Jikkyō Powerful Pro Yakyū '95

Moby ID: 208506

PlayStation credits (1994)

27 people (26 professional roles, 1 thanks) with 28 credits.

Jikkyō Powerful Pro Yakyū '95 Staff (実況パワフルプロ野球’95 STAFF)

System Program (システムプログラム) Kazuya Takahashi (as Takahashi Kazuya & Akane) (たかはし かずや & あかね)
Main Program (メインプログラム) Got-chan 1202 (as Got-chan 1202) (ごっちゃん1202), Yoshio-chan (as Asapachi Yoshio-chan) (あさぱちよしおちゃん)
Sub Program (サブプログラム) Kisenon (as Kisenon) (きせのん), Michio Horikiri (ほりきり☆みちお), Tadaaki Tsunashima (つなしま ただあき)
Simulator Programmer (シミュレータプログラマ) Pon-chan (as Pon-chan) (ぽんちゃん)
Graphic Designer (グラフィックデザイナー) Yanagōchi no Yū! (as Yanagōchi no Yū!) (柳河内のゆう!), Totomaru Tomaru (as Totomaru Tomaru) (ととまる とまる)
Sub Graphic Designer (サブグラフィックデザイナー) Banban Kinpi (as Banban Kinpi) (ばんばんきんぴ), Kenichiro Honda (as Kenichiro) (顕一郎)
Sound Designer (サウンドデザイナー) Misoji Young (as Misoji Young) (三十路ヤング), Michiru Yamane (as Chiruchiru Yamane) (チルチル山根), Kazuhito Imai (as Imohore Imai) (いもほれ今井), Masanori Ohuchi (as Bigfoot Ohuchi) (ビッグフット大内)
Recording Coordinator (レコーディングコーディネーター) Takashi Tateishi (as Takashi Sasugano) (流石野たかし)
Package Designer (パッケージデザイナー) Satoshi Imaeda (as Imaeda) (イマエダ)
Commentary (実況) Hironori Miyata (宮田 浩徳)
Announcer (ウグイス嬢) Michiko Neya (根谷 美智子)
CG Design (CGデザイン) Gentarou Mizukami (as G. Mizukami)
Support (協力) DJ ADA, Tappi Iwase (as Tappy), Chapatsu Yamaoka (as Chapatsu Yamaoka) (茶パツ山岡), Jikkyō Powerful Pro Yakyū '94 Staff [実況パワフルプロ野球’94スタッフ]
Director (ディレクター) Got-chan 1202 (as Got-chan 1202) (ごっちゃん1202)
Producer (プロデューサー) Kazumi Kitaue (北上 一三)
. Thank you for playing. See you next season!
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MobyPro Early Access

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MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by j.raido 【雷堂嬢太朗】.