration concept | Look Stduio |
beautiful girl in palm leaves. Beautiful young woman with Make-up. Beauty Portrait | Eugene Partyzan |
Beauty portrait. Young African-American woman posing against tropical green leaf. Natural cosmetics concept. | Beauty Agent Studio |
A beautiful tanned girl with natural make-up and wet hair stands in the jungle among exotic plants. | Ekaterina Jurkova |
Cheerful woman teenager in glasses with neon lights spending evening in megalopolis and relaxing with positive music, youtful hipster girl in electronic headphones listening audio playlist in New York. | GaudiLab |
Evening fashion. Full length portrait of a beautiful graceful girl posing in a luxury evening dress in mixed colored light. Studio shot. | Kiselev Andrey Valerevich |
Fashion portrait of young elegant woman in trendy sunglasses. Neon light, studio shot. | Max Frost (credited as MaxFrost) |
Make-up and cosmetics. Portrait of a gorgeous young woman with golden make-up in a colored red, blue and yellow light on a red background. Party style. Copy space. | Kiselev Andrey Valerevich |
Beautiful african young woman wearing Islamic hijab drinking a coffee using smartphone smiling and laughing hard out loud because funny crazy joke. | |
Young cheerful barista wearing black apron while preparing coffee at an automatic machine in a modern coffee shop. | StratfordProductions |
Handsome waiter adding milk to coffee at the café | wavebreakmedia |
Strong man working with resistance band. Photo of man with athletic body on grey background. Strength and motivation | Romariolen |
Portrait of fit young woman listening to music on earphones. Healthy muscular woman with arm band over grey background. | Jacob Lund |
Clipping path portrait beautiful Asian women in sportswear run isolated on banner purple background. Healthy young woman runner happy smiling jogging. | ME Image |
Young asian female character hosting a podcast, cover image template | Nadia Snopek |
Hand drawn black and white illustration, flying eagle holding a sword. | Barashkova Natalia |
Portrait of an elegent young man posing in fashionable clothes at studio in mixed color light. Fashion shot. | Kiselev Andrey Valerevich |
Nervous angry young woman gamer playing online computer games at the table | Dean Drobot |
Logo woman with a bird. The girl gently hugs the bird. Abstract design concept for many lines of business. | alwih |
Fitness Gym logo design template with exercising athletic man and woman isolated on white, vector illustration | Graficriver_icons_logo |
Vector set of women faces, line art illustrations, logos with flowers and leaves, feminine nature concept. Use for prints, tattoos, posters, textile, logotypes, cards etc. Beautiful women faces | Marylia |
Cute happy garbage container set collection. Vector flat line cartoon kawaii character illustration icon. Isolated on white background. Recycle, trash bin concept. | svtdesign |
Cute happy smiling trash bin and Earth planet. Vector flat cartoon character illustration icon design. Isolated on white background. Recycling trash, sorted garbage, save Earth concept | svtdesign |
Cute happy plastic onctainers for garbage of different types set collection. Vector flat line cartoon kawaii character illustration icon. Recycle, trash bin bundle concept | svtdesign |
Angry evil plastic bag kills planet Earth. flat cartoon character illustration icon design. Isolated on white background. Pollution, ecology problem concept. Say no to plastic bags poster | svtdesign |
All plastic wanna be free card. Isolated on white background. cartoon character illustration design, simple flat style. Plastic free, waste recycling concept | svtdesign |
Appollo Belvedere statue. Detail Vatican museum | Gilmanshin |
Marble statue of greek god Zeus with cornucopia in his hands isolated on black background with place for your text | IMG Stock Studio |
Manhattan Bridge under construction in 1909. The bridge spanned the east River from Manhattan's Canal Street to Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn. | Everett Collection |
Vintage retro lighting equipment for shooting and movie. Old rust-worn steel large lamp stands on a rack near a light panel. Grunge brick walls in loft style. | High quality shot |
