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Dragonheir: Silent Gods

Moby ID: 209074

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Windows screenshots

The title screen
I installed the game a while ago and it seems to check for an update whenever it starts up
Updates are automatically installed when the game loads
In addition to the game updates there are four Resource Downloads, they are the Hero Resource, Nytheria Resource, Southern Resource, and the Aethercairn Resource. I think they are updated every season.
After the updates I am logged in automatically and am given a guest id. I am new to the game so I accepted what came but I guess that over time I could select an area to land in
The game starts with an interactive introduction in which the Child Of Chaos, that's him in the screenshot, leads an attack on Tiamat
Skip forward twelve hundred years and this is where I come in. My first real decision is to select a character class and eventually I chose Human
This is my default Human character which can be customised on this screen. Once all the customisation were complete I was shown another load screen for a while before I arrived 'somewhere'
So I have either arrived somewhere or I have just been born. In the top right are the backpack/inventory and the armour/equipment screens that are accessed by the B & C keys. F is used to interact with objects and people
It seems I start the game in The Land Of Gloom.
Clicking on the 'X' in the upper right brings up an in-game menu
Very early on I had to face my first battle, well this is probably a tutorial level after all. In order to fight I must place my character on the battlefield. The left pointing arrow in the upper right gives me the option to flee rather than fight
Battlestart seems a bit pretentious for what is, effectively, a minor skirmish in the tutorial part of the game
During the fight the character accumulates the power to unleash their Ultimate Weapon, this can happen several times depending on the length of the fight
Unleashing an Ultimate Strike looks rather satisfying
Here I have a decision to make
Once a conversation has been initiated I just clicked on the available options to see what happened. The orange "What's Next" question is the one that is important in this sequence. Autoplay is available but I like to be in control
I have added a character to my party. Whenever this happens a screen like this is displayed
Actions taken gain experience plus there are people to talk to, items to collect etc. Lots of things to do and explore.
Experience points unlock more of the game
I have arrived at Fog Town. To enter it's the 'F' key again
This chap was a servant of Tiamat, the Dragon Queen, but he got banished to this place. He seems to know the lore of this world
Scrolls are used to upgrade my character
The in-game guide expands as I encounter more new events and objects
Here I am stealing something from a dragon. To do this I drag an item from the dragon;s pouch to the bottom of the screen. A dice is rolled and if the number shown is greater than the target, in this case a five, I am successful
Early on I acquire a Starlight Stone dice which can be used to recruit additional characters. It needs a specific resource to power it
This is the Otherworld Horn. It is used to summon additional heroes to fight alongside my party. It takes two hours to recharge and I can select the typr of warrior I need. The next screen is a dice roll to determine the strength of the summoned hero
This is my base camp. Already I can forge weapons and armour, cook healing potions and summon heroes. To the right and left are other structures that cannot be built because they have not been unlocked yet
Another battle. This time there are seven heroes in the party, five core warriors and two that I have summoned however only six can take the field.
This may only be a tutorial but it is not a walkover
There are regular bonuses to collect
There is a gallery of characters, none of which I have encountered yet
The in-game configuration options with Windowed/Full Screen toggle
The game is is keyboard controlled but I played with a mouse which I used to control movement and interact with things
There is an interactive help function
I came across this character in Idle Champions Of The Forgotten Realms
The game has a leader board and I am nowhere near getting on it
Naturally there are in-game purchases
This is my inventory and it has sections for different kinds of goods. I found a letter and clicked on ot too often so it ended up here before I could read it
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