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Spy Fox 2: "Some Assembly Required"

aka: Agent LIS: Operacija "Robopjos", SPY Fox 2: Operatie Robot-knop , SPY Fox 2: Opération "Robot-Expo" , SPY Fox in "Operation Robohund" , Spy Fox: Missione cane-robot
Moby ID: 20987

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Windows credits (1999)

74 people with 97 credits.


Interactive Design Lisa Wick, Brad Carlton
Lead Artist Brad Carlton
Lead Programmer Lisa Wick
Project Coordinator Rachel Frost
Writers David Scully, Scott Brothers, Brian Pulliam, Sandy Spangler, Tom Verre, Tom Witte, Fred Kron
Programming Chris Bui, Kerry Cassady, Brian Kent, Rhett Mathis, Brian Pulliam, Paige C. Watson
Audio/Sound Designer Geoff Kirk
Lead System Programmer Brad P. Taylor
System Programmer Stephen Magladry, Stephen W. Johnson, Christopher Blackwell
Lead Animator Tom Verre
Traditional Animation Andrew Brinkworth, Scott Brothers, Travis Kotzebue, John Michaud, Jay Prochaska, Fred Sodt
Character Design Scott Brothers, Travis Kotzebue, Mark Lautenbach, John Michaud, Tom Verre
Storyboard Artists Scott Brothers, Jay Prochaska, Fred Sodt, Sandy Spangler, Tom Verre, Tom Witte
Lead Computer Art & Animation Leah Verre, Greg Griffith
Computer Art & Animation Michael Jacob, Valerie Kissling, Mark Lautenbach, Cisco Martinez, Becky Sommers
Background Layouts Kyle Shold, Leslie Harrington
Background Paintings Kyle Shold, Leslie Harrington
Cut Scene Background Paintings Stacey Birst-Yates, Steven Nasker
Lead Ink & Paint Steven Nasker
Digital Ink & Paint Juli Adams, Greg Brennan, Dave Brown, Jennifer Dawkins, Bill McGuire, Aspen Price, Cat Richards, Trina Richardson, David Stevenson, Lorinda Wells
Music Composed by Thomas McGurk, Geoff Kirk
SPY Fox Theme Vocals Leah Verre, Jeff Wilson
Production Lead D. J. Mattern
Production Assistants Tanya Erwin, Nate Hall, Bob Lenth, Patrick Thangsombat
QA Lead Susan Mohn
Testers Todd Lyons, Robert J. Ochs, Joshua Prigg, Theresa Robinson, Matt Skau, Kelly Brown
Help File & Copywriter Caroline J. Sherley
Featured Voices Mike Madeoy (as SPY Fox), David Scully (as LeRoach)
Additional Voice Talent Mark Anders, Ken Boynton, Deana Burk, Scott Burns, Ross Douglas, Craig English, Kit Harris, Kathy Levin, Kathryn Luster, Gina Nagy
SPY Fox created by Brad Carlton, Bret Barrett

Bad Animals

Recording Engineer Suzie Brutke-Smurdon
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Credits contributed by Dave Timoney.