Vintage image of a Douglas DC-3 over New York City | James Steldi |
Ancient Roman or Greek goddess marble statue (Black and White with copy space) | Cris Foto |
Roman emperor Julius Caesar statue isolated over black background | Gilmanshin |
Ancient marble statue of mythical character Castor or Pollux, dated back to 1st century BC, located at the top of monumental balustrade in Capitoline Hille, in Rome (Black and White with copy space) | Cris Foto |
Illustration of women short hair style icon, logo women face on white background, vector | bignoze |
Moscow skyline and symbols. Vector illustration | twggy |
Hands holding bouquets. Colorful floral bundle bouquets in hands, decorative blooming gifts elegant spring summer bunches flowers vector botanic decoration set. | Olga Kurbatova (credited as YummyBuum) |
Dentistry Vector Icon Set B01 | BombSymbols |
Young attractive fashionable woman holding packages with clothes after shopping. Isolated concept girl character with perfect style. Vector illustration. | jossnat |
Wave from silhouettes of tools for the hairdresser. Vector illustration | Ziablik |
Traditional russian pie - kulebyaka. With parsley, dill, eggs, salt and flour sifter. Some cut pieces of pie on a spoon. Top view | Vitaly Goncharov |
Supermarkte aisle with empty red shopping card. | Non Chenpipattanasakul (credited as non c) |
Rack of clean clothes hanging on hangers at dry-cleaning | Africa Studio |
New banknote hundred dollars and russian rubles | Andrey Arkusha |
health food fruit and vegetable in Supermarket Grocery shopping concept | one photo, VladyslaV Travel |
Abstract science, hands holding atomic particle, nuclear energy imagery and network connection on meteorites space planets background. | PopTika |
isolated black and white illustration of a flying bird crow. | KHIUS |
Detailed crows painted in ink on a white background. Crow wings, grunge. A detailed raven with wings. Shades of gray. | Nick Samarin (credited as Hzpriezz) |
Red thread. Abstract red lines. | Evgeniyqw |
Portuguese Man-O-War Jellyfish | NFKenyon |
Consciousness and metaphysics concept. Waves go through human head. | vchal |
Skeleton punk rock guitar player jumps. Vector illustration. | Oleg Sibiryakoff (credited as ledokolua) |
Russian or ukrainian jam Pies, strawberry or cherry cheesecake, isolated watercolor illustration, baked goods. Hand drawn tasty food Element for design, greeting cards and crafting. | Ekaterina Fedotova (credited as Katrinshine) |
Coat of arms of Ukraine state emblem, national ukrainian emblem, vector | Crazy_Dark_Queen |
Ukrainian trident, Ukrainian symbols. Arms coat emblem, flag. National independence tryzub icons. Blue patriotic logo from Kiev. Decorative freedome crown on shield. Heart of constitution poster, flyer | grate_art |
Doner kebab cooking and ingredients for kebab, sketch illustration. Arabic cuisine frame. Fast food menu design elements. Shawarma hand drawn frame. Middle eastern food. | DiViArt |
UKRAINIAN_EMBROIDER | HQ Vectors Premium Studio |
Vintage1980's personal desktop computer and built in screen and keyboard. 3D illustration. | solarseven |
karate logo silhouette with brush vector | Riki Gunawan |
Sausage isolated cartoon set icon. Vector illustration franfurter on white background. Vector cartoon set icon sausage. | VectorVicePhoto |
Vector Set Of Old School Tattoo Designs | Andres Arat (credited as Aratehortua) |
Mexican Culture Fiesta: Colorful (colourful) traditional Mexican/hispanic painted ceramic pottery Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) skulls on display at a market in Mexico. | David A Litman |
Colorful traditional mexican ceramics on the street market. | Fedor Selivanov |
Hand made pottery. | mundassar_dar |
Variety of Colorfully Mexican Painted Ceramic Pots in an Outdoor Shopping Souvenir Market in Mexico. | CuriosoPhotography |
colored pottery. | Marques |
ceramic figures jaguars colorful pattern hand painted decoratives mexico artisans culture background | Fhang Media |
vector seamless background with a mexican ornament | valeriya_sh |
field of yellow rapeseed and sky | WiP-Studio |
The Brooklyn Bridge, 1881 engraving from Harper's Weekly. | Everett Collection |
