🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

aka: As Crônicas de Nárnia: O Leão, A Feiticeira e O Guarda-Roupa, Berättelsen om Narnia: Häxan och Lejonet, De Kronieken van Narnia: De Leeuw, De Heks en de Kleerkast, Die Chroniken von Narnia: Der König Von Narnia, Las Crónicas de Narnia: El León, la Bruja y el Armario, Le Cronache di Narnia: Il Leone, la Strega e l'Armadio, Le Monde de Narnia – Chapitre 1: le Lion, la Sorcière Blanche et l'Armoire Magique, Letopisy Narnie: Lev, čarodějnice a skříň, Narnia Koku Monogatari: Lion to Majo, Opowieści z Narnii: Lew, Czarownica i Stara Szafa

[ All ] [ GameCube ] [ PlayStation 2 ] [ PlayStation 3 ] [ Windows ] [ Xbox ]

Tech Specs/Attributes +

GameCube +

Video Modes Supported:
Sound Capabilities:
Multiplayer Game Modes:
Number of Offline Players:

Memory Card uses 7 blocks.

PlayStation 2 +

Media Type:
Video Modes Supported:
Controller Types Supported:
Input Device Features Supported:
Gamepads Supported:
Multiplayer Options:
Multiplayer Game Modes:
Number of Offline Players:
Save Game Methods:

Memory Card - 84KB

PlayStation 3 +

Business Model:
Media Type:
Miscellaneous Attributes:

File Size: 2.98 GB

Windows +

Business Model:
Minimum CPU Class Required:
Minimum OS Class Required:
Minimum RAM Required:
Minimum DirectX Version Required:
Drivers/APIs Supported:
Media Type:
Minimum CD-ROM Drive Speed Required:
Minimum Video Memory Required:
Video Modes Supported:
Video Resolutions Supported:
Sound Capabilities:
Input Devices Supported/Optional:
Controller Types Supported:
Additional Hardware Required:
Multiplayer Game Modes:
Number of Offline Players:

Xbox +

Media Type:
Video Modes Supported:
Sound Capabilities:
Multiplayer Game Modes:
Number of Offline Players:
Miscellaneous Attributes:

Memory Unit - 55 Blocks

Attributes contributed by Alaka, Ace of Sevens, Sciere, Hipolito Pichardo, Andrew Shepard, Jeanne, formercontrib.

Ratings +

GameCube +

ESRB Rating: (Fantasy Violence)
PEGI Rating: (Violence)
USK Rating:
BBFC Rating:

PlayStation 2 +

ESRB Rating: (Fantasy Violence)
PEGI Rating: (Violence)
USK Rating:
CERO Rating: (Violence (暴力))
ACB Rating: (Mild Fantasy Violence)

PlayStation 3 +

ESRB Rating: (Fantasy Violence)

Windows +

ESRB Rating:
PEGI Rating: (Violence)
USK Rating:
BBFC Rating:
DJCTQ Rating: (Violência Moderada Animada , Violência Moderada Realista)

Xbox +

ESRB Rating: (Fantasy Violence)
PEGI Rating: (Violence)
USK Rating:
ACB Rating: (Mild Fantasy Violence)
BBFC Rating:

Ratings contributed by Alaka, Sciere, Hipolito Pichardo, Wizo, chirinea, qwertyuiop, formercontrib, Kabushi.