people concept - smiling young woman or teenage girl in yellow t-shirt drinking soda from can through paper straw over bright blue background | Ground Picture |
Apocalypse series. Red skies and burning cities, covered by fires, smoke and flying debris. Disaster, nuclear war or asteroid impact landscape. Cinematic, filmic scene. | Piotr Podermanski (AKURRA) |
Night fire in apartment building, firefighters struggle with flame, burning house, Fire disaster and accident tragedy concept | DedMityay |
Nuclear explosion in the city | twistah |
Nuclear war apocalypse concept. Explosion of nuclear bomb in city. City destroyed by atomic war. Creative artwork decoration in dark. Selective focus | Ilkin Zeferli (credited zef art) |
Burning wood house at night | Mattias Bokinge |
The car explodes and the hood and roof are torn off. A black SUV is torn apart by a huge orange flame of an explosion, the night on a city street. The car explodes from a bomb or a shell hit. | Kinohustle |
Four silhouettes of rebels in black masks with various edged weapons and with raised fists stand background of burning car, front view. Anarchists set fire to car in protest. Concept of protest | utaem2022 |
fire truck and flasher fire engine. fire on the roof of the house. a burning at building house. home insurance apartment ocncept. huge fire blazes houses night 911. property damage arson protection | Maxim Ibragimov (credited as maxim ibragimov) |
A slowmotion of a huge burning bonfire on the Falles night in Valencia. There is dark smoke rising above the burning construction and ashes are flying everywhere around. Multi storey buildings are | d13 |
Fire Flames and Sparks in Super Slow Motion isolated on Black Background at 1000fps. | Kryštof Vondráček (credited as Hefr) |
Terrorist throws molotov's cocktail in the wall, wide lens footage. Bright fire in abandoned shelter looking like post apocalypse. | Kit Vlatkins |
Four hands holding four beer bottles. Clinking glasses in plaid shirt. Party celebration in a pub. Isolated vector illustration of four drunk person drinking beer on white background. Cheers mate. | VECTOR FUN |
glasses, stethoscope, pen and note paper with the word Medical Help. medical Q and A concept. health care Concept | Fauzi Muda |
Sketch of a skyscrapers of city, perspective from under the bottom, silhouette buildings, vector stock | John Yakovenko |
Human anatomy. A human skull without a jaw. Collection of rotations of the skull Skull at different angles. Isolated on black background. | Bragapictures |
Layered editable vector illustration of the subway diagram of New York City, the United States of America. | Tshooter |
Young smiling business university student standing against college campus wall with arms crossed | Jono Erasmus |
Blacksmith at work in anvil | Jacek Nowak ("Shaiith") (credited as Shaiith) |
Smartphone in right black afro hand with thumb pressing blank screen, Vector illustration isolated on white background | art of line |
Homing pigeons sitting and flying in a dovecote | goodbishop |
Silent disco landing page, app ui ux mobile app onboard screen template. Contemporary characters party dancing and rejoice in night club. Happy people at dance event Line art cartoon vector web banner | kylaksun |
We worked hard to get here. Shot of a group of cheerful university students on graduation day. |, Yuri A |
Carpenter With Tools - Retro Clip Art | RetroClipArt |
fashion outdoor photo of sexy beautiful woman with dark hair in luxurious black cocktail dress posing in villa | Svyatoslava Vladzimirska |
Seamless pattern with colored lips that smile and show tongue and white teeth. Bright vector background with laughing, surprised, excited, angry, singing, screaming human mouths on a light backdrop | paseven |
Set of different hand gestures. Holding hands, showing heart shape, red thread of fate. Valentine's day greeting card. Hand drawn vector line art illustration | senntabi |
Post blog social media poker. View from above with copy space. Banner template layout mockup for online casino. Green table, top view on workplace. Banner for online casinos and gambling | Now Design |
Buy a house concept. Man holding a house and key in hand. Deal sale, property purchase, real estate agency, mortage loan, buy a home. Modern flat vector illustration | shlyapanama |
Group of abstract diverse people. Friends or coworkers are standing, hugging, posing together. Cartoon characters. Teamwork, togetherness, friendship concept. Hand drawn colorful Vector illustration | Bibadash |
Hand drawing of two medieval steel blades on white background. Symbolical sword with roses and dagger with a snake. | Barashkova Natalia |
Hand drawn black and white illustration, flying eagle holding a sword. | Barashkova Natalia |
Old Russian coins 19th century, copper money on black background. Top view of vintage coins of Russia with monogram and Imperial coat of arms. Concept of rare coin, antique currency and numismatics. | Vlacheslav Lopatin |
Horror woman behind the matte glass in black and white. Blurry hand and body figure abstraction. | Joe Techapanupreeda |
Grocery story employees, small business and coffee shops concept. Annoyed tired saleswoman fed up listening to lame story. Female barista eye roll bothered at camera, white background | Mix and Match Studio |
Coffee beans on a white background. Top view. Coffee beans texture. | Holiday.Photo.Top |
Close up front portrait of and older african american woman against white background | mimagephotography |
emiling mature lawyer wearing glasses and office shirt | Just dance |
Im the owner of a successful business. Studio shot of a businessman wearing glasses while standing against a grey background. |, Yuri A |
Portrait of a mature African American businessman standing confidently with his arms crossed in front of a blank office chalkboard | mavo |
Portrait of happy smiling business Middle Rast man crossing arms, Chief executive officeror CEO person with suit standing in room. | Tavarius |
Portrait of happy mature businessman standing against grey background while looking at camera. Proud senior business man against grey wall with copy space. Executive manager with arms crossed smiling. | Ground Picture |
Head and shoulders view of beautiful older woman with short grey hair and beige jacket against neutral background (selective focus) | Natalie Board |
Headshot portrait of confident young businesswoman stand forefront with arms crossed looking at camera, successful milennial female CEO or boss posing for picture in office, leadership concept | fizkes |
Portrait of a young African American business woman - Black people | Samuel Borges Photography |
Head and shoulders portrait of smiling Asian businesswoman | Monkey Business Images |
Action Hero / Spy Thriller - Attractive Caucasian Male with Brown Hair, holding gun | NeoStocks |
Red leather texture | Piotr Krzeslak |
New Great depression. Poor millionaire banker. Bankrup. Crash of stock exchange. American gothic style. Tattoo art. Old hungry rich man search job. World financial crisis | intieri |
Isolated old volleyball on Black background | skynetphoto |
Beautiful young woman with unusual hair and transgender flag on color background | Pixel-Shot |
Female Doctor Treating Patient Suffering With Depression | Monkey Business Images |
Woman doctor with lgbt bracelet on her hand. Gay nurse or doctor and transgender medical support. | megaflopp |
African psychologist hold hands of girl patient, close up. Teenage overcome break up, unrequited love. Abortion decision. Psychological therapy, survive personal crisis, individual counselling concept | fizkes |
Disappointed hispanic girl getting unexpected result from pregnancy test kit. Sad young taina woman sitting alone on her bed. | Diego Cervo |
Female doctor comforting sad military man while visiting him at home. | Drazen Zigic |
Male patient listening to his doctor while she telling about the disease using digital tablet they sitting on couch at hospital | Anna Tolipova (credited as AnnaStills) |
Online medical consultation. Expectant woman having video call with friendly black doctor on laptop from home. Unrecognizable pregnant lady consulting her therapist while waiting for baby | Prostock-studio |
Flatlay of Puerto Rican food | Hope Phillips |
Mofongo, Puerto Rican Dish Made of Fried Plantain | Jmoon Productions LLC |
Hunting with friends hobby leisure. Hunters with rifles relaxing in nature environment. Hunters satisfied with catch drink warming beverage. Hunters friends enjoy leisure. Rest for real men concept. | Just dance |
Moroccan borders | melissa |
Pastry seamless pattern. Middle eastern food vector illustration. Oriental sweet fast food. | Anton Malina |
Set of arabic ornament for decoration vector | laili |
Silhouettes of Farm Animals. Cow, Pig, Sheep, Lamb, Hen, Fish, Duck. Farm Animals icons isolated on white background. Vector livestock icons. | ysclips |
Rushnyk with koroval on yellow background. Ukrainian bread and salt welcoming tradition | New Africa |
Pottery workshop. Pottery wheel. set of posters for the pottery workshop. | Smolnik_draw |
Ukrainian Hryvnia Vector Illustration. Ukraine money set bundle banknotes. Paper money 100, 200, 500, 1000 UAH. Flat style. Isolated on white background. Simple minimal design. | Zhuna |
Zhuna | HQ Vectors Premium Studio |
Vintage frame. Raster version | karakotsya |
vintage vector swirl frame set | bastinda18 |
Multi-ethnic beauty. Different ethnicity women: African, Asian, Chinese, European, Latin American, ARab, Women different nationalities and cultures. The struggle for rights, independence, equality. | AtlasbyAtlas Studio |
Female person silhouette | Hlib Shabashnyl |
Glass vodka bottle with screw cap. | MockupSpot |
Two lions together on the savannah in the sunlight | Kasper Nymann (credited as Polarpx) |
beautiful model with bright make-up (red lips) and blond hair | lenaer |
Set silhouettes of dinosaurs. Vector illustration group of black dinosaur silhouette icons isolated on white. Logo side view, profile. | Zhenyakot |
Protective equipment sign and labels wear hard hat | gobigoo |
Under construction sign and label construction is in progress | gobigoo |
Under construction sign and labels | cloudyorange |
Warning Under Construction Symbol Sign, Vector Illustration, Isolate On White Background Labels. Label. EPS10 | Technicsorn Stocker |
Warning, caution and dangerous area alert attention isolated vector signs and plates. Danger yellow signs for safety, hazard shock, keep out and caution warning and risk zone symbols on sign plates | Vector Tradition |
Hunting with friends hobby leisure | Just dance |
Happy family | Djomas |
Officers of the 1st Umansky regiment of the Kuban Cossack army | Gennady Grechiskin |
Vintage photoraphy, Northern Caucasus, Russia | Mikhail Pogosov |
Vintage portrait, family of the cossacks, 1891 year, Russia | Mikhail Pogosov |
Grunge wallpaper with white graffity on gray background | Julia Isaeva (credited as ISAEVA_ART) |
Big set seamless patterns, graffiti, king of style in black and white colors | Ivan Kamzyst (credited as Vanzyst) |
Bacteria virus or germs microorganism cells under microscope | Alexey Brin (credited as arleksey) |
Genetic multation of bacteria cell. Immunity fights viral infection | Altitude Visual |
Pathogenic Bacteria, Germ infection and Epidemic bacterial disease | nobeastsofierce |
Abstract background. Blue palette | Dragonfly22 |
Herpes virus or germs microorganism cells under microscope | Alexey Godzenko |
Microscopic Alcohol link. Turquoise Biomedical Universe. Blue Biotechnology Artwork | Holo Art |
Virus attack the leukocyte, viruses attacking cells or bacterias under microscope | Pixus |
Zinc nanostructures produced by laser ablation in liquid | Georgy Shafeev |
Euglena is a genus of single-celled flagellate Eukaryotes under microscopic view for education | Rattiya Thongdumhyu |
Monkeypox virus, one of the human orthopoxviruses, pathogen closeup | Dotted Yeti |
Coronavirus outbreak, the dangerous Covid-19 virus straing | Dotted Yeti |
Monkeypox virus, pathogen closeup, background banner | Dotted Yeti |
Coronavirus outbreak, the Covid-19 virus | Dotted Yeti |
Night city outline landscape on sunset background | doloneg |
Pixel art phrase new game and start. Retro game interface | Maderla |
Background in style arcades the 80s | Tetsuo Buseteru |
Grainy Texture for Your Design | Svyatoslav Aleksandrov |
Design template, Abstract grunge frame texture | Djapovic Milos (credited as Print Net) |
Outline supercar rear view is driving towards the night metropolis | doloneg |
80s retrowave background, 3d illustration. Retro video racing game concept | Mykola Yosypenko (credited as Motorpig) |
Night city in retro waves, synth, 1980s style. Neon background with supercar | doloneg |
PRESS START INSERT A COIN TO CONTINUE. Pixel art. 8 bit game. Retro game | Maderla |
Slice of pizza pixel art icon. Game assets 80s 8-bit sprite | VectorPixelStar |
Bike with delivery box | itsmeark |
Pixel art dithering background in red and orange color | PixelChoice |
Start a new game background with player selection. 8 biut game. retro game | Maderla |
Pixel art dithering seamless background. Aquamarine halftone | PixelChoice |
Dither Pattern Bitmap Texture Halftone Gradient Vector Wide Abstract Background | Alex Gontar |
Pixel art game background with ground, sunset, landscape, sky, clouds, silhouette city, stars and moon | Oleg Kelt (credited as Oleg_kelt) |
Pixel art background. Metropolis with skyscrapers in the evening. A large city with a place to move your character | PixelChoice |
Salami pizza slice. Vector clip art illustration with simple gradients | Memo Angeles |
Color Vegetable Italian Slice Piece Pizza Vintage. Tomatoes And Olives Concept. Designed Pizzeria Food Illustration | pikepicture |
Color Vegetable Italian Slice Piece Pizza Vintage. Tomatoes And Basil Leaves Concept. Designed Pizzeria Food Illustration | pikepicture |
Vintage photo of young woman (1944) | Elzbieta Sekowska |
Vintage hand-colored high school photo | Kristin Smith |
Happy family grandfather teaches boy grandson to ride a bike in autumn park in nature | Evgeny Atamanenko |
Wedding, couple - photo scan - about 1950 | KUCO |
A wonderful wedding cake detail | Hryshchyshen Serhii |
Vintage photo of girl in school uniform (circa 1961) | Elzbieta Sekowska |
Large Group portrait of pre-adolescent school kids smiling in front of the school building | Brocreative |
50-year-old man and woman with red hair fall | Elena Buravtsova (credited as niktalena) |
Birthday cake with burning candles in the dark background | BoxerX |
Unrecognizable father with his newborn baby son lying in bed | Ground Picture |
Mother holding her new born baby boy | Nathanael Kiefer (credited as KieferPix) |
Group of kids dressed up for Halloween | Daniel Hurst (credited as Hurst Photo) |
Cute smiling snowman in the scarf and gloves in the backyard | Rusha |
Little boy with his father building snowman in snowy park | Maria Sbytova |
Little boy hunting for egg in spring garden on Easter Day. Traditional festival outdoors | Maria Sbytova |
Online shopping for baby and kids. Father helping fitting shoes for his child at home | Maria Sbytova |
Education, children, technology, science and people concept | Ground Picture |
Adorable hispanic boy student smiling confident holding gold medal at laboratory classroom | |
CIRCA 1920: Original antique wedding photo. Nostalgic picture | Anna Kostyuk (credited as AnRevel) |
Pet bullmastiff dog lying on the blue sofa | Inna Astakhova |
Group of elementary school kids standing in school corridor | Monkey Business Images |
Bumper of limousine with just married sign and cans attached | unopix |
Wedding - bridge and groom walking in the park | Emin Kuliyev (credited as emin kuliyev) |
MRI of the skull and brain of a person with cerebral malformations | Vadi Fuoco |
3D rendered illustration of the human brain anatomy | SciePro |
MRI Image Of Head Showing Brain | SpeedKingz |
Vascular system | SciePro |
Human head and brain computer tomography image set | Dmytro Grynchenko (credited as Grindi) |
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.
People credited on this game were also credited on:
- Marvel Spider-Man: Miles Morales, a group of 1,094 people
- Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, a group of 965 people
- Marvel Spider-Man, a group of 783 people
- God of War: Ragnarök, a group of 744 people
- Horizon II: Forbidden West - Burning Shores, a group of 723 people
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Other Games
In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:
- Fred Tatasciore on 601 other games
- Yuri Lowenthal on 392 other games
- Ritchard Markelz on 367 other games
- David Parkinson on 367 other games
- Scott Rohde on 262 other games
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